Moine Mhor NNR - About the reserve

Moine Mhor is managed to provide habitats for an important range of species, and it is an important carbon store.




Managing habitats and inspiring people

Moine Mhor NNR is an internationally important peatland site in mid-Argyll. This extensive lowland raised bog supports biodiversity and plays a significant role in storing carbon. It is an important wildlife tourism site for mid-Argyll.

Bogland habitat

Our priorities for the site are to restore a healthy, functioning lowland raised bog. Areas of the bog are in excellent condition. Where there has been drainage, peat extraction or planting, we are working to reverse their impact. Over large areas of the bog we will continue to block drains and bund sections to raise the water table. We will keep removing trees and scrub from the surface.

Engaging people with nature

We want visiting the reserve to be a inspiring experience for everyone. Peatlands are fascinating sites. They have a strong story to tell about their role in carbon storage and managing climate change and the diversity of species they support.

At Moine Mhor NNR, we have installed a boardwalk to allow access into the bog without damaging the habitat. We provide information – on and off site – to encourage people to visit and connect with nature.

We work in partnership with Kilmartin Museum to share the unique natural and cultural heritage stories of this part of mid-Argyll.

Management planning

We plan our management carefully to make sure that the special qualities of the reserve thrive. In this way it will always give visitors an enjoyable experience and engage people with nature.

We produce 10-year management plans for our reserves. Find out more about how we manage Moine Mhor NNR:

  • The Management Plan  – sets out our priorities and tasks for managing the reserve between 2017 and 2027.
  • The Reserve Story – an introduction to the natural heritage, historical interest, past management and designations which protect the reserve.

Protected areas

Moine Mhor NNR overlaps with two protected areas:

Find out more about these protected areas and their designated features by searching the map.

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