Grants for outdoor learning visits
Learn about travel grants to help with the cost of getting to either of Scotland’s National Parks, and locate other sources of funding.
NatureScot no longer offers grants for school grounds improvements. Instead, the Scottish Government funds local authorities directly. However, information on travel grants is available as follows:
National Parks travel grants
Grants are available to cover up to 75% (£200 maximum) of transport costs for educational visits to the National Parks.
Priority is given to:
- schools and groups which haven’t visited before
- schools and groups which come from socially disadvantaged areas
- groups which support young people, ethnic minorities, people with disabilities or those facing economic disadvantage or health inequality
Find out more
Cairngorms National Park Travel Grant Scheme
Loch Lomond & The Trossachs National Park Education Travel Grant
Other sources of funding
View the Creative STAR Learning Company list of grants for outdoor learning.