Beavers in Scotland - Environmental Report Addendum 2022
Beaver Translocation programme
In November 2021 it was announced that Scottish Government would actively support the expansion of the Eurasian beaver Castor fiber population into new areas of Scotland to establish the species in areas outside their current range. Beaver translocation is viewed as an important tool in nature restoration and climate change mitigation, with this change in policy enabling these benefits to be realised across other suitable parts of Scotland. Translocations also present the opportunity to reduce negative impacts from beaver activity in conflict areas. Being able to move beavers to new areas provides greater opportunities to trap and translocate rather than manage beavers in conflict sites.
As licensing authority NatureScot will have a role in licensing releases to new catchments. By releasing beavers into new catchments, they will have the potential to spread throughout the catchments over time. Hence the assessment of risks and benefits will need to be at a whole or sub-catchment scale, rather than being specific to the land holding where they are released. In supporting the implementation of this policy NatureScot are in effect developing a forward programme for beaver translocations to other suitable catchments within Scotland. This programme requires the assessment of environmental effects at an appropriate level.
This announcement presents a significant shift from the policy that has been in effect since it was decided that beavers could remain in Tayside and Knapdale in November 2016. The Environmental Report that accompanied this decision was published in 2017 and explored alternative scenarios for beavers in Scotland which included;
• Scenario 1 - full removal of beavers from the wild in Scotland
• Scenario 2 - restricted range. Allowing beavers to expand from their current range, but specific catchments would be managed to keep them free from beavers.
• Scenario 3 - widespread re-colonisation. The beaver population would be allowed to expand to its natural limits. Eventually this could include further releases outside the two current population areas.
• Scenario 4 - accelerated widespread re-colonisation. Proposals for new releases could be considered immediately.
The policy agreed by Scottish Ministers in 2016 draws from both scenarios 2 and 3 in the report and outlined that:
- Beaver populations in Argyll and Tayside can remain;
- The species will receive legal protection, in accordance with the EU Habitats Directive;
- Beavers will be allowed to expand their range naturally;
- Beavers should be actively managed to minimise adverse impacts on farmers and other land owners;
- It will remain an offence for beavers to be released without a licence, punishable by up to 2 years imprisonment and an unlimited fine.
The 2017 ER concluded:
‘The decision acknowledges the range of benefits of beavers being present in Scotland but also the importance of demonstrating how the reintroduction can best be actively managed to minimise adverse impacts on land managers in Tayside and Argyll before considering further reintroductions elsewhere in Scotland’.
The Eurasian beaver became a European Protected Species (EPS) in May 2019.
Update to key changes since the 2017 Enviromental Report
There have been five key changes that underlie the policy change since the ER was published in 2017. The policy context has changed considerably with regard to nature restoration and the role of nature based solutions; we have learned more about the role that beavers can play in natural processes, we know more about the status of the beaver population, and we have developed management approaches through the Beaver Management Framework. Stakeholders have together produced Scotland’s Beaver Strategy in 2022 which provides a vision for beaver restoration in Scotland, and identifies actions to be taken forward.
Policy context - nature and climate crises
Scotland is in a climate and nature emergency, often described as ‘twin’ crises due to the extent they are interlinked. Scottish Government declared the Climate Crisis in April 2019 and set out our ambition to take strong action to tackle biodiversity loss in December 2020, with a commitment to publish a new Biodiversity Strategy by the end of 2022 and delivery plan by summer 2023. The consultation on the new Scottish Biodiversity Strategy has been launched.
Scottish Government’s Programme for Government in 2021-22 is entitled ‘A Fairer, Greener Scotland’ and puts climate change and nature restoration at the forefront of the Programme and cuts across government departments. This is also the first PFG delivered in the context of the new Scottish Government and Scottish Green Party Parliamentary Group Agreement.
Hence since the ER was published in 2017 there has been much greater prominence given to the need for transformational changes to deliver on both crises, much greater focus and political backing for nature restoration and the use of nature-based solutions as a means of delivering these changes.
