Natural and Cultural Heritage Fund (NCHF)

Celebrating the Natural & Cultural Heritage Fund
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The NCHF funded £9m in sustainable tourism initiatives, and with match funding from other organisations this has meant a £22m investment in natural and cultural heritage in the Highlands & Islands, alongside 55 permanent jobs being created. To inspire your summer holidays for this year and next, immerse yourself in this wonderful film celebrating each of the 13 projects funded. 

A’ comharrachadh Maoin an Dualchais Nàdarra ’s Chultaraich 

Chuir Maoin an Dualchais Nàdarra ’s Chultaraich taic-airgid luach £9m ri iomairtean turasachd sheasmhaich, le maoineachadh a bharrachd bho bhuidhnean eile a’ fàgail gun deach £22m uile gu lèir a chur an seilbh dualchas nàdarra ’s cultarach air a’ Ghàidhealtachd ’s sna h-Eileanan, cuide ri 55 dreuchdan maireannach ùra. Bithibh air ur brosnachadh leis an fhiolm seo a chomharraicheas nan 13 pròiseactan a fhuair maoineachadh agus carson nach cuir sibh romhaibh a thadhal air cuid de na h-àiteachan.


The Natural and Cultural Heritage Fund was to encourage people to visit some of the more remote and rural areas and create and sustain jobs, businesses and services in local communities. The purpose of the fund was to promote and develop the outstanding natural and cultural heritage of the Highlands and Islands in a way that conserved and protected them.

The region’s natural, historical and cultural heritage assets are significant within the Scottish and UK context. They are unique selling points for both the region and Scotland as a whole, linking directly to opportunities for the cultural and creative industries and tourism sectors.

ERDF investment aimed to enhance natural capital, increase accessibility, improve visitor experiences and expand the associated products on offer. It aimed to improve jobs and productivity in related economic sectors (such as tourism) through sensitive management, development and coordinated promotion of these assets.

The Fund supported:

  • Investment in the infrastructure supporting the sustainable use of natural and cultural heritage assets
  • Development of interpretation and interpretive media that promote and protect the natural and cultural heritage
  • Activities which improve accessibility
  • Increasing the quality of sustainable development opportunities based on the region’s heritage
  • Promotion and development of the unique and distinctive natural and cultural heritage and related resources of the region through marketing campaigns to encourage new visitors and expand markets. These campaigns had to be focussed specifically on natural and/or cultural heritage.
  • Projects, including feasibility studies and work on the development of longer term legacy projects, to develop new products or services to communities, groups of enterprises and different sectors based on the region's natural and cultural resources.

Funding decisions were made for the single round of the Natural and Cultural Heritage Challenge Fund and 13 applicants were offered funding.


Our Natural and Cultural Heritage Fund provides opportunities for investment in the Highlands and Islands to conserve, protect, promote and develop our natural and cultural heritage.


Maoin Dulchais Nàdair is Cultair
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Bidh a’ mhaoin againn, Maoin Dualchais Nàdair is Cultair, a’ toirt chothroman airson airgead a chur an seilbh air a’ Ghàidhealtachd ’s na h-Eileanan airson dualchas nàdair ’s cultair a ghlèidheadh, a dhìon, a bhrosnachadh ’s a leasachadh.

Find out more

Natural and Cultural Heritage Fund: Resources


Natural and Cultural Heritage Fund

[email protected]