Scientific Advisory Committee meeting - 18 March 2024 - 67th Meeting
Agenda and relevant papers from the 67th SAC meeting
Agenda - Open Session
Further information on items in this agenda can be obtained from NatureScot in advance of the meeting, and a member of the public may make a written representation on any item to the Committee up to 24 hours in advance. If that is not possible it will be tabled at the meeting. For further information please contact: Paul Robertson, Nature & Climate Change Director Support Team, [email protected]
- Welcome, apologies for absence and declarations of interest 11.00
- Minutes, action points and matters arising from the meeting held 11.05
on 18 September 2023
To confirm the minutes of the previous meeting, update the SAC on action points and other matters arising.
- Oral update on NatureScot Board business 11.10
Chair to update the Committee
Discussion Papers
- Horizon scanning 11.30
(Clive Mitchell) (SAC/2024/03/01)
- Land Sharing/Sparing – RESAS work 11:55
Presentation by Prof. Sallie Bailey (Deputy CSA – Environment, Natural Resources and Agriculture)
- Managing uncertainty 12:25
(Clive Mitchell) (SAC/2024/03/02)
Lunch 12:55 – 13:40
- Protected areas monitoring reform 13.40
(Ben Ross) (SAC/2024/03/03)
- NatureScot’s Science and Evidence Needs 14:05
(Alex Mackay) (SAC/2024/03/04) - Information Papers 14:25
(Short papers presented for information and for SAC members’ questions for clarification).
SAC/2024/03/Info01 SAC sub-groups update (Sarah Hutcheon)
SAC/2024/03/Info02 HPAI update (Alastair MacGugan)
SAC/2024/03/Info03 Understanding public attitudes and behaviours (Doug Mitchell, Alan Macpherson)
- AOB 14:40