Scotland’s diverse landscapes and abundant seas support native birds and numerous regular visitors to our shores.
Perched on Europe’s edge, and surrounded by food-rich seas and shores, Scotland is:
- an essential feeding station for migrating birds
- a safe winter haven for ducks, geese and shorebirds
- the ideal summer home for nesting seabirds
Scotland has more than 140 sites that are so important for birds they’re protected by international designations.
Our most special birds
Within the UK, Scotland is the main or only home for a range of species. We have a special responsibility for the:
- Scottish crossbill
- crested tit
- sea eagle (white-tailed eagle)
- capercaillie
- corncrake
- osprey
- Great skua
- wintering geese
Report a bird collision
To report a bird collision with a wind turbine, fill in our bird collision reporting form. You should email your completed form to [email protected]
Avian influenza (bird flu)
For advice on what to do if you suspect there is an outbreak of avian influenza, or if you discover dead or sick wild birds, please see the Scottish Government’s website.
Find out more
Read our guidance for planners and developers on protected animals.