Middlefield Greenspace and Regeneration Project

Providing a high quality, outdoor recreational space that is readily accessible to those whose life choices are limited by their personal circumstances.

NatureScot GI and ERDF logo

Grantee: Aberdeen City Council

What we are going to do?

  • The risk of flooding is to be reduced to meet the requirements of a 1:200 year rainfall event. The Scatter Burn is to be deculverted, and a series of weirs and wetlands created within this Park.
  • Lorry movements are to be reduced. Surplus soil from the adjacent building sites is to be used to create the weirs.
  • The accessibility of the Park is to be improved. Footpaths are to be provided across the top of the weirs. Recreational opportunities for a wide range of abilities are to be provided.
  • The following are to be provided: a range of formal and informal play opportunities; exercise trails (for a range of abilities); play areas, short grass areas, wildflower areas, picnic areas, wetland planting and ponds.
  • A range of environmental and recreational activities within the Park are to be promoted.

A short introduction to the Middlefield regeneration work in Aberdeen.





Where the idea for the project came from

This Project has been developed with the community, during a consultation process that commenced in 2014. A ‘Total Place’ audit was undertaken of this neighbourhood. One of the identified actions was to upgrade this Park.

How communities have helped us develop our ideas

In November 2015, consultations were undertaken on what improvements should be made to the Park. Children were consulted at after-schools club. Wider views were also obtained via Facebook. An audit of the streets and paths in and around this Park was undertaken in June 2016 by Living Streets and members of the public. A detailed design consultation was undertaken on 3rd September 2016. The draft Concept Design was then further reviewed and modified by community activists on 28th September 2016.

How our project fits into the bigger picture

This site is within Data Zone (2016) S01006727 ‘Heathryfield and Middlefield’. Overall SIMD rank 893. 2nd most deprived decile.

How our project will improve the local area

The Project will provide a high quality, outdoor recreational space that is readily accessible to those whose life choices are limited by their personal circumstances. It is intended that these persons will also be supported in participating in a wide range of activities within this Park. It is anticipated that these improvements and activities will have a positive effect on a range of deprivation indicators. The strategic objectives of this project are:

  • 25.1% of the population of Middlefield is under the age of 16 (795 children).
  • 19% of the population of Heathryfold is under the age of 16 (299 children).
  • 9.7% of the population of Middlefield is over the age of 65 (307 elderly persons).
  • 14.1% of the population of Heathryfold is over the age of 65 (222 elderly persons).
  • 825 residents of Middlefield and Heathryfold have been classed as income deprived.

Stakeholders talking about the greenspace redevelopment at the Green Infrastructure site at Middlefield in Aberdeen.



  • to improve the quality and accessibility of a Park which currently has low value amenity
  • to improve the path network in this neighbourhood so as to increase and enhance the opportunities for people to get outdoors to relax, exercise and socialise
  • to create a diverse matrix of habitats, connected to the wider greenspace network, so as to support biodiversity
  • to increase water quality and management, especially flood alleviation, by the opening and re-naturalising of the Scatter Burn
  • to build community confidence and capacity through community collaboration during the design, delivery and long-term management processes.



Green Infrastructure

[email protected]

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