Dundee Green Health Partnership
Main aims and partners
The Dundee Green Health Partnership (DGHP) is jointly managed by Dundee City Council and NHS Tayside. The partnership has been established to connect the health and environment sectors with the third sector, communities, and universities. Through recognising existing opportunities, the DGHP facilitates communication to better co-produce, facilitate and plan joint-working between local stakeholders.
The overall aim is to encourage communities to increase their overall health and wellbeing, and maintain healthy lifestyle, through the interaction with the environment.
We will achieve this by:
- Increasing awareness of nature: health benefits
- Upscaling capacity and create new groups
- Developing a new referral process for health care professionals
- Aligning priorities with local and national outcomes
Related Projects
Green Health Prescriptions - a new referral process for health care professionals to sign-post patients to nature-based interventions, using Green Health Prescriptions, has been developed. This is part of the wider Social Prescribing proposal across Tayside. The prescriptions will be piloted in a selected number of GP surgeries and is supported by Dundee Volunteer and Voluntary Action.
Green Health Partnership Directory - over 40 local greenspace activities occur weekly, such as walking, cycling, community gardening, conservation work, arts and crafts, outdoor skills, pram pushing, gentle movements, and many more. This directory of activities will be incorporated into the NHS Inform website as well as the DGHP website.
Family Fresh Air Club - funded by NatureScot and delivered by Dundee City Council’s Countryside Rangers in partnership with Community Learning & Development workers, this project engages families in health and wellbeing outcomes using outdoor activities. The aim of the outdoor activities is to build confidence and show that families can enjoy and benefit from the outdoors, at locations which are within reach of their own homes.
Other projects include:
- Re-DISCOVER Dundee
- Dundee Community Gardens
- Steps to Health and Ninewells Community Garden
- Smarter Choices Smarter Places - Behavioural Change Campaign
Key source of local Green Health information -
Find out about the Dundee Green Health Partnership and how to make the most of your local green spaces.
Are you interested in getting your daily dose of green? For information on our Green Health Champion Groups - get in touch: Telephone 01382 305757.
Contact us
Email: [email protected]