Regional parks
Regional parks are large areas of attractive countryside close to Scotland’s larger towns and cities – and popular for outdoor recreation.
The designation was created to enable the coordinated management of recreation and other land uses such as farming and forestry.
Regional parks often include landscapes of regional importance. They may also provide important havens for wildlife.
Scotland has three regional parks:
Some interest has been shown in the creation of new regional parks, including in other popular hill areas in central Scotland.
Selection and designation
Local authorities designate regional parks, with support from NatureScot.
The relevant powers are under Section 48A of the Countryside (Scotland) Act 1967, as amended by Section 8 of the Countryside (Scotland) Act 1981.
Scottish Ministers may need to confirm new regional park designations.
Protection and management
Scotland's local authorities manage the regional parks with our support, and in partnership with recreation and land management interests.