NatureScot Research Report 1230 - Ecosystem Services and Gaelic: a Scoping Exercise
Chuir am pròiseact seo Seirbheisean Eag-shiostaim mar bhun-bheachd fon phrosbaig airson ceangal ri cultar na Gàidhlig a sgrùdadh tro:
- àiteachan cruinn-eòlach agus fianais ainmean-àite
- òrain, bàrdachd agus litreachas
Chleachdadh seann mhapaichean is mapaichean ùra, sgrìobhainnean eachdraidheil, dàin is òrain, seanchas is beul-aithris, litreachas is meadhanan eile, agus pròiseactan is pàipearan rannsachaidh. Choimheadadh air eag-shiostaman air tìr, san uisge is na mara.
’S e sgrùdadh farsaing a th’ ann, a’ coimhead air eag-shiostaman solair, riaghlachaidh is cultarail. Lorgadh iomadh eisimpleir leithid biadh fiadhaich, lusan leigheasach, àirigheachd, àiteachas, connadh, fiodh, agus cur-seachadan.
Duilleagan: 90
Foillsichte: 2021
This project tested the scope of viewing the concept of Ecosystem Services and how it relates to Gaelic culture through:
- geographical locations and place-name evidence
- song, poetry and literature
It used old and modern maps, historical documents, poems and songs, oral tradition and folklore, literature & other media, and research projects & papers, and it covered land, water and marine ecosystems.
It was wide ranging, looking at provisioning, regulating and cultural ecosystem services, and found many examples such as wildfood gathering, medicinal plants, transhumance, agriculture, fuel, timber, and recreation.
Pages: 90
Published: 2021
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