Peatland ACTION Restoration and The Construction (Design and Management) Regulations 2015
The CDM Regulations 2015 aims to improve health and safety in the construction industry. These regulations apply to peatland restoration.
Peatland ACTION takes health and safety very seriously. Restoration work is a form of construction, often taking place in remote upland terrain. The Construction (Design & Management) Regulations 2015 or ‘CDM (2015)’ apply to all of our restoration work. Striving for programme-wide compliance with the CDM (2015) regulations helps to ensure the safe working of all involved.
If you are applying for Peatland ACTION funding to restore a bog, you must familiarise yourself with the CDM (2015) Regulations and their relevance to peatland restoration. All the information you need can be found on this page.
All applicants are encouraged to liaise directly with one of our project officers prior to submitting an application. This will allow us to help you in bringing forward a safe and legally compliant restoration project.