30 by 30 and Nature Networks
The commitment to protect or conserve at least 30% of our land and sea for nature by 2030 (30x30) and the use of Nature Networks are key in delivering the Scottish Biodiversity Strategy.
The Scottish Government Scottish Biodiversity Strategy outlines the commitment to protect at least 30% of our land and sea for nature by 2030 (30x30 Target). The 2021 and 2022 Programme for Government committed to the deployment of Nature Networks. These two are key components in increasing ecological connectivity and restoration of nature more widely, helping to deliver the Scottish Biodiversity Strategy. There is close alignment and support of other area-based commitments to nature restoration including a new National Park and the Nature Restoration Fund.
Current and future working
Publication of the 30x30 and Nature Network Frameworks
For the last year NatureScot has been working with over 300 stakeholders through a co-design process to draft the Frameworks for both Nature Networks and 30 by 30. we are currently looking for feedback from those involved in the co-design process. Please fill out this short survey. The frameworks went out to consultation as part of the Tackling the Nature Emergency - strategic framework for biodiversity consultation with the final frameworks to be published soon.
Nature Networks Toolbox
NatureScot has been working with key users to pull together the contents of the Nature Networks Toolbox, as described in the Nature Network Framework. This toolbox will continue to be developed over the coming months to provide a space for delivery partners to source support for developing nature networks.
CivTech 8.3 - "How can technology help to create a nature network across all of the different areas of Scotland?" – NatureScot, Scottish Wildlife Trust, AECOM
As part of the work on Nature Networks, NatureScot and Scottish Wildlife Trust are co-sponsoring a Challenge in CivTech 8 that looks to design and develop a tool to support local authorities and other delivery partners in developing their Nature Networks. Up to date information on the development of the tool can be found here.