Management Framework for Beavers in Scotland

Beavers have European Protected Species status in Scotland. Policies allow for approved populations to spread naturally and for translocations into new catchments under license.



On 1st May 2019, the Scottish Government gave beavers European Protected Species status.  The co-production of Scotland’s Beaver Strategy involved more than 50 stakeholder organisations. It was published in September 2022 and covers the period 2022 – 2045. The vision is that: 

'Throughout Scotland, communities are supported in working together to maximise the ecosystem and wider benefits of beavers while minimising negative impacts. The beaver population is actively expanded into appropriate areas; adaptive management and mitigation is used to protect assets and interests.'

Beavers bring many ecological benefits, but we also recognise that in some situations they will need to be managed to minimise impacts on other interests.

Purpose of the Framework

The Management Framework sets out the suite of policy, guidance and actions that we will take forward in order to achieve the ecological benefits and minimise negative impacts on other interests. The Management Framework was developed in consultation with the Scottish Beaver Forum in 2019 . It will continue to be reviewed as part of the process of delivering Scotland’s Beaver Strategy, with advice from the now Scottish Beaver Advisory Group.  


The main elements to the framework are as follows. 

1. Management Guidance and Policy - Information about our approach to beavers and their management.

  • Guidance for land managers:  Outlines activities that require a licence and those that don’t; where to get advice, how to apply for a licence and how applications will be assessed.
  • Translocation guidance : Prior to November 2021 Scottish Government policy supported a natural expansion of beavers in areas with approved populations in Tayside and Knapdale. Since July 2022, the policy has supported conservation translocations to new release sites in Scotland. We have produced further guidance on beaver translocations and have carried out strategic assessments of beaver proposals for new catchments. 
  • Conservation status implications: Understanding the status of beaver populations and the impact of management on them.

2. Mitigation and Management Actions -  We can provide specialist advice in situations where it is necessary to manage beavers or their activities. Management interventions should follow a hierarchy as outlined in the flow diagram. 

Beaver Management Framework Flowchart
Beaver Management Framework Flowchart
Click for a full description

View a larger image of this flowchart.


3. Monitoring, Survey and Research – A monitoring, survey and research strategy was produced for the period 2019 - 2024 that has now been superseded by Scotland’s Beaver Strategy Implementation Plan. There are relevant actions across the Conservation translocation, mitigation and management and research and innovation themes; including evidencing and communicating the benefits of beavers. However, some of the elements of the original strategy are worth highlighting; including how we will undertake beaver population monitoring and recording of beaver advice and mitigation. There are also new monitoring requirements arising from licenced conservation translocations to new catchments.


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