Scotland's Beaver Strategy
Scotland’s Beaver Strategy has recently been published and aims to provide a forward looking vision for beaver restoration in Scotland. The vision is as follows:
The beaver population is actively expanded into appropriate areas; adaptive management and mitigation is used to protect assets and interests
The strategy was co-produced with a wider range of stakeholders and independently facilitated by the IUCN SSC Conservation Planning Specialist Group. The Strategy is not spatially explicit in that it does not highlight where the greatest opportunities for beaver restoration are likely to arise nor where there are likely to be potential conflicts, but instead sets out a series of goals, objectives and actions to ensure beaver restoration in Scotland is ambitious, yet fair and transparent.
Related Plans, programmes and strategies
There have been many strategies, plans and funding opportunities developed since the ER in 2017 that are related to the policy of beaver restoration in Scotland, as summarised in Table 1. The collective influence of these strategies could be summarised as seeking to deliver a greener, nature-rich and fairer society. Climate and nature have a greater prominence across the sectors. The related plans, programmes and strategies are referred to in Scotland’s Beaver Strategy.
Other points to note that were not as prominent in 2017 are as follows:
- Whilst dam building may lead to localised flooding, scaling of damming effects could contribute to flood attenuation, although evidence of effects at this scale have yet to be demonstrated. SEPAs flood risk plans were not nationally available in 2017 and could be used to highlight where natural flood management approaches may have most benefit.
- The conservation status of wild Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar) is viewed as more perilous than previously, with a range of pressures both at sea and in our rivers. This creates a driver for river restoration in which beaver could play a role whilst in some catchments the consequences of beaver activity may be viewed as an additional pressure to salmon populations.
- The greater focus on locally produced food for food security and for reducing food miles may limit available options for moving production back from water-courses in the most productive areas; that could otherwise help to reduce beaver-land use conflicts and deliver wider environmental benefits.
Programme/policy links and web link |
A Fairer, Greener Scotland: Programme for Government 2021-22 |
The Environment Strategy for Scotland; Visions and Outcomes (2020) |
Securing a green recovery on a path to net zero: climate change plan 2018–2032 - update |
Agricultural transition - first steps towards our national policy: consultation (2021) |
Scotland's National Strategy for Economic Transformation (2022) |
Infrastructure, development planning – National Planning Framework 4 (2022) |
Update to what we know about Scottish beaver populations since 2017
The main field-based activities of the Scottish Beaver Trial (SBT) at Knapdale ended in 2014, and were reported on in the 2015 ‘Beavers in Scotland’ to Scottish Government. The project had been designed as a time-limited, scientifically monitored trial within a naturally contained landscape but, following the ministerial announcement that the beavers could remain at the site, attention switched to examining the longer-term viability of the population. In 2017 a survey established that a minimum of ten individuals were present, with territories encompassing several water bodies around the site. There then followed the ‘Scottish Beavers’ reinforcement project between 2017-2020 managed by the Royal Zoological Society of Scotland and the Scottish Wildlife Trust, in collaboration with Forestry and Land Scotland and NatureScot. During this period a total of 21 animals were released into Knapdale, by the end of which it was clear that all suitable release sites were occupied, and at least three territories established encompassing most of the suitable standing water bodies. The fate of some animals is unknown, and no evidence has been found of colonisation outwith Knapdale Forest. The Scottish Beavers Report put forward a number of recommendations for the future management of the population, including proposals for strategic releases of animals into the Loch Awe area to provide a link with the expanding Tayside population thereby increasing the likelihood of longer-term viability.
A complete resurvey of the Tay and Forth catchment was carried out in the winter of 2020/21. This was brought forward from the scheduled survey 2021 to provide up to date information on population spread and the implications of management under licence since beavers became EPS. The 2020/21 survey found the number of active territories had more than doubled from that found in 2017/18 with evidence of 251 active territories compared with 114 in 2017/18 and 38/39 in 2012. Overall the population had expanded annually by between 17% and 30%, with the upper estimate considered more likely and is greater the increase of 8-24% between 2012 and 2017/18. The findings suggest that the population is in a phase of rapid expansion. The 2020/21 figure of 251 territories roughly equates to 954 individuals (range 602 to 1381). By summer 2022 there will have been two further years of population growth. The 10km buffer zone established in the 2017 ER was intended to encompass the anticipated spread over a ten year period (to 2027). Figure 1 illustrates that within 5 years the population had expanded outwith the buffer zone, particularly on the Forth and into the Trossachs. The spread to the north appears to have been limited in the Angus Glens and to the north by man-made barriers such as Pitlochry dam.
