National Parks

National Parks in Scotland apply an integrated approach to people and nature. They aim to conserve and enhance their natural and cultural heritage, promote sustainable use of their natural resources; promote understanding and enjoyment; and promote sustainable economic and social development of their communities. 

Current National Parks

There are currently two National Parks in Scotland: Loch Lomond and The Trossachs (established 2002), and Cairngorms (established 2003, extended 2010). 

National Parks Film
Click for a full description

Interviews with some people working for or engaged with existing National Parks.

The value of National Parks in Scotland

September Update: proposed new National Park in Galloway

NatureScot has launched its Information Hub.

This platform offers an online hub for everyone interested in the Galloway national park proposal to learn more and share views. Over the coming weeks, it will provide a range of information about Scottish National Parks as well as news and updates on the engagement and consultation opportunities in the area.  Most importantly, it will provide a safe space for people to share their aspirations and concerns on the proposed National Park which NatureScot will use to shape the detail of the formal consultation which will follow in November.  

We look forward to all contributions!

August Update: proposed new National Park in Galloway

NatureScot has published its Reporter Plan.

This provides more information on the process that will be followed as we investigate the suitability of the area as a national park and the options for its size, powers and functions, and governance arrangements.  It outlines the formal consultation we will undertake to gauge opinion on the proposal. It sets out how we will seek to engage with local communities, organisations, businesses and interest groups in developing our advice to Scottish Government which is due to be submitted by the end of April 2025.

This plan is not set in stone and we will welcome comment on how it could be developed further – contact information provided below. 

Proposed new National Park in Galloway

Scottish Ministers have proposed that a new National Park should be established in Galloway, with the potential area extending to parts of Dumfries and East and South Ayrshire. They have appointed NatureScot to be the Reporter on the proposal, and provided directions for how we undertake this work. The proposal and Reporter requirements are available on the landscape and outdoor access pages of the Scottish Government website, together with the evaluation report of the bids submitted by local groups as part of the non-statutory phase of designating Scotland’s next national park.   

This does not neccessarily mean that the new National Park will happen. The proposal marks just the beginning of the statutory process for designating a new National Park. As the Reporter, NatureScot is required to develop the detail of the proposal and to seek the views of local people and other stakeholders on it. This will include a 12-week period of formal consultation, probably from November 2024. We will then provide advice to Ministers, who will then decide whether to proceed by issuing a Draft Designation Order for further consultation before National Park status for the area is approved by the Scottish Parliament.

The Reporting work will build on the nomination made by the Galloway group. This includes the proposed area for the new Park.  Note that this is an indicative area only, and the area for inclusion will be one of the issues investigated in the Reporter phase. We will also be seeking opinions on the powers, functions and governence of the proposed Park, with the aim of finding out what sort of National Park would work best in Galloway.

NatureScot is expected to provide its advice to Ministers by 28th April 2025. Alongside this advice, we will publish a detailed analysis of all the views and responses we have received throughout the Reporter phase.

We will be updating this web page throughout the process with further information on the engagement and consultation work we are undertaking as Reporter. We will also be establishing a dedicated consultation hub where you can find out more and contribute your views. 

For any immediate questions concerning the new National Park Reporting process, please feel free to contact the National Park Reporter team in NatureScot. There is also a list of Frequently Asked Questions.

View the Scottish Government News Release - New National Park is proposed in Galloway.

Brief History of National Parks Proposals


The Addison Committee propose the Cairngorms area for National Park status.

Government Committees, chaired by Sir Douglas Ramsay, reviewed National Parks for Scotland and five prospective Park areas: Loch Lomond & the Trossachs, the Cairngorms, Glen Coe-Ben Nevis-Black Mount, Wester Ross and Glen Strathfarrar-Glen Affric-Glen Cannich.

The 1949 legislation, which allowed for the establishment of National Parks in England and Wales, did not extend to Scotland but Government designated the five 'Ramsay' areas as National Park Direction Areas, which allowed for some extra scrutiny of development proposals within them.

Cairngorms National Nature Reserve declared.

Loch Lomond National Nature Reserve declared.

The former Countryside Commission for Scotland (CCS) identified Loch Lomond & The Trossachs, the Cairngorms and Glen Coe-Ben Nevis as areas needing special management to care for their national importance.

The National Park Direction Area designation was replaced, in part, by the new National Scenic Area designation. Of the 40 NSAs identified by CCS, two separate NSAs were identified for parts of Loch Lomond & the Trossachs and the Cairngorms had two adjacent NSAs – one covering the main Cairngorms massif, the other for upper Deeside and Lochnagar.

Legislation passed in 1981 to create Regional Parks was used to establish a joint local authority-led Loch Lomond Park Authority - but excluding at this stage the Trossachs.

The former Countryside Commission for Scotland, in reviewing Scotland's mountain areas, recommended National Park status for four areas: Loch Lomond & the Trossachs, the Cairngorms, Glen Coe-Ben Nevis-Black Mount and Wester Ross.

