How our work is funded
NatureScot is funded mainly by the Environment and Forestry Directorate of the Scottish Government.
Most of our funding comes from the Scottish Government, in the form of ‘grant in aid’.
A new funding framework for the Scottish Government is being put in place following the Smith and Calman Commission reports. Until this is well established, it looks like our funding will be agreed in advance for one year, but with the possibility of adjustments during the year.
Our grant in aid funding is £47.411m for 2022-23.
The hire of Battleby Conference Centre facilities also generates some income
Grant in aid letter
We receive a formal letter from the Environment, Climate Change and Land Reform Committee each year to notify us of our grant in aid for the year ahead.
The grant in aid letter:
- confirms the actual amount of funding we will receive for the year
- sets out what work we’re expected to achieve using the funding
Find out how we report on our performance, including through our annual report and accounts.
Grant in aid letters – by year
View our Grant aid letters dating back from 2011-2012 to the present day on the Budget Allocation and Monitoring (grant in aid) letters page.