Green Infrastructure Project Updates

The Green Infrastructure Strategic Intervention aims to improve Scotland's urban environment by increasing and enhancing greenspace in our towns and cities, especially close to areas of multiple deprivation. This will make these areas more attractive for people to live and work in, and therefore attract jobs, businesses and further investment. Read highlights of the work our Grantees are undertaking through our series of project updates.

The Green Infrastructure Project Updates have been archived. The updates may still have relevance today so we have made them available to read.

Find out more

Green Infrastructure Community Engagement Fund projects update

Green Infrastructure Projects

Placemaking and Green Infrastructure

Green Infrastructure

Nature-based solutions: Urban

Greenspace Map

The Place Standard Tool

Naturvation: Urban Nature Atlas

National Planning Guide: Planning practice guidance for beautiful, enduring and successful places

Contact Us

Please contact us by email.  Once your enquiry has been received, a member of the team will acknowledge your correspondence and respond, where required, within 2 working days.

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