How and when to consult NatureScot Checklist
We welcome consultations (including pre-application consultations) in relation to development proposals, including developments subject to prior approval procedures, that meet one or more of the criteria below. Please apply through InformedDECISION™, for marine energy consultations, to [email protected]. If you’re uncertain about whether to consult NatureScot, please phone the relevant NatureScot office to discuss.
Note that different arrangements apply for National Parks. Agreement on roles in advisory casework between NatureScot and Scottish National Park Authorities
Nature - Statutory Consultation
- Development affecting European sites: Special Protection Areas (SPAs), Special Areas of Conservation (SACs) and candidate sites (Guidance on Nature Sites and Habitats Regulations)
- Development affecting Sites of Special Scientific Interest (SSSIs), including National Nature Reserves (NNRs)
- Cases that involve the winning and working of peat for commercial purposes.
- Development presenting a significant risk of hindering the achievement of the conservation objectives of a Nature Conservation Marine Protected Area (MPA) or the purpose of a Research and Demonstration MPA
Nature - Non-statutory Consultation
- Development affecting protected species. We fulfil our advisory role on protected species through the provision of standing advice and do not expect to be consulted other than in exceptional circumstances not covered by the relevant standing advice available at Planning and development: protected species and Planning and development: birds. You should consider the need for species licences as part of any development and contact [email protected] regarding any licence application.
- Development affecting Geological Conservation Review sites(GCRsites)
- Development that could adversely affect priority peatland and carbon rich soil (category 1 and 2 in Scotland’s Carbon & Peatland Map (2016))
- Development that could affect a watercourse of known or potential importance for oceanic mosses and liverworts (category A, B or D watercourse) in the west of Scotland as shown on our Oceanic Bryophyte Planning Tool
- Development that could affect the Flow Country or St Kilda natural World Heritage Sites
Landscape - Statutory Consultation
- Development in National Scenic Areas (NSAs) that meet the criteria in the TCP (Scotland) NSA Direction 1987
Landscape - Non-statutory Consultation
- Development outside an NSA (or inside an NSA but below the threshold requiring statutory consultation as set out above) that could adversely affect the integrity of the NSA or the qualities for which it has been designated
- Development within a Wild Land Area that may significantly affect its qualities.
Environmental Impact Assessment
- Scoping requests and Environmental Reports received in connection with a development proposal that requires an environmental impact assessment report (EIAR). Note: In practice we are also consulted on the associated development proposal
- Marine Licence Applications
- Licences for exploration of, production from and decommissioning of oil and gas fields within the 12 nautical mile territorial sea limit.
- Hazardous substances consents and cases that could have significant repercussions on major accident hazards.
Pages: 2
Published: 2019
Revised: January 2025