Hydroelectric development planning tool
Our map helps planners and developers to select hydro development sites by showing which Scottish watercourses contain internationally important plantlife.
Scotland is internationally important for moss and liverwort – bryophyte - species that enjoy the globally-unusual oceanic climate of Scotland’s west coast. The distribution and occurrence of these bryophytes, particularly the rarest and most vulnerable species, is therefore a key factor when considering the siting and design of hydroelectric development.
We have created a planning tool to help with this, which consists of a map showing the extent of bryophyte communities in more than 5,600 watercourses on Scotland’s west coast. with each watercourse scored and categorised according to their known or potential importance for bryophytes.
Explore the map
For full details of the methodology and geographical limits of the assessment, read
NatureScot Commissioned Report No. 449b: Bryological assessment for hydroelectric schemes in the West Highlands
A review of the original assessment was undertaken in 2022 to take account of new data on species distribution and status, and the tool has been updated accordingly. We thank the Biological Records Centre and British Bryological Society for allowing us to access the data used in the bryophyte sensitivity assessment.
Regardless of the category of the watercourse, a bryophyte survey will still normally be required to support a hydroelectric scheme proposal, and consider the impact of water abstraction on bryophytes as well as the direct impacts of construction on important bryophyte habitats, e.g. springs, ancient woodland, deadwood and bogs.
Our film explains why bryophytes are so important.
For full details of the methodology and geographical limits of the assessment, read
NatureScot Commissioned Report No. 449b: Bryological assessment for hydroelectric schemes in the West Highlands
We thank the Biological Records Centre and British Bryological Society for allowing us to access the data used in the bryophyte sensitivity assessment.