Figure 1: 2017 Beavers in Scotland ER buffer area for Tayside and 2020/21 distribution of territories in the Forth and Tay catchments
The 2017 ER referred to the need for active genetic management of the Scottish beaver population to avoid inbreeding depression. We now know more about make-up of British populations with Campbell-Palmer et al. 2020 reporting the genetic composition of 34 animals from Tayside (20112-2014) and nine from the River Otter (Devon) population. Thirty three of the Tayside animals were assigned to Barvarian origin and one to Lithuania/Poland. The genetic diversity of the Tayside population was similar to the source population, although showed a high degree of relatedness. The authors conclude ‘The Tayside beavers could provide a reasonable source of founding individuals for any future reintroduction of this species, though genetic management to encourage diversity is recommended’. Consideration will need to be given to the size and origin of new founder populations to maximise diversity/ linkage to existing populations.
Campbell-Palmer et al. 2020 also published the findings of health screening of beavers from Tayside (56 from live-trapping in 2012-204 and 2017-2019) and 25 from post mortem) and Knapdale (9 live trapped and 7 post mortem). The authors concluded none of the beavers tested harboured any non-native disease or parasites of concern and demonstrated remarkably low levels of any disease or parasite exposure.
Over the last three years of EPS nearly 80 beavers have been trapped on Tayside and translocated to other licenced projects either in Scotland or in England and Wales. This has brought experience of animal handling and welfare as well as contributing to our knowledge on disease and genetics.
Operation of Beaver Management Framework
In the lead up to beavers becoming EPS on 1st May 2019, NatureScot worked with members of the Scottish Beaver Forum whose representatives include farming, fisheries, forestry and conservation interests to develop a Beaver Management Framework. The Beaver Management Framework (BMF) aimed to balance the desire to allow the beaver population to continue to expand their range naturally whilst allowing significant detrimental impacts of beavers on particular interests to be managed. This framework includes the Scottish Beaver Mitigation Scheme, the species licensing regime, the policy on translocations, the research and monitoring strategy and further work to increase our understanding of the benefits and ecosystem services provided by beavers. The guidance that underpins the BMF is currently under review to reflect the recent policy changes and to ensure it continues to be fit for purpose.
Reports have been produced for each year of beaver licensing since they became EPS based on information from licence returns (Table 2 summarises they key findings).
Action taken |
2019 |
2020 |
2021 |
Dams removed |
83 |
56 |
47 |
Beavers lethally controlled |
87 |
115 |
87 |
Beavers trapped and translocated | 15 | 31 | 33 |
Total beavers removed | 102 | 146 | 120 |
2 SNH Beaver Licensing summary - 1st May to 31st December 2019, Scottish Natural Heritage
Beaver Management Report for 2020 | NatureScot
Summary of beaver populations and licence returns covering the period 1st January to 31st December 2021
As highlighted in Table 2, 79 beavers have been trapped and translocated from Tayside in the last three years. The trend has been for an increase in the uptake of the use of trapping as it has been shown to be effective and a desire to see a reduction in the use of lethal control. NatureScot would like to see a further increase in the proportion of beavers that are having to be removed being trapped and used to source translocation projects. To date the beavers from Tayside have largely gone to Knapdale and licenced projects in England and Wales. Wild releases to Argaty to reinforce the population already present on the Forth were authorised in 2021.
In the 2020 report we assessed the impact of licensed removals (both lethal control and trapping from 2019 and 2020) on the conservation status of the species and concluded that it continues to improve. The Beaver Management Framework, whilst still in its early years and continuing to be adapted is considered to be providing the necessary tools to enable land managers to address serious land use conflicts via a combination of mitigation and species licensing whilst allowing the natural range and population to continue to expand. Species licences have been required for the purpose of public health and safety requiring the installation of mitigation on some infrastructure (railway lines, cycle paths), for the protection of forestry (forest roads), but predominantly for the purpose of preventing serious agricultural damage, where there is no satisfactory alternative in the form of mitigation. Agricultural impacts in parts of the river Isla, river Tay and Earn sub-catchments continue to be those situations where mitigation has proved to be most challenging because of the topography, immediate adjacency of land use and widespread beaver presence. Whilst lethal control and relocation presents a last resort option for reducing impacts, clearly it would be desirable to avoid releasing beavers into new catchments where they would cause conflicts to the same degree as they have in these catchments. From the spatial analysis we have carried out (see section 3) Tayside is predicted to have the largest extent of overlap (or adjacent to) between potential beaver habitat land with a high capability for agriculture. However, there may be few catchments where there would not be any conflicts that would require any use of species licencing.
