NatureScot's InformedDECISION™

A fully integrated platform that brings the benefits of artificial intelligence and automation to the consultation and decision-making process.

What is InformedDECISION™ and who should use it?

NatureScot is working with Informed Solutions to apply new technology to our casework service. The result is a new product called InformedDECISION™. 

Any applicant who requests our advice for a statutory consultation or pre-application, and all those seeking SSSI Consent.  This includes (but is not limited to) all Local Planning Authorities, a range of Government departments and agencies (SEPA, Scottish Forestry, Energy Consents, Transport Scotland), any SSSI owners/occupiers/agents, and any private organisations who work on behalf of any of the aforementioned organisations.

We are using InformedDECISION™ to ensure our responses are faster and more consistent.

How do I access InformedDECISION™ for my consultation?

Please follow this link to access to make your application. Please answer the questions and provide the information requested and we will respond.  


Do I need training to use it? 

While testing with real people shows the platform is straightforward to use, we recognise that applicants may wish to learn more formally.

  • February - 4 one-hour sessions (once a week)
    • Mondays in February, 1300-1400 (3, 10, 17 and 24)
    • Join the meeting now
      Meeting ID: 386 274 094 757
      Passcode: qs2LK3F4
  • We are also offering 3 half hour drop-in sessions
    • 1300-1330hrs (February 13, 20 and 27)
    • Join the meeting now
      Meeting ID: 385 955 793 019
      Passcode: FX94YR9d
  • March - 2 one-hour sessions – dates and links to come
  • April - 1 one-hour session – dates and links to come
  • May - 1 one-hour session – dates and links to come

Video-call-based accessibility requirements are already taken into account. If you have any specific questions about that, or anything else, please contact [email protected] and we'll get back to you.


Applicant Guidance

Making an application to consult NatureScot through InformedDECISION

  1. Open the InformedDECISION website.
  2. Choose one of the following options:
    • a. SSSI Consent
    • b. Statutory Consultation
    • c. Pre-application consultation
  3. Confirm who you are – please select the relevant option listed, or the relevant option if you are working on behalf of an organisation
    • a. The platform will follow a different set of questions for each of the options listed above

2a – SSSI Consent

  1. Tell us where the proposal is please either upload a shapefile, or draw on the map (using one of the options to find it fast, or navigate as you would on other online mapping facilities)
  2. Select the relevant option for whether you are the owner/occupier
  3. Give us details of the proposal in summary (free text).   
  4. Upload any relevant documents
  5. Select the relevant option about who will carry out the operations
  6. Enter the dates the operations will take place between (if there are suspensions, please make sure you use the first start and the last end dates)
  7. Select the relevant option about management agreement/plan, then planning consent
  8. There are two things that can happen here:
    • a. You are filtered out and told you do not need to consult NatureScot
      • If you would like a copy of that decision for your records, please enter your email address.
      • If you would like to contact us, click the “contact NatureScot” button.  The platform saves all your information thus far and allows you to get in touch with us.
    • b. You are pushed to the next part of the process that allows your case to be filtered in
  9. Review all your answers for accuracy
  10. Click continue
  11. Review the protected areas that could be impacted. Go back through your application to give more information if necessary.
  12. Provide us your contact details
  13. Click Submit
  14. You will then get an email confirming your answers/submission

2b – Statutory Consultation

  1. Select the relevant option for the reason you are applying to us
  2. Select the relevant option for the development type (these will vary depending on who you are; there may be more than one set of options)
  3. Select the relevant option on the EIA question
  4. Tell us where the proposal is - please either upload a shapefile or draw on the map (using one of the options to find it fast, or navigate as you would on other online mapping facilities)
  5. There are two things that can happen here:
    1. You are filtered out and told you do not need to consult NatureScot
      1. If you would like a copy of that decision for your records, please enter your email address.
      2. If you would like to contact us, click the “contact NatureScot” button.  The platform saves all your information thus far and allows you to get in touch with us.
    2. You are pushed to the next part of the process that allows your case to be filtered in
  6. Enter the name of the proposal and any reference (eg to a planning portal)
  7. Give us details of the proposal in summary (free text).   If you have previously consulted NatureScot and know the name of the case officer, please add this here.
  8. Upload documents relevant to the proposal
    1. If you are a Local Planning Authority, please only upload documents not in the public domain.  NatureScot case officers will download documents from your planning portal
    2. If you are from any other organisation, please upload relevant documents at this stage
  9. Tell us when you need a response by
  10. Give us your contact details
  11. Review all your answers for accuracy
  12. Click submit
  13. You will then get an email confirming your answers/submission

