Indicators & trends
Scotland’s indicators and NatureScot publications on trends can tell you how our natural environment is changing over time.
In a changing world, it can be difficult to keep track of what’s going on. Long-term trends may be masked by seasonal fluctuations. Gradual change can add up over time. Natural systems are both complex and adaptive.
We can only assess and respond to the changes we’re faced with if we first examine the evidence. Our evidence takes the form of indicators and trend notes and trends publications.
Indicators have been devised to monitor changes in Scotland’s nature and landscapes. They provide evidence of progress towards policy objectives and are a reality check on what’s actually going on in the world around us.
Our trend notes summarise changes in Scotland’s wildlife and habitats over time. We also produce various trends publications that can provide you with more in-depth information on specific types of change.
Many of our indicator & trend publications are available on our archived publications and documents page.