Planning and development advice Use our standing advice and guidance to plan and design your development to have positive outcomes for nature and people.
Marine planning in Scotland See how the marine planning system works and the part we play in plan preparation, implementation and monitoring.
Planning for Great Places Newsletter Read our Planning for Great Places newsletter to keep up with new guidance, consultations, research, advice and good practice.
Planning and development contacts Get in touch to discuss plans or proposals, and with any general enquiries about our approach to planning and development.
Environmental assessment Learn about environmental assessment and the support we provide to developers and decision-makers.
Our planning role and consulting us Find out about our planning role, when planners and developers should consult us, how best to engage, and the level of service we aim to give.
Guidance and Advice for Land Managers Within this section you can find useful guidance and advice documents for Land Managers.
Managing access and recreation Find useful information whether you’re involved in access and recreation policymaking or managing access or recreation on land or in freshwater.
Carbon management We're working with others to reduce climate change impacts by altering how we work, how land is managed and how Scotlands peatlands are used.
Managing coasts and seas Our coasts and seas support a wealth of habitats and species and Scotland's economy. We help to manage the marine environments many, often competing, uses.
Managing freshwater Explore how freshwater should be managed in Scotland, from restoring natural flood management to preventing the introduction of freshwater non-native species.
Managing the land Learn how farming and crofting, forests and woodland, and upland and moorland are managed in Scotland, and find out about soil management and habitat networks.
Managing wildlife We are the Scottish Government’s lead adviser on wildlife management. Learn about the framework that guides us and about some of our work with wildlife.
30 by 30 and Nature Networks The Scottish Government 2020 Statement of Intent on Biodiversity outlined commitment to protect at least 30% of our land and sea for nature by 2030.
Protected areas Scotland’s most special places carry international, national and local designations that safeguard their natural heritage interests for the future.
Protected species Some animals and plants are so threatened or vulnerable that they need legal protection wherever they occur.
Licensing NatureScot deal with almost all species licensing in Scotland, including non-native species licensing. We can also license out-of-season muirburn for certain purposes.
Priority marine features in Scotland's seas Scotland’s list of priority marine features contains 81 habitats and species considered to be of conservation importance in Scotland’s seas.
Safeguards beyond protected areas Legislation implementing various European Directives helps to safeguard Scotland’s biodiversity and ecosystem services beyond the boundaries of our protected areas.
Green Infrastructure Green infrastructure is a tool for providing ecological, economic and social benefits through nature-based solutions.
The Place Principle NatureScot, alongside other public bodies and agencies, are seeking to embed the place principle as the way we do business.
Open space audit and strategy - The OSS Hub Guidance for planning authorities on how to assess current and future open space needs, and develop locally appropriate open space standards.
Greenspace Map Planners, developers and others can explore the type and extent of urban greenspace across Great Britain using the free, interactive Greenspace Map.
The benefits of Green Health ‘Green health’ improves physical, mental and social health and well-being. Find out how individuals and communities can benefit from spending time outdoors.
Green health projects Find out about popular green health programmes taking off across Scotland, and read inspiring case studies of local and regional green health projects.
Our Natural Health Service Scotland’s natural environment is a resource that can be used to help tackle some of our key health issues. Our Natural Health Service aims to show how.
Natural Capital Natural capital is a term for the habitats and ecosystems that provide social, environmental and economic benefits to humans.
Food and drink Scotland has a rich and diverse natural larder, which not only provides raw ingredients for a thriving industry but allows us to engage directly with nature, through the seasonal food that we grow, pick or harvest and eat.
Tourism Managing Scotland's nature and landscapes with tourism in mind ensures that visitors can easily enjoy nature while avoiding damage and disturbance to wildlife.
Short film competition: Why invest in nature? NatureScot and the Scottish Forum on Natural Capital (SFNC) hosted the “Why invest in nature?” short film competition in 2019
Nature-based jobs and skills At NatureScot, we’re working with many partners including Skills Development Scotland to help to realise opportunities for new jobs presented by the transition to net zero.
Working for Nature This series of videos provides an insight into what different nature-based roles are available, through the lens of people working in the industry.
Learning in local greenspace Resources and advice to help and inspire you to learn in local greenspace.
Nature Discovery Map Scotland An exciting new toolkit for schools that supports Learning for Sustainability The Nature Discovery Map Scotland (NDMS) toolkit is a
Teaching in Nature Our CLPL programme and initial teacher education together ensure that we help educators at all stages to develop skills in outdoor learning.
Outdoor learning at National Nature Reserves (NNRs) Anyone can use any National Nature Reserve for outdoor learning, and some NNRs also offer formal educational opportunities.
Topics of interest to secondary students Secondary school teachers and students can get ideas for projects by exploring areas of our work that connect to Curriculum for Excellence.
Schools Camera Trapping Project Camera trapping is a great way to encourage outdoor learning. Watch some of the winning videos from our successful project.
Activities for your class Free resources can help you to bring our nature and landscapes to life outdoors and in the classroom for early years, primary and secondary students.
Grants for outdoor learning visits Learn about travel grants to help with the cost of getting to either of Scotland's National Parks, and locate other sources of funding.
NatureScot and Youth Engagement Since 2015 we have been working closely with YoungScot to increase access and participation of young people in nature.
Landscape Character Assessment Landscape Character Assessment identifies, describes and maps Scotland's diverse landscapes.
Framework for landscape policy The European Landscape Convention shapes our approach to landscape matters.
Coastal Character Assessment Find out about coastal characterisation and how it can guide planning decisions that affect our seas and coasts.
Landscape policy and guidance Explore landscape policy and guidance if you’re a planner, developer, policymaker, land manager, landscape architect or want to look after local landscapes.
Landscape tools and techniques Planning and development decisions may lead to landscape change. These tools and techniques can help, if used to assess whether such change is appropriate.
Managing landscape change Human activity and natural processes continue to change Scotland's landscapes, which play a vital role in our health, economy and international reputation.
Our landscape role NatureScot is the Scottish Government's statutory adviser on landscape. Read about our landscape remit.
Scotland's Landscape Monitoring Programme Scotland’s Landscape Monitoring Programme lets us assess how our landscapes are changing. Find out how the programme works and browse the published indicators.
Scotland’s Landscape Charter Scotland's Landscape Charter challenges everyone to take action for landscape - to celebrate landscape, improve our understanding of it, and promote its care.
Beavers could help woodland creation Careful design could help new woodlands thrive in areas where beavers are present, according to a new report. News - 13 February
Scotland's geodiversity charter Dr Colin MacFadyen tells us how the refreshed Geodiversity Charter promotes geodiversity as an integral part of nature and society. Blog - 04 February
Long-term increase in how Scottish nature benefits people The biennial Natural Capital Asset Index (NCAI) looks at the economic benefits to people, tracking annual changes in our ecosystems. News - 12 February
Spotlight on our unique gull species We take a closer look at the five most encountered species. Blog - 31 January
20 years of world-leading access to the outdoors Scotland celebrates the 20 years of the Scottish Outdoor Access Code. News - 09 February
Partans and Other Crabs Roddy Maclean investigates native species of crab as viewed through the eyes of the Gael. Blog - 30 January