Scottish Biodiversity List
Discover which species and habitats in Scotland are considered of most importance for biodiversity conservation.
The Scottish Biodiversity List is a list of animals, plants and habitats that Scottish Ministers consider to be of principal importance for biodiversity conservation in Scotland.
By identifying the species and habitats that are of the highest priority for biodiversity conservation, the Scottish Biodiversity List helps public bodies apply their biodiversity duty.
The Scottish Biodiversity List is also a useful resource for anyone interested in nature conservation, or biodiversity more generally, in Scotland.
For each species and habitat the spreadsheet containing the Scottish Biodiversity List identifies broad categories of action, together with information on the selection criteria which have been met.
The habitats worksheet in the spreadsheet contains a column which approximately aligns each habitat with habitats listed in Annex 1 of the “Habitats Directive”, which occur in Scotland, and for which Special Areas of Conservation may be selected.
Work is underway to update the prioritisation of species and habitats in Scotland as part of preparations for the post-2020 biodiversity strategy, building on new information on conservation status and related evidence.