Green Infrastructure - Useful links and research
Outcome 1: Nature, Biodiversity and Ecosystems
Outcome 2: Environmental quality, flooding and climate change
- Scottish Climate Change Adaptation Programme
- ClimateXChange – Examples of ‘no-regret’, ‘low-regret’ and ‘win-win’ adaptation actions
- EU Water Framework Directive
- River Basin Management Planning Framework
- SEPA – Greening our cities by restoring urban rivers
- SEPA’s Water Environment Fund (WEF)
- EU National Emission Ceilings Directive (NECD)
- UK Air Quality Strategy for England, Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland
- EU Clean Air Policy Package
- Forest Research – Benefits of Green Infrastructure
- Centre for Ecology & Hydrology - Trees & Sustainable Urban Air Quality
- SEPA – Green is the New Grey
- Low Emission Strategy for Scotland
- Scottish Soil Framework
- Climate Change (Scotland) Act 2009
- Heat island effect will double cities cost for tackling global warming
- Hedges found to absorb pollution better than trees in “street canyons”
- Building greener cities: nine benefits of urban trees
- Delivery of ecosystem services by urban forests
Outcome 3: Involving communities and increasing participation
Christie Commission on the Future Delivery of Public Services
Kilbrandon Lecture – Sir Harry Burns: Healthier Lives: Better Futures
Scottish Community Action Plan – Celebrating Success: Inspiring Change
Scottish Community Development Centre - Useful summary of Community Empowerment Bill
International Association for Public Participation – Core Values
Community Resilience to Climate Change
Developing the role of community groups in local climate resilience
Outcome 4: Increasing place attractiveness and competitiveness
All Our Futures: Planning for a Scotland with an Ageing Population
Curriculum for Excellence Through Outdoor Learning
Outcome 5: Improving health and wellbeing
Equally Well – Report of the Ministerial Task Force on Health Inequalities
A More Active Scotland - Building a Legacy from the Commonwealth Games
Let’s Make Scotland More Active: A strategy for physical activity
Community Health Exchange – Health Inequalities In the Community (HIIC)
Designing good mental health into cities: the next frontier for urban design
Urban greenspaces trigger beneficial changes in the brains of adults
Doses of Neighbourhood Nature: The Benefits for Mental Health of Living with Nature
Green Infrastructure Policy Drivers
Other Organisations and GI Resources
- Edinburgh & Lothians Greenspace Trust
- Central Scotland Green Network Trust
- Greenspace Scotland
- Paths for All Outdoor Access Design Guide
- Scotland’s Greenspace Map
- Architecture & Design Scotland
- Scotland’s Regeneration Forum (SURF)
- Ecosystems Knowledge Network – summaries of policy and research
- Stalled Spaces Scotland
- Stalled Spaces Scotland Toolkit
- Adaptation and Resilience in the Context of Change (ARCC) Network
- Green Infrastructure Resource Library (GIRL)
- The Scottish Health Survey 2014: Volume 1: Main Report - References and notes
- Snapshots of nature-based solutions in 18 cities
- Urban Nature Atlas
- Multi-functional benefits of nature based solutions
- Building with Nature