NatureScot InformedDECISION™ - Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)
Help and Guidance
Return to InformedDECISION™ web page for all Guidance. Guidance includes:
- Written Guidance for applicants
- Video guidance for applicants
- Helpdesk app embedded in the platform
- Drop-in sessions (live-support) will run for a period after go-live, decreasing in frequency the further away from the go-live date we get. Dates/times/links will be included.
What happens to my case when it’s passed to NatureScot?
We have a triage system (one for South, one for West Central, and the three northern areas share one). This is staffed by experienced case officers (we call them triage officers for this part of the process) who will review your case and pass it to the relevant case officer, if we deem that we need to provide a bespoke response. They may also review the case and ascertain that it does not need a bespoke response. In those cases you will get one of a set of no-comment responses
InformedDECISION™ automatically filters out cases – what happens if I feel this isn’t right?
You can click the “contact NatureScot” button that appears on the filtered-out message screen. This saves all your information and pushes the case into our triage system.
Is there a definition of “emergency” consents?
Yes. It’s not exhaustive, but examples are here.
Are there cases that shouldn’t go through InformedDECISION™?
All statutory casework should; all SSSI consents (emergency ones after the fact); and all pre-applications.
Marine Licences and exempted activities consultations should continue to go through area mailboxes. They will be brought into InformedDECISION before the end of March 2025. Anything for [email protected] should continue to go there.
Fisheries derogation cases are not in scope either. In line with our standing advice and guidance and if you have a query that doesn’t fall under the areas listed in this web page, then you may continue to email as before.
What layers are included in the mapping?
In addition to all the designations we’re responsible for (SSSI, SAC, SPA, Ramsar, NSA, World Heritage Sites), we also include Wild Land, Carbon Rich soils (class 1 and 2), Oceanic Bryophytes (watercourse categories A/B/D). We are looking to include PMFs before the end of March 2025. GCR sites are unlikely to be added (they are mostly underpinned by SSSIs).
If I don’t have a shapefile, how precise does the map drawing need to be?
It doesn’t have to be absolutely precise, but it shouldn’t be like sticking a plaster over the map.
What if my documents are not electronic, eg: paper maps?
Paper documents cannot be accepted. You will need to scan document(s) for submission. InformedDECISION™ offers the opportunity to draw on a map for the location of your proposal. It can be a bit fiddly on a mobile phone but still works okay.
What kind of shapefiles are accepted?
SHP and DBF shapefiles packed to .zip
What happens if I draw a line rather than a polygon in the mapping?
You will be unlikely to be able to just draw a line – the minimum is three points. But if for some reason you manage it, you’ll be filtered out and told you don’t have to consult us. Before you hit the submit button you can navigate back to the map to alter it. If you realise after you’ve submitted, you can contact us using the obvious button.
Where do I access InformedDECISION™?
Can I save my application and return to it later?
Yes, you will be sent a link that you can use to return to their application. You will be asked to provide a 4-digit number that makes the link sent to you unique.
You can save and return later at any point up to, but not including, the submit button. Once you have submitted, you can't return to your application. If you have further information to add, please email [email protected] with your case ID and we will upload additional information. If you want to recall/delete your application, please do likewise.
What I want to withdraw an application or have made a mistake?
You can contact us using area mailboxes or [email protected]. We will then delete the case from the platform.
What if you have applied to us before on this case (but it’s a different element)?
It would be really helpful to us if you’d put the name of the case officer in the description field of your application.
I’m not sure if I need pre-application or statutory consultation
I would normally make a notification NatureScot long after advice has been given – how do I do that?
You’ll have a case officer/their email copied into the response we give – please contact them by email directly. They can upload your notification within the in-house side of InformedDECISION™ so it is associated with the case.
SSSI applications with suspensions – how do I handle the dates?
Put in the first start and the last end date, then describe the suspensions in the description box.
I can’t see the NatureScot logo on the emails
This is to do with your email settings – you should add the emails to your “safe sender” list, and the pictures will be downloaded automatically.
What if I experience technical difficulties?
Use the helpdesk app from the platform. It is operated by NatureScot colleagues who can contact Informed Solutions if there are any technical difficulties that we cannot resolve.
Where did InformedDECISION™ come from?
There were a pair of innovation funds run by Scottish Government. This platform was a proposal in the first (GovTech), which was later taken over by CivTech. This project went through a initial scoping phase with 6 contractors, later whittled down to two, then to one. That one is Informed Solutions.
Why the name?
It’s a brand name from the contractors, Informed Solutions, and is a trademark. That’s why it’s always written as one word with the latter part in capitals.
Was it piloted?
Yes. South Operations were the pilot area, with five local authorities (Fife, East Lothian, Falkirk, Scottish Borders and Dumfries and Galloway Councils), Scottish Forestry’s South Conservancy, two consultancies; and all SSSI owner/occupiers in the area. The pilot initially ran for 4 months, then was analysed. The result of that analysis eventually made it into a business case, which was approved by our Senior Leadership Team. At go-live, there was 18 months of pilot experience.
What type of applications did the pilot cover?
Three types of consultations were covered:
- Statutory consultations from Local Authorities and Scottish Forestry South Conservancy
- SSSI Consents
- Pre-application consultations from selected consultancies and the above local authorities
What’s in the next phase of development?
As at February 2025, the next stage will have a range of small ticket items that have come up during testing, or weren’t able to be done in the previous round. We will also look to expand to include post-application and application-related advice. These will allow case officers to use the platform to correspond with the applicants directly and thus capture all information relating to a case. We are also going to work on the sophistication of the buffering approach around features/protected areas.