In response to the CCS report, the Government established working parties for Loch Lomond & the Trossachs (chaired by Sir Peter Hutchinson) and the Cairngorms (chaired by Magnus Magnusson) to undertake a detailed review of the needs of the two areas.

The report of the Cairngorms Working Party (Common Sense and Sustainability) recommended an approach based on a partnership of key interests and organisations, and this led to the proposal for the Cairngorms Partnership.

The report of the Loch Lomond & the Trossachs working party (The management of Loch Lomond & The Trossachs) recommended an approach based on enhanced joint local authority working, but for a wider area than covered by Loch Lomond Park Authority, including the Trossachs.

The government responded to both reports. In Loch Lomond & the Trossachs, it favoured the joint committee approach recommended by the ‘Hutchinson’ report, and the local authorities then set up a steering group to consider how matters might be pursued. In the Cairngorms, the Cairngorms Partnership is established.

The new Government declared its intention to legislate for National Parks in Scotland and that Loch Lomond & the Trossachs and the Cairngorms should be Scotland's first Parks. SNH was invited to make proposals for a general model of a National Park appropriate to Scotland's needs, as a basis for legislation by the new Scottish Parliament.

The local authorities of Stirling, West Dunbartonshire and Argyll created the Loch Lomond & the Trossachs Interim Committee, as a basis for working towards a National Park for the area.

The government accepted the general National Parks proposals, developed by SNH after wide-ranging consultation, as the basis for legislation by the new Scottish Parliament and the matter became part of the new Parliament's first legislative programme.

Following a debate in Parliament, the National Parks (Scotland) Act 2000 passed into law in August, and soon thereafter Government invited SNH to act as a reporter for its proposal to create National Parks for Loch Lomond & The Trossachs and the Cairngorms.

Lomond & The Trossachs National Park was established.

Cairngorms National Park was established.

Read National Parks in Scotland ­– Advice to Scottish Government in 1999

Key steps in developing Scotland’s first two National Parks

In 1997, Government announced that National Parks should be established to care for some of Scotland's most special places, and proposed that the first should be in Loch Lomond and the Trossachs, followed soon after by the Cairngorms.

The matter of what kind of National Parks Scotland should have was debated during 1998 through a consultation process led by SNH on behalf of Government. SNH's advice to Government in 1999, formed the basis of draft legislation debated by the Scottish Parliament in the early Summer of 2000.

On 5 July 2000 Scotland's Parliament unanimously passed the National Parks (Scotland) Bill and on 9 August 2000 it received Royal Assent. The National Parks (Scotland) Act 2000 provides the Parliament with the ability to create National Parks in Scotland in any location deemed to be appropriate.

Key steps in the development of the specific proposals for Loch Lomond and Trossachs and the Cairngorms National Parks, including consultation,

Ministers considered SNH's recommendations regarding Loch Lomond and Trossachs and issued a draft Designation Order for consultation in June 2001. The Designation Order for Loch Lomond and Trossachs was subsequently passed by the Scottish Parliament on 24 April 2002 and the new Park was officially opened on 19 July 2002.

Ministers Considered SNH's recommendations on the Cairngorms and issued a draft Designation Order for consultation in May 2002. The Designation Order for Cairngorms was subsequently passed by the Scottish Parliament in December 2002. The new Park Authority was formally established on 25 March 2003, and becomes fully operational on 1 September 2003

Aims and Management of National Parks

The Act states that the aims of National Parks are to:

  • conserve and enhance the natural and cultural heritage of the area
  • promote sustainable use of the natural resources of the area
  • promote understanding and enjoyment (including enjoyment in the form of recreation) of the special qualities of the area by the public
  • promote the sustainable economic and social development of the areas' communities

Where these aims conflict, the relevant National Park authority must prioritise the first of these aims.

Each National Park has its own National Park authority responsible for writing a national park partnership plan and working with everyone involved in managing the Park to ensure its implementation.

Each National Park Authority is an executive non-departmental public body (NDPB) directly funded by the Scottish Government and reporting to Scottish Ministers. They have powers to further the Park's aims including:

  • providing advice and assistance and giving grants
  • entering into management agreements and making bylaws and management rules
  • buying and managing land either by agreement or by compulsory purchase
  • general arrangements for access, provision to make access orders and access agreements;
  • providing information, education and ranger services and facilities

The Act also allows for Park Authorities to have different powers and functions (including development planning and management) depending on the specific planning and management needs of the area.

Each National Park also has a board, made up of:

  • ministerial appointments
  • local authority ward members
  • local residents elected by the community

Boards are limited in size by legislation to:

  • 17 members for the Loch Lomond and The Trossachs National Park
  • 19 members for the Cairngorms National Park

Selection and designation of National Parks

The National Parks (Scotland) Act 2000 provides the framework to establish National Parks in Scotland.

