Canal & North Gateway 2021 visitor boom
In Mental Health Awareness Week the value of nature in supporting people is being celebrated. At Canal and North Gateway (one of our ERDF funded projects) the creation of improved greenspaces and greener active travel routes are proving increasingly popular.

Daily use of this fantastic new resource has soared. From January to March a stunning increase in visits. 900 in January and 4,977 in March.
The Green Infrastructure Fund Is part of the Scottish Government’s current European Regional Development Fund (ERDF) programme, which runs through to 2023. This is one of two ERDF Strategic Interventions led by NatureScot – the other is the Natural & Cultural Heritage Fund .
You can follow the European Structural Funds blog for ESF activities, news and updates. For twitter updates go to @scotgovESIF or use the hashtags #ERDF and #europeanstructuralfunds