Hamiltonhill Parks and Open Space

Creating new open spaces for the regeneration and redevelopment of Hamiltonhill into a vibrant and empowered community

Hamiltonhill Parks and Open Space

Grantee: Queens Cross Housing Association

What the project set out to achieve

Hamiltonhill had a history of low investment, population decline and poor amenity provision. The remaining population was in the 20% most deprived areas according to Scottish Index for Multiple Deprivation deciles in 2016.

Queens Cross Housing Association (QCHA) created five open spaces, greening of the neighbourhood and creates an integrated Sustainable Drainage System network. These works happened within a wider re-generation project, including the construction of c.600 new homes across Hamiltonhill.

The open spaces will facilitate community events, exercise and recreation in a natural environment. The SUDS network will improve flood prevention, climate change adaptation capacity and reduce demands on the combined sewer network to facilitate the construction of new homes. The neighbourhood greening will contribute to Queens Cross’ vision of “Providing excellent housing in vibrant communities”.  Together these elements will promote a sense of place in Hamiltonhill, whilst improving resident’s health & wellbeing and biodiversity of flora & fauna.

Where the project idea came from

Historical disinvestment and poor amenity provision has blighted Hamiltonhill. This project forms a key pillar of QCHA plans to re-develop Hamiltonhill into a vibrant and empowered community. QCHA’s re-development plans are in-turn part of the wider Canal Corridor Development Framework, which includes projects such as the nearby Hamiltonhill Claypits Local Nature Reserve.

How the community helped develop the project

There were five stages of community engagement for this project.

(1) A statutory charrette consultation, called ‘What Floats Your Boat?’, was held in 2015 to build an understanding of the needs and desires of the community. This created the tri-partite development framework for planning consideration across the Applecross-Firhill-Hamiltonhill area and formed the basis of QCHA Masterplan proposals at Hamiltonhill.

(2) Residents organised a second consultation event in 2017 to build on the existing proposals and maximise the benefit to the community. This produced the ‘Our Hammyhill’ report to highlighting the most popular proposals for the community. These proposals incorporated into the project.

(3) As the Masterplan moved through the Planning Process, a series of public consultations were held across the area. These were attended by a broad spectrum of the community. Plans for the re-development were presented and feedback from the community and relevant stakeholders was sought.

(4) The stage 3 consultations were also used to source a small group of volunteers to form a parks design focus group. The focus group then underwent regular workshops with the design team and developed proposals to meet the needs of the community.

(5) After submission of the GI Fund Application, there were further public consultations which widened the range of consultees and helped finalise the designs.

How the project fits into the bigger picture

The project created ca. 2.2 hectares of new greenspace and green/blue infrastructure across Hamiltonhill. This forms a key part of the re-population and re-vitalisation of Hamiltonhill and the wider North West. It matches Queens Cross Housing Association’s strategic aims such as:

  • Build more desirable homes in popular neighbourhoods
  • Continue to challenge poverty
  • Put even more focus on community health and well-being.

The provision of a new SuDS network will utilise the Canal to store excess runoff, thus building flood prevention and climate adaptation capacity as part of the innovative SMART Canal. Furthermore, this capacity will allow for significant additional regeneration across North Glasgow.

How the project improved the local area

The SUDS will improve water management and climate change adaptation capacity. The diverse range of flora and fauna will promote biodiversity and residents’ wellbeing. The five open spaces will create opportunities for volunteering, community engagement, recreation, relaxation and exercise in a welcoming and natural environment.  The move from grey to green will help to develop a sense of place and foster a renewed community spirit across Hamiltonhill.

A nature network gap will be reduced between Hamiltonhill Claypits LNR and Cowlairs Park and Sighthill.

NatureScot GI and ERDF logo


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