The Act includes three conditions that an area proposed for National Park designation must meet:

  1. that the area is of outstanding national importance because of its natural heritage or the combination of its natural and cultural heritage,
  2. that the area has a distinctive character and a coherent identity, and
  3. that designating the area as a National Park would meet the special needs of the area and would be the best means of ensuring that the National Park aims are collectively achieved in relation to the area in a coordinated way.

The designation process set out in the Act includes assessment and consultation by a reporter appointed by Scottish Ministers.  The creation of each Park also requires further consultation prior to approval by the Scottish Government.

The Act provides for the establishment of marine or coastal National Parks and provides an order making power to allow for tailoring of the designation order to meet the specific needs of such areas. The Act also provides for full consultation with relevant interests within any part of the National Park area consisting of the sea.

Summary of the statutory process for establishing a National Park

Step 1

  • Scottish Ministers make a statutory ‘proposal’ to establish a National Park in an area and appoint a Reporter to provide advice on the ‘proposal’.

Publication - written proposals and requirements

Step 2

  • The reporter publicises the proposals widely including to all local authorities and every community council whose area is entirely or partly within the proposed area, and to such persons as appear to the reporter to be representative of the interests of those who live, work or carry on business in the area to which the proposal relates.  
  • The Reporter considers the principle of a National Park designation for an area and develops the detail of its area/boundary, powers and governance – a range of groups and organisations are engaged in developing this thinking.
  • The Reporter undertakes a formal public consultation on these issues lasting for at least 12 weeks - individuals and organisations formally contribute their views as part of the consultation process.

Publication – consultation paper and leaflet

Step 3

  • The reporter finalises its advice taking into account the views expressed during the consultation.
  • The reporter advises Scottish Ministers, and its advice is published together with reports on the consultation which detail the range of views expressed during the consultation and how they have or have not been addressed in the advice. An  evaluation of the consultation process is undertaken and published. 

Publication – reporter Advice and consultation reports

Step 4

  • Scottish Ministers consider the Reporter’s advice and consultation reports (and findings of PLI if Ministers deem this necessary) and prepare a draft designation order based on it.
  • Scottish Ministers undertake a public consultation on the draft designation order lasting at least 12 weeks - individuals and organisations formally contribute their views as part of the consultation process.

Publication - draft designation order 

Step 5

  • Scottish Ministers consider the consultation responses and revise the draft designation order.  They also prepare a report of the views expressed during the consultation and how they have or have not been addressed in the revision of the draft designation order.
  • Scottish Ministers lay the designation order and consultation report before the Scottish Parliament for scrutiny and approval.

Publication - designation order and consultation report

Step 6

  • Parliament considers the  designation order and consultation report.
  • Individuals and organisations can give their views to constituency MSPs and provide evidence to Parliamentary Committee/s.

Step 7

  • Parliament approves or rejects the designation order.
  • A National Park is legally designated.

Step 8

  • A National Park Authority is established. Places on the Board are filled by direct elections, appointments by the Scottish Ministers and nominations by local authorities.
  • Individuals on the electoral role vote in direct elections to the National Park Authority board.


Individuals and organisations include: public agencies, local authorities, community councils, voluntary bodies and those individuals and organisations who are representative of those who work or carry out business in the area to which the proposal relates.

Rather than appoint a reporter at Step 1, Scottish Ministers may choose to undertake the consultation on the proposal themselves.

The legislation also sets out a similar approach to revising designation orders (for example to amend the boundary to increase the size of the Park area) or withdrawing them.

The statutory reporting process

The role of the Reporter is to provide information and advice on a statutory Ministerial proposal for a new National Park. The Act allows for NatureScot or any other body with the relevant expertise to undertake this role.

The reporting process requires extensive engagement and consultation with those within and nearby the selected area and covers the following matters. 

  • Whether the area proposed should be designated as a National Park and why
  • What the powers and functions of the National Park Authority for the Park should include
  • The likely costs and capital expenses of the National Park Authority
  • Other topics set out in the statutory proposal by the Minister, such as the detailed boundary of the area and representation on the National Park Authority

To illustrate this assessment, engagement, and consultation work carried out by the Reporter, the following reports were produced by NatureScot during the designation of the two current National Parks in Scotland. 

Please note, these documents were produced over 20 years ago, and they are only available as pdfs. 

Loch Lomond and the Trossachs National Park

Cairngorms National Park

Key steps in establishing Scotland’s third National Park

Stage Timings 
Public consultation on the future of National Parks in Scotland May  to June 2022 (completed)
NatureScot advice on the approach to, and selection of, national Parks (including public consultation) May 2022 to January 2023 (completed) 
Development of the selection process and any legislative changes required (including public consultation) February 2023 to September 2023 (completed) 
Nominations, and assessment of proposals for new National Park(s) October 2023 to spring 2024 (completed) 
Stage Timings 
Reporter investigation (including public consultation) on proposed new National Park and advice to minister Summer 2024 to spring 2025 
Designation Order (including public consultation and parliamentary scrutiny) before Order comes into effect to designate the new National Park. Spring 2025 to spring 2026
Last updated: