Access to information
As a public body, NatureScot has certain legal duties to provide access to information that we hold.
We have a legal duty to provide access to any of our information to anyone who requests it. You have the right of access to information that NatureScot holds.
Our Guide to Information sets out the kinds of information we routinely make available and how to access them.
There are a limited number of reasons why a public body may refuse to release information. These reasons are set out in law. NatureScot follows the Scottish Information Commissioner's guidance if we withhold information.
You can also write to us to see if we hold any personal information about you. This is known as making a subject access request and is one of your rights given by the Data Protection Act 1998.
Under the Public Service Reform Act, we must report some of our spending. This includes payments over £25,000, and spending on public relations, overseas travel, hospitality and entertainment, and external consultancy.
Freedom of Information laws give any person the right to see NatureScot information but not to use it for their own purposes. You can use some NatureScot information, like emails and memos, in some ways – for example, campaigns and journalism. But you must check for any copyright restrictions if you want to reuse any maps, spreadsheets, research or other data released under Freedom of Information laws.