Online licensing services
Updates on the NatureScot project to modernise wildlife licensing services
We are currently developing an online licensing system that will allow you to apply for a licence and submit returns online. We will gradually release new licence applications and features and update this page regularly to let you know what has been released, what we are currently working on or will be working on in the not too distant future.
What is available online?
So far we have released the following:
- Trap registrations
- Badger SFO (Standard Forestry Operations) licences
- Gull health and safety licences
- Deer fit and competent registrations and renewals
- Deer authorisations and renewals
Trap registration
The online trap registration service allows the user of traps under General Licences 01 and 02, to register traps. It also allows users to register to use meat baits in their traps. Currently, you are not able to use the service to check or amend details, so if you need to check or amend the details you submitted, contact us via email. You can read more about this on our trap registration page.
SFO (standard forestry operations)
The online SFO licence service allows the proposed licence holder to apply for works around badger setts from 1st July to 30th November under our SFO licence. Currently the online service does not allow for the application to be made by someone other than the licence holder. You can also submit returns online for licences issued through the online service. Currently, you are not able to use the service to check or amend details, so if you need to check or amend the details you submitted, contact us via email. You can read more about this on our badgers and land management page.
Gull health and safety licences
The gull health and safety service allows proposed licence holders to apply for a licence to take gulls nests and eggs or to take chicks or kill birds in order to manage health and safety issues that gulls are causing. The service also allows someone else, such as a pest controller, to apply on behalf of the licence holder. You can also submit returns online for licences issued through the online service. Currently, you are not able to use the service to check or amend details, so if you need to check or amend the details you submitted, contact us via email.
Deer fit and competent registrations and renewals
Deer controllers can now apply online to join the register or renew their status.
Controllers can use the service to apply to join the fit and competent register, renew their status and update personal details. An alternative offline form remains available for people who prefer to apply by email or post.
Deer authorisations and renewals
Deer managers will now be able to apply for or renew a deer management authorisation online:
- apply for a new authorisation
- renew an exisiting authorisation (out of season and night shooting only)
The digital service is quicker and easier both for applicants and staff to use, allowing NatureScot to process applications more efficiently. An alternative offline form remains available for people who prefer to apply by email or post.
Deer annual and authorisation returns
Deer managers can now submit their annual and authorisation returns online.
Remember that you must submit an annual property return and any returns for authorisations issued.
How you can help?
We want our new services to meet the requirements of our customers. If you are interested in getting involved in research or testing for any of the future application types, please email us at [email protected] with your name and details of the licence type or subject are you'd be happy to help with.
If you already have a licence number, include it in the subject line of your email, or have it to hand when you call.