Publications and documents

Our most recent publications, commissioned or research reports, policy and guidance documents, and other resources are available.

Publications and documents older than 3 years old

We are in the process of archiving our publications and documents older than 3 years old to keep the website current and up-to-date. Note: Some of our older publications are still relevant today but require updated branding and links. We no longer do hard copy print runs. 

Older publications can be found using the main search function at the top of the page. Here is a full list of our older publications and documents.

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Current publications and documents

The search box below contains our most recent resources including, publications, documents, commissioned or research reports, and board papers. You can filter using the document type or document category drop-down or by adding your topic to the search box.

NatureScot Commisioned Report 526: Scoping the economic benefits and costs of wild deer and their management in Scotland

01 Jan, 2012

Wild deer are an important part of our natural environment, and they are viewed by the public as one of the most iconic species, thus having significant wider cultural value to the Scottish people. This work attempts to review earlier studies and identify the main costs and benefits arising from the deer populations in Scotland.

Commissioned/Research report | deer