Pollinator Poster - FIT Count Pollinator Monitoring Scheme (POMS)
Flower-Insect Timed Counts
Want to help our pollinators?
This is a very straightforward and easy contribution we can all make.
This is a very straightforward and easy contribution we can all make. Anyone can take part between April and September, at any location where there are flowers and insects. This simple survey collects data on the number of insects that visit a particular flower, classified into broad insect groups, ideally chosen from a list of 14 target flowers. FIT Counts can be done anywhere, including gardens and parks, in warm, dry weather any time from April to September. If you can carry out several counts at one location during that time you will be adding extra value to your survey records.
PoMS is the only scheme in the world generating systematic data on the abundance of bees, hoverflies and other flowervisiting insects at a national scale. What’s more there has never been a more important time to document evidence of change in populations of pollinating insects.
If you can help you will be doing a huge service to help our valuable pollinating insects.
FIT Counts can be done using a recording form and entered to the PoMS website or using the FIT Count app
Find out more at the PoMS website
This poster is available to download as in A4 landscape format for you to print off next.