2c – Pre-application Consultation

  1. Select the relevant option about whether you have consulted NatureScot before
    1. If yes, enter the case ID and click continue
    2. If no, you are pushed to the next stage
  2. Select the reason for consulting NatureScot
  3. Tell us where your proposal applies
    1. If the whole of Scotland, you are pushed to the next stage
    2. If a specific geographical location, please either upload a shapefile or draw on the map (using one of the options to find it fast, or navigate as you would on other online mapping facilities)
      1. Select the relevant option about connectivity with protected sites
  4. Review the information about the protected sites your proposal could affect
  5. Either “save and return later” OR “continue”
  6. Give us details of the proposal in summary (free text).   
  7. Upload any relevant documents
  8. Tell us the expected dates
  9. Provide your contact details
  10. Review your answers for accuracy
  11. Click submit
  12. You will then get an email confirming your answers/submission

The pre-application consultation process is slightly different for SSSI Section 12 Applications, but not substantially.  The questions will vary, but the main elements are the same.

Case Submission process

Your case will appear in our Triage Assistant and be reviewed by a triage officer. They may assess it and pass it to a case officer.  That case officer will be in touch with any queries and then their response, within your timescales (or to agree another timescale).  The triage officer may also assess it and decide it does not meet our thresholds for comment and so will provide you with an appropriate response.

Adding documents later

If you need to add a further document after you have submitted your application to us, please email [email protected], citing the case ID, and attaching the document. 

If you are a local planning authority we will see any new documents appear automatically on your planning portal.

Protected Areas included in mapping function

SSSI, SPA, SAC, Ramsar, World Heritage Site, NSA, NNRs, Wild Land, Carbon Rich Soils (Class 1 and 2), Oceanic Bryophytes (Category A/B/D watercourses)

Types not yet included: Priority Marine Features (due March 2025); Geological Conservation Review Sites (unlikely – they are mostly underpinned by SSSIs).

Drawing in the mapping function

There is an option to draw a polygon shape in the mapping function.  This does not have to be at a fine resolution/level of detail but should be sufficient for case officers to determine connectivity and impact on protected areas.

In our experience all larger applications will have a shapefile to upload, or one can be requested from the developer. 

Frequently Asked Questions

A longer list of Frequent Asked Questions is available.

The Artificial Intelligence element of the platform is used by our case officers to present them with a range of similar cases.  This shortens the time we spend searching manually and increases the consistency of our response.  It is a large language model, not generative AI: there is a human making the decision. Here is a statement on how the AI is used.

When you make an application we use the terms “filtering in” and “filtering out” to refer to whether your case is referred to a case officer or the platform confirms you do not need to consult us.  To understand the logic behind this please look at this document.

The platform is light on broadband usage, so those in areas of poor connectivity shouldn’t experience any difficulties. However, we have a paper process for those without access to a computer or smartphone (and for business continuity).

The platform has been piloted from June 2023-January 2025. NatureScot’s South Operations region piloted, along with five local authorities, Scottish Forestry’s South Conservancy, two private consultancies, and all SSSI owner/occupiers in the area.

The pilot proved that we could provide a more efficient, consistent, and timely service with benefits to both NatureScot and our partners.  The average application time was 11 minutes.

Pilot feedback from applicants included: 

Usual familiar interface, clearly laid out and pretty straightforward

Clearly set out and follows a logical order.  The forms are easy to use

It gave me a degree of comfort.  This is much better than old fashioned consultation, giving me continuous feedback and enabling further comment.

I like this tool and the ability to really zoom in so that you can define the area exactly

Further information

For any enquiries about the change, please contact [email protected]

If you have any technical difficulties with InformedDECISION™, please use the helpdesk app within the platform itself (the “get in touch” button at the bottom right of the screen), or contact [email protected]

Buffer Information

Information about the buffers we place around different development types and different features. Please note that we take a precautionary approach to setting those buffers and they will be regularly updated in light of practical experience and new research. 

InformedDECISION™ uses buffers around both development types and features in protected areas.  These work visibly (development type) and in the background (feature type) within the platform itself.

A full list of the buffer distances is accessed by the case officer. 

The distances have been determined by existing research and specialists, and quality assured by case officers and their managers.  They will be refined over time and updated several times a year. 

Improvements to how we handle buffers within the platform are planned for 2025/26.

Information in this document should be read in conjunction with our standing advice and guidance. 

