Red grouse and licensing

All land used to kill or take red grouse must be licensed

The licence for land used to kill or take red grouse was introduced in the Wildlife Management & Muirburn (Scotland) Act 2024.

The land on which red grouse may be killed or taken must now be licensed. This applies to both walked-up and driven grouse shooting.

Find out about recent changes to grouse moor licences (November 2024) 

Who can apply

The licence holder must be the owner or occupier of the land. An occupier is someone who has shooting rights on the land. For example, a sporting tenant.

The licence holder can be an individual or an organisation (a trust, a business or a partnership).

You can apply on behalf of someone else with their permission.

It is illegal to shoot or take red grouse from an area without a licence.

Code of Practice on Grouse Moor Management

The Code of Practice sets out what you must do to ensure that your grouse moor management complies with all the relevant regulations. The Code also provides links to moorland management best practice guidance. It is a condition of the licence that you must have regard for the Code of practice.

Read the Code of Practice.

Map guidance 

You must clearly mark the area over which you may kill or take red grouse. We expect this to be the grouse moor boundary.

We advise you use Ordnance Survey mapping (for example OS 1:25,000 or 1:50,000) and apply a scale bar to the map.

The file must be smaller than 10MB. Suggested file types include PDF, JPEG and PNG.

How to apply

Use our online service to apply for a licence for land on which red grouse may be killed or taken. 

Apply for a licence

An alternative paper form is available which you can submit by email or post.

Red grouse returns

You must submit returns by 31 January each year if you have a 16AA licence. 

Your return must include:

  • the number of grouse killed or taken over the season
  • details on compliance with the Code of Practice

Provide your return

Returns can be submitted by the licence holder or key contact.

If you are unable to submit an online return, you can download the paper return form

Approach to enforcement

Under section 16AA(9)(b)(ii) of the Wildlife and Countryside Act 1981, we may modify, suspend or revoke this licence at any time if the licence holder:

  • fails to comply with the licence conditions
  • ceases to be in a position to ensure compliance with the conditions

Or where we are satisfied that the licence holder, or a person involved in managing the land to which the licence relates:

  • has committed a relevant offence on the land, or
  • has knowingly caused or permitted another person to do so

We will only suspend or revoke a licence where we are satisfied there is a connection between the offence and management of the area on which red grouse may be killed or taken.

Find out more in our licence framework.


If you already have a licence number, include it in the subject line of your email, or have it to hand when you call.

Licensing Team

01463 725364

[email protected]

Last updated: