NatureScot Commissioned Report 255: Identifying the Special Qualities of Scotland's National Scenic Areas
There are 40 designated National Scenic Areas (NSAs) in Scotland. This report describes the development of a new, adaptable methodology to identify the special qualities that distinguish NSAs and other protected areas.
Find out:
• how the team drew up the initial list of the special qualities of NSAs
• the results of a pilot study of five NSAs using this approach
• how this approach can be applied to other NSAs
The team identified special qualities by consensus. Landscape Character Assessment also played a valuable role in the process. The outputs from the pilot studies are realistic, repeatable, relevant to people, respected, robust and related to the scenery and landscape.
The results of this study and its written guidance will be applied to the remaining 35 NSAs and will inform future NSA management strategies.
Pages: 172
Published: 2007
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