Participation request
Communities can get involved in improving outcomes that affect them by submitting a request to take part in the design and delivery of the services they use.
NatureScot is committed to both helping communities to take action themselves and to have a say in how we plan and deliver our activities.
The Community Empowerment (Scotland) Act 2015 takes this a step further by giving eligible community bodies the right to submit a ‘participation request’ to specific public bodies. This allows a community body to ask us to be part of a process to improve an outcome that’s relevant to it.
An outcome is a change that results from what a public body delivers or provides. For example, creating a new community park may result in outcomes such as an improved environment and higher levels of physical activity. In turn, these may lead to better health and well-being among local people.
Thinking in terms of outcomes helps everyone involved to focus on the difference that we all make and the impact that this has on people and nature.
Before making a request
NatureScot has a long history of working with communities to achieve better outcomes for people and nature. You may find that we can agree on a way forward without you having to make a participation request.
You should contact your NatureScot area office to discuss the outcome you’d like to see improved and how we can help. We can also tell you how we’ve engaged with communities in your area already.
How to submit a request to us
You may use the form below to submit a participation request to us. However, you don't have to use the form to submit your application, as long as you answer all the questions on the form in an email or letter. If you do use the form, you may also have to provide supporting documents.
Download the NatureScot participation request application form
Email your completed application to [email protected]
Or post it to:
Participation Requests
People and Places Team
Battleby House
Participation request process
- NatureScot will verify your participation request and check that you’re eligible to apply. We’ll acknowledge your request and let you know who from NatureScot will respond to you. If you’re not eligible to make a participation request, we’ll explain why.
- We respond within 30 working days to participation requests made only to NatureScot. This rises to 45 working days for requests that also involve another public body. If your participation request is refused, we’ll let you know why.
- Your application form and supporting documents (redacted as appropriate) will be made publicly available on the NatureScot website. We also publish the decision notices relating to all eligible participation requests, whether accepted or refused.
- If your participation request is accepted, an outcome improvement process will begin. This will involve NatureScot working with you to improve and maintain the outcome. Once complete, we’ll publish a final report on this process on our website.
- Each year, we publish on our website an annual report that summarises all participation requests made to NatureScot during that year.
Find out more
NatureScot Participation Requests Annual Reports
Telephone: 01463 725000
Email: [email protected]