How we plan our work
The diverse range of work that NatureScot carries out to care for and promote our natural capital requires careful planning.
We plan our projects and spending in detail to ensure that we achieve our priority outcomes within our set timescales and budget. We also need to look ahead to new challenges and opportunities. We do this through:
- A nature-rich future for all – our corporate plan for 2022/26
- Plana corporra 2022/26 - Nàdar beairteach dhuinn uile
- Business Plan for 2024/25
- Workforce plan 2018/22
- Nature-based jobs and skills Action Plan 2023/24
Read more on these below
A nature-rich future for all
We all face a biodiversity and climate emergency. Everyone’s future depends on us tackling both. Big problems require bold action so that we protect and restore biodiversity in Scotland, and inspire everyone to value our natural world.
NatureScot has set out its priorities to help turn around the nature crisis and achieve net-zero carbon emissions in Scotland in a Corporate Plan for 2022 to 2026. The national objectives are clear. The decline in Scotland's biodiversity needs to be reversed by 2030 at the latest. This is an essential point along the way to regenerating and ultimately restoring abundance and variety in our natural world by 2045.
This is a national endeavour. No single organisation can do this on its own. So, we want to work with partners across Scotland’s public sector, and with communities, businesses, and the environment sector towards a nature-rich future for all.
Read more on the Corporate plan for 2022/26
Business Plan
This is the second annual business plan in support of A nature-rich future for all – our Corporate Plan for 2022-2026.
A lot has changed in the last 4 years. What has become clearer than ever though is that nature and the climate are in crisis. It is also clear that the link between the nature crisis and the climate emergency is so strong that it makes no sense to tackle both separately. Big problems need big, bold actions. The Scottish people have laid down the challenge to get on with it. The Scottish Government along with nations around the world is responding with new agreements, policies, investments and action. But, we need to urgently pick up the pace.
Our vision is clear. A nature-rich future is the only credible one for Scotland and it means radically changing how we use the land and sea to meet nature’s needs and unleash the power of nature to solve our problems. Nature must be the first choice in helping people in Scotland to deal with the impacts of climate change and other problems in society.
Read more on the Business Plan for 2023/24
Equalities Impact Assessment
We produced an Equalities Impact Assessment, noting the importance of this EqIA in how we do the work to deliver Connecting People and Nature and our annual business plan.
Workforce Plan 2018-22
The Workforce Plan 2018-22 sets out our approach to and priority actions for workforce planning. It supports the delivery of Connecting People and Nature by ensuring that we:
- use our existing capacity to best effect, and
- develop our staff resources to respond rapidly and positively to new work areas and changing priorities
We also produced an Equalities Impact Assessment to inform our Plan development.
Find out more
NatureScot Framework Document
Sets out our relationship to the Scottish Government.
Our Risk Management Policy
Provides details on the process we follow and the roles and responsibilities in risk management.
A plan for the zonation of our publicly accessible lands
How we will fulfil our Code of Practice on Litter and Refuse (COPLAR) duty to keep them in a litter-free condition