Condition target
Our site condition monitoring results form the baseline against which the Scottish Government measures progress on National Indicator 44.
National Indicator (NI) 44, which forms part of Scotland’s National Performance Framework, is to: Improve the condition of protected nature sites
This commitment reflects the importance to nature conservation and biodiversity of habitat, species and earth science natural features on designated sites.
To measure progress against NI44, the Scottish Government has set a specific target for the proportion of natural features in favourable or recovering condition. This is known as the ‘condition target’.
For the purposes of the condition target, ‘favourable or recovering condition’ includes natural features that are:
- either assessed in favourable or 'unfavourable recovering' condition
- or have the necessary management measures in place, such that we believe the land will – in time, reach favourable condition, termed recovering
Progress made since 2005
The results of our Site Condition Monitoring programme assessments made between 1999 and 2005 form the baseline for the condition target. In 2005, 71.4% of Scotland’s natural features were in favourable or recovering condition.
Since 2005, a huge amount of work has been done to make management changes to improve the condition of unfavourable features. Public bodies, non-governmental organisations and private individuals and companies have all been involved in this work.
By March 2017, the proportion of Scotland’s features in favourable or recovering condition had risen to 80.3%. View our case studies for examples of how this was achieved.
Read Progress towards favourable condition – Case study examples
Find out more
National Performance Framework - how we contribute