Marine renewables
We support a sustainable marine renewables industry in Scotland, with good developments in the right places.
We strongly support a sustainable marine renewables industry in Scotland – with appropriate development in suitable locations. Potential nature and landscape impacts may limit development in some places.
Developers should assess how a proposed marine renewables scheme may impact on marine species, marine habitats and coastal landscapes. We can work with developers to find solutions that enable development and avoid natural heritage impacts.
Both wave and tidal technologies are being pioneered here, with more test and demonstration devices deployed in Scotland than in any other country. It’s prudent to site these technologies away from locations of known importance for marine species until we know more about their impacts on wildlife.
Scottish waters offer some of Europe’s windiest sites for harnessing offshore wind energy. Wind turbines are now a proven technology, but Scotland is leading the way in developing novel solutions, like offshore floating wind technology. Offshore wind development should be guided towards the locations and technologies that have the least adverse impact on our seascapes, species and habitats.
We offer guidance on a range of topics, including in relation to Environmental Impact Assessment and Habitats Regulation Appraisal for proposed schemes.