Land Use Policy Group
Agricultural policies should reflect the wide range of social and environmental benefits that farmers can provide.
We see agriculture as a source of prosperity and employment for rural and remote areas and as a means to support a thriving and dynamic countryside.
We belong to the Land Use Policy Group (LUPG), which commissions research and advises on rural land use matters such as agriculture and woodlands.
LUPG comprises representatives from the UK statutory conservation, countryside and environment agencies:
- Natural England
- Countryside Council for Wales
- Environment Agency
- Northern Ireland Environment Agency
- NatureScot
- Scottish Environment Protection Agency (SEPA)
We have just published a new report: UK country Agricultural Policy developments - LUPG briefing December 2019
Read other LUPG reports
IEEP briefing on UK Agricultural policy developments 2018
LUPG Brexit report (Oct 2017) - NatureScot Summary
Transitions to Agroecological Systems: Farmers' Experience - March 2018
Potential implications of leaving EU for UK agriculture and the rural environment
Learning the lessons of the Greening of the CAP
Scoping the environmental implications of Pillar 1 reform 2014–2020
The Role of Agroecology in Sustainable Intensification
Exploring the Concept of Sustainable Intensification
Maximising Environmental Benefits through Ecological Focus Areas
Alternative Allocation Keys for EU CAP Funding
Estimating the Scale of Future Environmental Land Management Requirements for the UK
A Review of Environmental Benefits Supplied by Agri-environment Schemes
Promotion of agroecological approaches: Lessons from other European countries
Further reading
The Environmental Implications of Pillar 1 CAP reform 2014-2020
IEEP briefing on UK Agricultural policy developments 2018 is available on the IEEP website