How communities can help the local environment
More and more communities are taking steps to look after their local environment – in a huge variety of ways.
Communities can get involved in:
- the development planning process and commenting on development proposals in the local area
- use our Talking About Our Place toolkit – to discuss as a community why a place is important and what you’d like to see happen to it in the future
- local projects such as improvements to parks, greenspace, local paths or Local Nature Reserves
- working with National Nature Reserves
- volunteering for local environmental projects or with conservation organisations
- local health walk groups
- wildlife surveys and other ‘citizen science' projects
- looking after a local environmental asset through a management agreement or by making a participation request
- taking ownership of a local environmental asset by using Community Right to Buy powers or through an asset transfer request
Communities taking the initiative
Exciting, innovative examples of communities taking the initiative – with some help and support from NatureScot.