Types of Protected Area covered by InformedDECISION™

  • SSSI
  • SPA
  • SAC
  • Ramsar
  • World Heritage Site
  • NSA
  • Wild Land
  • Carbon Rich Soils (Class 1 and 2)
  • Oceanic Bryophytes (Category A/B/D watercourses)

Types not yet included: Priority Marine Features (due March 2025); Geological Conservation Review Sites (unlikely – they are mostly underpinned by SSSIs).

Feature Buffers (applicable to protected areas)


  • All geese (except bean geese)
  • Osprey
  • Peregrine
  • Whooper Swan (breeding)
  • Most breeding bird assemblages


  • Geomorphological features (coastal, fluvial, marine)


  • Red-throated diver


  • Golden Plover


  • Black-throated diver
  • Hen harrier
  • Chough
  • Bean Geese


  • Golden Eagle


  • Merlin
  • Natterjack Toad
  • Short Eared Owl
  • Whooper Swan (non-breeding)


  • Dunlin, Greenshank, Lapwing, Pochard, Ptarmigan, Snow bunding, Spotted Crake, Teal, Tufted Duck, Turnstone, Water Rail
  • Some breeding bird assemblages


  • Bearded tit, Black Grouse, Curlew, Dotterel, Fair Isle Wren,
  • Coastal Geomorphology
  • Reptile assemblages


  • Capercaillie, Great Crested Newt,
  • Amphibian assemblages


  • Peatlands
  • Fish
  • Lochs and river features
  • Some birds
  • Fungi assemblages
  • Some geological features
  • Common Seal
  • Grey Seal
  • Harbour porpoise
  • Most seabirds


  • Grebe, Great Northern Diver, Common Tern, Shelduck, Scaup


  • Woodlands
  • Grasslands
  • Uplands
  • Plants
  • Insects
  • Some birds

250m or under

  • Corncrake
  • Most geological features
  • Some birds
  • Bottlenose Dolphins

Buffer zones are not applied to some species because we do not have any sites designated for them: White-tailed Sea Eagle. 

Please note that some marine buffers are set low simply because we do not yet include marine licences or exempted activities in InformedDECISION yet.  They will be reset appropriately when we do.  Meanwhile, dolphins don’t tend to come ashore, and the development buffers are set appropriately (eg Aquaculture is 5km).

Development Buffers (applicable to relevant development types)

All figures are in metres and mimic the options available in the platform

SSSI Consent

  • All SSSIs have a boundary of 250m around them.

Local Planning Authority             

  • New build residential development - 250
  • New industrial, commercial & retail buildings - 250
  • New agricultural buildings - 250
  • New tourism or leisure development - 250
  • Conversion or alteration of an existing building - 250
  • Wind farm (includes meteorological masts & discharge of conditions) - 15,000
  • Telecommunications masts and related development - 150
  • Public road related - 150
  • Peatland restoration - 500
  • Aquaculture - 5,000
  • Access tracks - 250
  • Harbour/pier maintenance/alteration - 500
  • Other - 250


  • Woodland creation - 250
  • Long Term Forest Plan (LTFP) or Land Management Plan (LMP) - 250
  • Amendment to woodland creation - 250
  • Amendment to LTFP or LMP - 250
  • Tree felling/thinning permission  - 250
  • Emergency works - 250
  • Other – 250

Energy Consents

  • Wind Farm - 15000
  • Battery Energy Storage System - 250
  • Hybrid Renewables - 15000
  • Hydro - 250
  • Solar - 250
  • Overhead Powerlines (Transmission and Distribution) – 15000

CAR Licence       

Water development type
  • Discharges and Storage - 2000
  • Abstraction activities - 2000
  • Impoundment activities - 2000
  • Engineering activities - 2000
Waste management development type 
  • Transporting waste - 500
  • Storage and treatment of waste - 500
  • Composting - 500
  • Anaerobic digestion - 500
  • Recovery of waste - 500
  • Incineration and co-incineration - filter in automatically
  • Landfill - 500
Industrial development type
  • Gasification, liquification and refining: petrol vapour recovery - 500
  • Mineral activities - filter in automatically
  • Coating activites, printing and textiles - 500
  • Timber activities - 500
  • Treatment of animal and vegetable matter and food industries - 500
  • Solvents installations - 500
  • Anaerobic digestion (AD) non-waste - 500
  • Carbon capture - 500
  • Generators of electricity aggregating to 1MWth or more - filter in automatically
  • Preliminary Assessment - 1000
  • Option assessment - 1000
  • Detailed assessment - 1000
  • Procurement - 1000
  • Construction - 1000
  • Operation and maintenance - 1000
  • Harbour order - 500


Details of changes will be noted here when made.


