Clyde Valley Woodlands NNR - About the reserve

Clyde Valley Woodlands contains precious remnants of ancient woodland – all within easy reach of Glasgow and Edinburgh.




Managing habitats and inspiring people

Clyde Valley Woodlands NNR is composed of six of the best ancient mixed woodlands in the Clyde Valley. We are responsible for managing two of the woodlands – Cartland Craigs and Cleghorn Glen, close to Lanark.

Woodland habitats

We intervene as little as possible in the woodlands, leaving nature to take care of them. Our active management involves removing invasive species, including beech. Wherever possible we leave fallen or cut trees in place to create areas of deadwood. These are essential for many invertebrates.

Engaging people with nature

Each area of the reserve has a different focus for visitors. At Cartland Craigs and Cleghorn Glen we provide low-key access.

We work with our partners – the Scottish Wildlife Trust at the Falls of Clyde and Nethan Gorge and South Lanarkshire Council at Chatelherault and Mauldslie Woods – to give visitors a memorable experience.

A path stretches the length of both reserves, with short spurs connecting it to nearby communities. We will continue to maintain this path and provide information for visitors at the main access points for the reserve. 

Management planning

We plan our management carefully to make sure that the special qualities of the reserve thrive. In this way it will always give visitors an enjoyable experience and engage people with nature.

We produce 10-year management plans for our reserves. Find out more about how we manage Cartland Craigs and Cleghorn Glen:

Protected areas

Clyde Valley Woodlands NNR overlaps with a number of protected areas, including:

Find out more about these protected areas and their designated features by searching the map.

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