Highland Green Health Partnership

Main aims and partners

The Highland Green Health Partnership vision is:

To develop opportunities and build on existing resources to support individuals and communities to improve their health and wellbeing, and build resilience through engaging with and appreciating the natural environment.

The Partnership's main aim is to co-ordinate activity across sectors to better connect the delivery of health outcomes with the health-improving potential of the natural environment.  It will seek to expand awareness and provision of green health opportunities, with a particular focus on mental health and health inequalities.

The Partnership is made up of representatives from NatureScot, NHS Highland, The Highland Council, The Highland Third Sector Interface, High Life Highland and the University of Highlands and Islands (UHI) as well as representative medical practitioners.

Promoting green exercise in the Highlands.
Click for a full description

Making more use of Scotland’s outdoors as Our Natural Health Service - an animation promoting the use of the Highlands' local green spaces to contribute to health and well-being.

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