The Scottish Beaver Mitigation Scheme has been in operation since 2019 and informally prior to that since 2008. The scheme is available to land and fisheries managers to request free advice and practical assistance to help mitigate beaver impacts. The majority of request for advice and assistance have been in relation to impacts on trees and to agricultural impacts. From experience since 2019, we would note that whilst straightforward mitigation can resolve conflicts in some situations, it is not possible to resolve all, particularly agricultural conflicts through established mitigation. NatureScot are seeking to trial some of the techniques used elsewhere in mainland Europe to ‘make space for water’ (and beavers). Such opportunities are expected to bring wider benefits in terms of biodiversity, flood attenuation, water quality and reducing soil erosion. However, there are currently circumstances where conflicts cannot readily be resolved and it has been necessary to issue protected species licences to remove beaver dams, exclude beavers or as a last resort, authorise beaver removal.
NatureScot produced a report on Beaver Management in 2021 which details the work being progressed by the Scottish Beaver Mitigation Scheme. To date the range of work being carried out falls into three main categories: tree protection, flow devices in dams, and beaver exclusion. In the last year this has been complemented by the use of water levels sensors to alert land managers to an increase in water levels to indicate the presence of a dam, allowing a swift response and a reduction in the amount of manual monitoring for dams. There is currently a Civ-Tech challenge project looking at the use of novel technology to help detect and assess the risk associated with beaver burrows.
Table 3: Commentary on frequency of instances where mitigation and management actions outlined in NatureScot Guidance have been employed and on their effectiveness.
Table 3a: Mitigation techniques for dam building activity
Use of technique |
Commentary |
Dissuasion at known dam building locations.
No known techniques that are considered to be effective other than as a temporary disturbance. |
Not commonly used. |
Dam notching |
Carried out under licence. Used relatively regularly to alleviate immediate issues, sometimes in combination with trapping and removal or as a precursor to flow device installation. |
Short term benefit. Can be effective in bringing the water back into channel rather than over-spilling onto surrounding land. Beavers are likely to seek to maintain the dam. |
Dam removal |
Carried out under licence. Level of licenced dam removals have been reported as 83 in 2019, 56 in 2020 and 47 in 2021. This does not include the removal of dams less than two weeks old which does not require a licence, for which we assume there is a much greater number. |
Removal can be effective in alleviating immediate issues or in combination with the installation of mitigation such as flow devices, but where the motivation to rebuild dams is high, removal may need to be repeated. There are reports of beavers having abandoned dam building efforts after a few removals and in other cases regular removal has been necessary over a period of six months. Dam removal requires effort to check for dams and may incur costs in hiring machinery to assist removal. |
Deterrent fencing (in stream) |
This approach has been proposed in a number of locations where beaver exclusion has been proposed as long-term conflicts are anticipated. NatureScot has specifically been exploring the use of in stream fencing combined with wing fencing at three locations as a trial of this approach. |
The approach is not straightforward and may require statutory consents, flood risk assessment and a maintenance plan. Key considerations have been the design which would allow migratory fish passage and at the same time exclude beavers and the defend-ability of the exclusion area. As yet none have been installed although these three sites continue to be investigated. |
Piped dam with mesh filter/ flow devices. |
Carried out under licence. Eight have been installed under the mitigation scheme and continue to be monitored periodically. The examples are principally in agricultural settings, with one in relation to public access. To date these have not been in situations where beaver dams were considered to be an obstacle for fish passage. There may be more instances where flow devices which incorporate fish passage are required going forward. There are existing designs used in other countries, but not yet employed or demonstrated to be effective in a Scottish context. |
Most have been successful at resolving the impacts from the land manager’s perspective and in terms of maintaining beaver presence. Some sites have required modification to increase the volume of water passing (additional pipes of adjustment of levels) and others have required regular maintenance (removal of debris). Two have washed out in high rainfall events. However, on the whole this technique is regarded as successful as a medium -long term solution. |
Culvert protection/ grilles |
Several examples installed by local authorities or Network Rail where issues have occurred rather than preventative. |
Technique considered to be effective. But requires maintenance for removal of debris. |
Water level monitors |
NatureScot have now installed seven water level monitors and these are proving to be an effective means of alerting staff and land managers (via email or txt message) to raised water levels in locations prone to dam building. This can reduce time in checking for dams. |
Relatively quick to establish a pattern of rise and fall following rainfall as opposed to the signature of levels when a dam has been built. Requires sensors to be located in prone locations. Unit cost for base units and solar panels as at 2021 was £572 and for sensors £184. Annual charge is £144/base unit. Potential for wider use of similar systems. |
Trail/ video cameras |
Used at dam locations. Some cameras can be used to monitor dam building activity levels remotely or to establish the status of animals (single, pair, family). Cameras can also be used to monitor fish passage.
