Scottish Marine Environmental Enhancement Fund (SMEEF)

Enabling investment in tangible, effective marine and coastal restoration projects

The Scottish Marine Environmental Enhancement Fund (SMEEF) is a new and exciting approach to increasing funding for marine enhancement. The Fund is managed by a Steering Group of NatureScot, the Scottish Government’s Marine Directorate and Crown Estate Scotland. This provides exceptional insight and assures robust governance and transparency. SMEEF enables those interested in the health of Scottish waters to voluntarily contribute to grant pots which are then strategically distributed to projects across Scotland. Since its inception, SMEEF has distributed £3.8m to approximately 54 marine enhancement projects across Scotland. More than £4m is also already pledged from private companies to support more projects over the coming years. The donations thus far have come from the offshore wind industry and SMEEF has also distributed funds from the Nature Restoration Fund. SMEEF recently released their annual Impact Report which includes how SMEEF functions, a breakdown of the grants administered, case studies and an acknowledgement of the contributors who have made building the funding pot possible.

For more information including upcoming grant rounds view the dedicated SMEEF website and sign up for the newsletter. You can also contact the team by emailing [email protected], or calling 07717 571762

Find out more

SMEEF Impact Report

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