Please use the helpdesk within  InformedDECISION™ (the “get in touch” button that floats at the bottom right), or if more appropriate, email [email protected] 

Filtering in and out

In line with our National Interest Guidance, NatureScot have designed InformedDECISION™ to help applicants understand whether or not they are required to consult us.

  • We use the term “filtered in” when your application will make its way through the platform to a case officer.
  • We use the term “filtered out” when your application does not meet certain criteria and the platform will confirm you do not need to consult us.


Screening and Scoping requests in connection with a development proposal that requires an EIA will always be filtered in.  Otherwise, the same criteria as with statutory consultations applies.

Statutory Consultations

If your proposed development takes place on a protected area (or within the buffer zone around that area), then your application will be filtered in.


If your proposed development has an Environmental Impact Assessment, then your application will be filtered in.

Marine licence applications will always be filtered in. (these are not yet part of the platform)

Electricity Act (S36/37) will always be filtered in.

If your proposed development does not have an EIA, and does not interact with a protected site, then your application will be filtered out.  You will then get confirmation that you do not need to consult us.

If you disagree with that conclusion, there is a button saying “contact NatureScot”.  All the information you have put into the platform thus far is saved and your application will make its way through the platform to a case officer. 

This may be the conclusion the platform comes to for the exceptional situation where our standing advice on protected animals doesn’t cover your application.  If you get confirmation you do not need to consult us, but you feel that your application meets the exception, then please use the button saying “contact NatureScot”.

Non-Statutory Consultations

InformedDECISION™ holds geospatial information about World Heritage Sites, Oceanic Bryophytes (categories A/B/D), Carbon rich soil (class 1 and 2, also known as Priority Peatlands), and Wild Land areas.  If your application interacts with one of these, then it will be filtered in.

It does not hold geospatial information about Geological Conservation Review (GCR) sites, or protected species (which are covered by our standing advice – links on this page).  If your application relates to one of these, then your application will be filtered out.

SSSI Consents

Operations within SSSIs that require consent (listed as Operations Requiring Consent for all sites on Sitelink) will be filtered in, and your application will be passed to the relevant case officer.  If the operation is not within the SSSI, but within agreed buffers for the site’s protected features, your application will be filtered in, but the case officer may determine that no consent is required.

Consents that are currently active but about to expire – the start date must be after the end date of the previous consent. 

Your answers to any of these questions within the application process:

The activity is to be carried out under a SRDP contract

  • yes – filtered out
  • no – filtered in

The activity is covered by an active management agreement, land management order, or species control order

  • yes – filtered out
  • no – filtered in

The operation requires consent from another regulatory body (which must have first consulted NatureScot)

  • yes – filtered out
  • no – filtered in

The operation is to be carried out under planning consent

  • yes – filtered out
  • no – filtered in

More information on SSSI consents.

Use of Artificial Intelligence

This solution uses AI technology to support NatureScot staff in the management and processing of statutory consultations, SSSI consents and development casework.  

The technology is used to make it easier and faster for NatureScot staff to locate historical information regarding Protected Areas, previous cases and responses.  

The technology is not used in any way to make decisions regarding the outcomes of applications. All decisions are made by NatureScot staff, with the same level of quality assurance and expert review cycles as have always been in place. 

As with all other NatureScot IT systems, we undertake a quarterly assurance exercise to review data quality, user access levels, staff role changes, data protection, business continuity controls (for which there is a separate, annually updated, plan), and business continuity.

This statement has been produced between NatureScot’s InformedDECISION team and Informed Solutions.  February 2025.

Examples of emergency operations

Land managers and public bodies do not need to apply to NatureScot for SSSI consent before carrying out an emergency operation but must notify NatureScot as soon as practical after it is clear that the work is needed to be done.  There is no single definition of what an emergency operation might be, but in general this is something that needs an immediate response in order to save life and/or property and that cannot be planned well in advance.  Possible examples might include (amongst others):

  • Repairs to a power line running through a SSSI that has been damaged during a storm
  • Immediate action to prevent imminent flood or fire damage
  • Emergency works needed to repair or make safe damaged infrastructure on or adjacent to a SSSI
  • Controlling a wild fire on a SSSI

In the emergency situation, you can contact the relevant NatureScot office and speak to a case or site officer if you are uncertain.

To notify us after the fact, please apply in retrospect through InformedDECISION™, including information about the work undertaken and making it clear that emergency conditions applied.


A guidance video for any applicant that needs to apply to NatureScot for advice or consent (through pre-application, statutory consultation, or SSSI Consent).

Last updated: