Invasive non-native species
Invasive non-native species are one of the five most serious threats to biodiversity.
Invasive non-native species damage our environment, the economy, our health and the way we live. The threat is increasing with the growth in international trade and travel. But we can all do something to help stop their spread.
The Code of Practice on Non-Native Species sets out a framework of responsibilities for bodies with powers relating to non-native species.
NatureScot is the lead organisation for non-native species on land, including:
- wetlands and bankside vegetation
- all land animals (vertebrates and invertebrates)
Other organisations have responsibilities for non-native species elsewhere:
- Marine Scotland – marine environment
- Scottish Environment Protection Agency (SEPA) – freshwater (still and flowing)
- Forestry Commission Scotland – woodland and other habitats on the National Forest Estate
Find out more
The Scottish Invasive Species Initiative (SISI) is an exciting and ambitious 4-year partnership project set up to tackle invasive non-native species alongside rivers and watercourses in northern Scotland.
News item - Invasive species the biggest pressure on nature sites
Invasive non-native species – Species Action Framework Handbook