Peatland ACTION Application Process - A Quick Guide 27 Jul, 2022 Step 1 - Contact us to discuss your plans before you submit your application You must get in touch with Guidance, Peatlands | peatland
Climate change drives butterflies north New research reveals ten butterfly species have increased significantly in Scotland, though climate change could be pushing them north. News - 11 November
The Cunning ‘Wild Dog’ of the Highlands Roddy Maclean reports on foxes in Gaelic Scotland. Blog - 28 October
New guidance to help protect Forvie seals New guidance has been put in place to help protect vulnerable seals and their pups. News - 08 November
Madadh Seòlta na Gàidhealtachd Tha Ruairidh MacIlleathain a’ toirt sùil air an t-sionnach. Blog - 28 October
NatureScot launches consultation for Scotland’s proposed new National Park in Galloway Public encouraged to ‘have your voice heard’. News - 07 November
Look out for the Winter Nomad The short-eared owl is a winter nomad, relocating from higher moors and blanket bog to find food and shelter in gentler lands. Blog - 25 October