Legal framework
Most of Scotland’s protected animals and plants are protected under two main pieces of legislation.
In many cases, it’s an offence to kill or capture animals, including birds, or to uproot plants. The law also protects some wild animals from disturbance or harassment, or disturbance of their breeding sites or resting places. It is also against the law to pick some plants.
You can explore our summary of wildlife law in Scotland in this guide. Or view our summaries of the offences in relation to each protected species. For the definitive list of offences, you should consult the actual legislation.
For most species, the Wildlife and Countryside Act 1981 or the Habitats Directive and Habitats Regulations apply.
The Offshore Marine Regulations 2007 apply more than 12 nautical miles from land.
Find out also about the:
- protection of seals under the Marine (Scotland) Act 2010
- Protection of Badgers Act 1992
- Deer (Scotland) Act 1996
- Scotland’s Wildlife: The Law and You
You can also get advice from:
- Police Scotland’s Wildlife Crime Liaison Officers
- Partnership for Action Against Wildlife Crime Scotland (PAW Scotland)
- your NatureScot area office