Planning and development: standing advice and guidance documents
Below are links to all of our standing advice and guidance documents, as well as to some key guidance documents published by other organisations. These can help both developers and planners to deliver the right development in the right place, by minimising impacts on nature and securing the benefits that nature can provide.
To support our written guidance we also run a programme of webinars. Recordings of the webinars can be viewed here.
Protected species
Standing Advice for Planning Consultations - Protected Species: Badger
Standing Advice for Planning Consultations - Protected Species: Bats
Standing Advice for Planning Consultations - Protected Species: Beaver
Standing Advice for Planning Consultations - Protected Species: Freshwater Pearl Mussel
Standing Advice for Planning Consultations - Protected Species: Great Crested Newt
Standing Advice for Planning Consultations - Protected Species: Mountain Hare
Standing Advice for Planning Consultations - Protected Species: Otter
Standing Advice for Planning Consultations - Protected Species: Pine Marten
Standing Advice for Planning Consultations - Protected Species: Red Squirrel
Standing Advice for Planning Consultations - Protected Species: Reptiles
Standing Advice for Planning Consultations - Protected Species: Water Vole
Standing Advice for Planning Consultations - Protected Species: Wildcat
Natura sites
Natura sites and the Habitats Regulations - How to consider proposals affecting SACs and SPAs in Scotland
Advice to developers when considering new projects which could affect the River Tay SAC
River South Esk SAC: Advice to planning applicants
River Tweed SAC and SSSI guidance for planners and developers
Dunkeld – Blairgowrie Lochs Special Area Conservation: supplementary-guidance
Habitats Regulations Appraisal on the Firth of Forth – A guide for developers and regulators
Habitats Regulations Appraisal on the Moray Firth - A Guide for developers and regulators
Standing Advice for Planning Consultations - Birds
Survey methods
Bird breeding season dates in Scotland
Disturbance distances in selected Scottish bird species
Assessing connectivity with Special Protection Areas
Impact assessment
Natural Heritage Zone bird population estimates
Environmental Statements and annexes of environmentally sensitive bird information
Mitigation measures
Guidance on how to restore peatland once commercial peat extraction has ceased
Guidance on developments on peatland: peatland survey (Scottish Government, SEPA, NatureScot)
Carbon and peatland 2016 map (Scotland’s Soils)
Floating roads on peat (FCS, NatureScot)
Advising on carbon-rich-soils, deep-peat and priority peatland habitat in development management
Standing Advice for Planning Consultations - Peatland Restoration Projects in protected landscapes
Habitat Management
Environmental Impact Assessment
Onshore wind energy
Siting and design
Siting and designing wind farms in the landscape
General pre-application/scoping advice to developers of onshore wind farms
Survey methods
Recommended bird survey methods to inform impact assessment of onshore wind farms
Bats and onshore wind turbines - survey, assessment and mitigation
Environmental impact assessment
Visual representation of wind farms
Assessing the cumulative landscape and visual impact of onshore wind energy developments
Assessing the cumulative impacts of onshore wind farms on birds
Carbon-calculator for wind farms on Scottish peatlands: factsheet (Scottish Government)
Assessing the impact of small-scale wind energy proposals on the natural heritage
Dealing with proposals for the variation of section 36 wind farm consents
Guidance on Aviation Lighting Impact Assessment
Collision risk assessment
Wind farm impacts on birds - calculating a theoretical collision risk assuming no avoiding action
Wind farm impacts on birds - calculating the probability of collision
Wind farm impacts on birds - use of avoidance rates in the NatureScot wind farm collision risk model
Wind farm impacts on birds - flight speeds and biometrics for collision risk modelling
A review of red-throated diver and great skua avoidance rates at onshore wind farms in Scotland
Assessing impacts to pink-footed and greylag geese from small-scale wind farms in Scotland
Mitigation measures
Assessment and mitigation of impacts of power lines and guyed meteorological masts on birds
Good practice during wind farm construction
Monitoring the impact of onshore wind farms on birds
Methods for monitoring bird populations at onshore wind farms
Offshore wind energy
Survey and monitoring
Survey and monitoring in relation to marine renewables deployments in Scotland
Environmental impact assessment
Coastal character assessment: Orkney and North Caithness
Review of seabird demographic rates and density dependence (JNCC)
Explanatory notes for table of seasonal periods for birds in the Scottish marine environment
Collision risk assessment
Using a collision risk model to assess bird collisions for offshore wind farms (Band 2012)
Hydroelectric energy
General advice
Hydroelectric schemes and the natural heritage
Hydroelectric development planning tool
Environmental impact assessment
Assessing the impacts of small scale hydroelectric schemes on rare bryophytes and lichens
Bryological assessment for hydroelectric schemes in the West Highlands
Guide to hydropower construction good practice (SEPA, Scottish Renewables, NatureScot)
Micro-renewable energy
Siting and design
Guidance on landscape/seascape capacity for aquaculture
The siting and design of aquaculture in the landscape: visual and landscape considerations
Environmental impact assessment
Visualisations for aquaculture
Mitigation measures
Standing Advice for Seaweed Aquaculture (farming/cultivation)
Proposed use of acoustic deterrents at fish farms affecting the Inner Hebrides & the Minches SAC