Let's hear it for landscape architects 03 March 2023 - The role of landscape architects in any successful green infrastructure project is crucial. Working closely with ecologists, engineers and construction teams they ensure that ideas for sustainable and distinctive public spaces come to life. 03 Mar, 2023
No ordinary project 07 February 2023 Alyson Hunter is the Garnock Connections Landscape Partnership Project Manager. That’s a huge undertaking as this is a far-reaching venture covering 28 distinct projects. 07 Feb, 2023
Cyrenians site visit 06 December 2022 - We recently spent time in the Royal Edinburgh Hospital Community gardens meeting Kathryn Bailey, the garden coordinator, and finding out a little more about the project. 20 Jan, 2023
Finishing Touches 01 December 2022 Site visits by CIEEM and a reflection by Jim Jeffrey, Communications Officer with NatureScot’s Structural Funds team, on what the fund has achieved. 01 Dec, 2022
Green Infrastructure in Scotland, delivering nature-based solutions April 2022. Scotland’s Green Infrastructure Strategic Intervention (GISI) creates better places and enhances quality of life in some of Scotland’s most deprived areas. 27 Apr, 2022
GISI highlighted as an example of Wellbeing Approach in Practice 6 April 2022 - A report, including case studies of wellbeing policies for the Ministry of Infrastructure and Water Management in the Netherlands. 06 Apr, 2022
A vision for Leith 20 July 2021 - One of NatureScot’s ecologists, Abi Gardner, has been talking about working with a young artist as part of the Edinburgh’s Future Green Spaces Exhibition. 09 Jul, 2021
Canal & North Gateway 2021 visitor boom 18 May 2021 - The creation of improved greenspaces and greener active travel routes are proving increasingly popular. 18 May, 2021
Nature and health — a perfect partnership 7 May 2021 - As we head into Mental Health Awareness Week how appropriate that this year’s theme is “Nature”, and that it is also Scotland’s Green Health Week. 07 May, 2021
A Viennese green dream 25 March 2021 - Alt-Erlaa is a green vision, one that demonstrates so many good things you have to pinch yourself to realise it is in essence a housing estate, not a private paradise. 26 Mar, 2021
Online hub for Galloway National Park proposal An online hub has been set up to share news, information and a space for conversation. News - 10 Sept
Rediscovering the Lost Woods of Scotland Roddy Maclean reports on research using place-names to highlight past locations of trees and woodland. Blog - 30 September
Appeal to help track greylag geese People in Orkney and north-east Scotland are being asked to look out for greylag geese with special GPS collars. News - 5 September
A’ Dèanamh Ath-Lorg air na Coilltean Caillte Tha Ruairidh MacIlleathain ag aithris air pròiseact a tha a’ taisbeanadh ainmean-àite co-cheangailte ri craobhan is coilltean. Blog - 30 September
Scotland’s Forgotten Woodlands Mapping stories and restoration potential of Scotland’s forgotten woodland sites. News - 30 August
Sharing our knowledge far and wide Ireland’s Wild Atlantic Nature visit Scotland to discover more about Peatland ACTION’s work. Blog - 27 September