Regularly being employed for a variety of monitoring purposes. |
3b - Techniques used to manage beaver burrowing and digging activity
Technique |
Use of technique |
Infilling of channels/burrows |
Infilling largely confined to where collapsed burrows present a risk to recreational users or farm machinery. Guidance in preparation. |
Repair rather than mitigation. |
Destruction of burrow or lodge |
Carried out under licence. A couple of examples in three years in relation to damage to a flood embankment, exclusion in relation to a railway culvert. |
Rare and requires specialist advice. |
Preventing burrowing (hard engineering) |
Commonly used in Europe to protect flood defences and infrastructure. To date has not been used extensively in Scotland. |
There are likely to be situations where such measures will be required. Burrowing risks in an agricultural setting are largely currently addressed through protected species licensing due to the significant costs at the landowners expense of undertaking such measures. The appropriateness of hard engineering approaches is a factor on rivers, but such approaches may be required to protect specific infrastructure. |
Riparian planting |
Limited planting has occurred specifically to enhance the resilience of banks where there are beavers. There has not been widespread uptake of this measure or evaluation of the effectiveness of new planting. Established riparian woodland can usefully demonstrate the benefits. |
Further promotion required and review of grants to enhance uptake in beaver areas. |
Flood bank realignment |
Existing agri-environment measure, but to date no uptake specifically to reduce beaver conflicts. Has been recommended by specialist advisors on river restoration in a few locations and to be followed up. |
To date has not been trialled but NatureScot supporting the exploration of trials and support for land managers adopting this measure. |
Root wads/willow spilling etc |
Established river restoration techniques, but as yet not used in Scotland for beaver impacts. Again trials are proposed. Existing funding support through agri-environment. |
A couple of trials are being discussed. |
3c - Techniques used to manage beaver foraging activity
Technique |
Use of technique |
Tree protection |
Established methods for tree wrapping using wire mesh and for using WOBRA deterrent paint. Both extensively used to protect trees of high value for amenity, landscape or cultural value. Found to be effective. |
Published guidance and found to be effective. |
Deterrent fencing (on land) |
Exclusion fencing has been used to protect an arboretum, to provide a shield fence from the river to a network of drainage channels and to protect a pond and embankment from burrowing impacts. Further projects are planned associated with water gates (as described above). Beaver specific exclusion fencing is available consisting of an upright and skirted section. |
A few limited instances of usage. Effectiveness in excluding beavers will depend on the specific location and beaver motivation. N.b. beavers are adept at escape from enclosures. |
Deterrent fencing (crops) |
The use of electric fencing is being trialled to reduce crop damage on particularly high value crops for a short period. The effectiveness and costs benefits remain to be ascertained. Requires careful attention to guidance for beaver welfare. |
Potential for limited wider application. |
3d - Actions to mitigate effects on human health and INNS spread.
Technique |
Use of technique |
Human health |
Disease screening protocol for translocated animals |
Used to date. Research published. |
INNS spread |
Use of biosecurity measures during captive care. |
Used to date. |
Research has continued to examine the effects and potential effects of beaver restoration in a UK context. Several reports have been produced in 2020 and 2021 that highlight the many potential roles that beaver may have in many ecological and physical processes.
