Landscape and housing
Guidance for planners, developers and communities helps to ensure suitable settlement expansion and house building in the countryside.
Demand for new housing is already high in many towns and rural areas, and some landscapes are likely to see great change in the coming years. This must be planned and managed to ensure that its effects are positive.
When well located and designed, new housing and settlements can improve the local environment and provide attractive and healthy places to live. But poorly thought out development may threaten the character and identity of towns and rural areas.
Scotland has suffered a cumulative loss of landscape quality as suburban housing estates have taken shape around the fringes of our towns. These are often devised with little appreciation of local character or sense of place.
Planners and developers should balance housing demand with the need to respect and enhance our landscapes.
Find out more
Learn about the landscape tools and techniques used to help select suitable locations for new houses and settlement expansion.
Read about New housing, settlement expansion and the natural heritage: NatureScot Commissioned Report No. 120