Peatland ACTION - logo
Acknowledging our support for your project.
The Peatland ACTION logo creates a strong platform for all of our communications when used correctly. A professional and consistent approach helps people to recognise our work and put their trust in what we have to say.
Our logo is for use by our partners and applicants only.
Before adding the logo to any communications material relating to your Peatland ACTION project refer to our guidance on how to acknowledge our support for your project and the NatureScot brand - design guidelines to help you use our logo correctly. You should agree on its use with your NatureScot contact before adding the logo to any communications materials.
Peatland ACTION logo - Downloads
- PDF (when using specialist design packages) and PNG logos have transparent backgrounds;
- JPEG logos are on a white background.;
- RGB logos are for digital use (computer screens, TV screens and mobile devices);
- CMYK logos are for printed materials
- All the logos include the exclusion zone.
Peatland ACTION NatureScot dual language colour logo
Colour Logos
For use with computer screens, TV screens and mobile devices
Peatland ACTION logo - Colour RGB JPEG
Peatland ACTION logo - Colour RGB PNG
For printed materials
Peatland ACTION logo - Colour CMYK JPEG
Peatland ACTION logo - Colour CMYK PDF
Peatland ACTION NatureScot dual language white logo
White logos
(blue background for viewing)
Peatland ACTION logo - White - (PNG) (Low resolution for use on social media etc.)
Peatland ACTION logo White - (PDF) (For using on professionally designed items)
Contact us
Get in touch to discuss your peatland restoration project proposal.
Email: [email protected]
Get in touch to discuss your project communications materials.
Email: [email protected]
Disclaimer: Scottish Natural Heritage (SNH) has changed the name to NatureScot as of the 24th August 2020.
The Peatland ACTION logo has changed as a result and you should use this new logo when acknowledging funding from NatureScot Peatland ACTION.
Documents published prior to 24 August 2020 may still refer to Scottish Natural Heritage (SNH) and include the original Peatland ACTION logo. They may also contain broken links to the old domain.
Brand guidelines
The NatureScot Peatland ACTION logo is part of the NatureScot 'family'. Whilst the project has its own logo and colour scheme it uses the same colour palette, fonts and design style as the NatureScot brand therefore the NatureScot brand guidelines apply and must be used at all times (e.g. logo positioning, size and exclusions rules apply).
These guidelines are intended for designers and sign makers. The format of this document has elements that are not accessible to screen reader software and does not meet the full WCAG 2.1 success criterion. However, should any users require an accessible version please contact us and this can be arranged.