Environmental Impact Assessment
This process ensures that the environmental effects of development proposals are investigated, understood and taken into account before they proceed.
EU Exit does not make any difference to this process.
Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) may be required for:
- proposals requiring planning permission
- proposals requiring Electricity Act consent
- motorway and trunk road proposals
- forestry and agriculture-related projects
- marine works
- oil and gas pipelines
The assessment:
- is carried out by – or on behalf of – the developer or project proposer
- covers all stages of the project – from site surveys and construction to operation, monitoring and decommissioning
- report is submitted with the consent application
NatureScot is consulted on all proposals that require EIA.
This has been brought into practice in Scotland through various statutory regulations. These govern the assessment process and specify which projects require assessment.
How we can help developers
We can provide advice and guidance on how to assess the environmental impacts of your project or development.
You may wish to begin by looking at:
- A Handbook on Environmental Impact Assessment – for best practice guidance on each development phase and each assessment stage.
- NatureScot Open Data Hub – for free access to the spatial datasets we hold on aspects of Scotland’s nature and landscapes
Contact us if we can help you with your EIA.
Other sources of guidance
Planning Advice Note 1/2013: Environmental Impact Assessment
Environmental Impact Assessment Guide
Scottish Forestry – Environmental Impact Assessment
Guidelines on Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) for Agriculture
The Marine Works (Environmental Impact Assessment) (Scotland) Regulations 2007
Energy Consents: application procedure
Please note that for developments subject to the 2011 Regulations, the following guidance applies –