A recent independent evidence review of the role of beavers in modifying physical processes, and the potential benefits they may bring for the provision of ecosystem services was published by CREW (2021) with a policy note summary. It concludes that beavers are likely to have an overall positive impact, with key findings and gaps in our knowledge included in Figure 2.
Figure 2 - Key findings of CREW report on physical processes and ecosystem services
Most of the evidence of beaver activity effects on the physical functioning of streams and rivers points to positive contributions to local ecosystem services. There is strong evidence that beaver dam-building results in wetland creation and the trapping of suspended sediment, nutrients and contaminants. In addition, high flows are typically lowered and delayed, while recharge, water storage and residence times increase. Beaver activity can therefore contribute to water supply and purification, the moderation of extreme events, nutrient cycling and river restoration.
Enabling positive contributions to ecosystem services may also involve compromises and care must be taken to manage any dis-benefits. Beaver activity effects may include the loss of land because of habitat creation and increased flooding behind dams. While flooding increases in the area behind beaver dams, beaver activity contributes to small-scale downstream decreases and delays in the flood peak. The relative effects will therefore depend on the location in relation to the beaver activity, as well as the surrounding land use (e.g., in most cases any flooding in built-up areas is likely to have larger socio-economic effects than the flooding of forested areas).
Depending on site characteristics, other effects that could be considered as dis-benefits include interruptions to fish passage because of decreased hydrological connectivity within a river network. In addition, average water temperature typically increases locally, but beaver activity is also associated with decreases in the maximum temperature. Changes in water temperature can have implications for instream ecology and private/industry water users.
For carbon storage, beaver activity is simultaneously paired with increased carbon storage and increased methane and carbon dioxide emissions; the offsets between these two effects are highly variable and less known.
Dam-breaching - part of the evolution of beaver systems - can have detrimental effects. These include exacerbating flood events and the release of sediment and contaminants that were being retained by a dam. The significance of these effects will depend on the timing and extent of breaching.
Remaining questions (future research needs) -
How do beaver activity effects scale to rivers that drain larger catchment areas? Most evidence has been recorded at the local scale, i.e., up to about 1 km2; policy and practice for ecosystem services would benefit from evidence at larger scales.
What are the effects of beaver activity on the full range of stream discharge? There is less evidence of the effects of beaver activity on low flows and storage-discharge relationships.
What is the net effect of beaver activity on greenhouse gas emissions and carbon sequestration and so the carbon budget, and what controls the balance locally?
What are the site-specific controls on the magnitude of beaver effects? Some effects depend strongly on local beaver activity and landscape characteristics. This poses problems for the transferability of effects to other sites, especially with different characteristics. The evidence base lacks studies from Scotland and the UK, non-forested environments, and at larger scales.
Natural England published a review of evidence in November 2020 to inform thinking around beaver reintroductions in England drawing on research from work that has been published since the Beavers in Scotland report was published; which synthesised evidence up to 2015. This is a very useful reference summarising what evidence has been gathered since the 2017 ER and hence we have included the key findings as Annex 1 to this addendum. The review concludes there is little new evidence on beaver interactions with bryophytes, lichens, fungi, vascular plants, reptiles nor on fisheries and forestry interests. In general the evidence supports the Beavers in Scotland report highlighting that:
- Beaver activity can enhance the natural functions of river system, restore wetlands and promote biodiversity, including of amphibians and birds.
- Beavers create more heterogeneous and diverse riparian woodlands both across the landscape and through time.
- The evidence around the impacts of beavers on fish populations presents a complex and often contradictory picture. However, considered at a suitably broad temporal and spatial (catchment) scale, the increase in habitat diversity and dynamism brought about by beavers is likely to result in more diverse fish populations with greater ability to sustain themselves, particularly in the face of climate change.
- The evidence also points to differing effects on different invertebrate groups at different times and locations. Impacts on freshwater pearl mussels and white-clawed crayfish are expected to be complex, with both positive and negative impacts at differing times which may require management where populations are vulnerable.
- Experience of conflicts in an agricultural setting highlight that impacts tend to be concentrated in more intensively managed arable land on floodplains; and note that those benefitting from beaver activity (largely from water management) may not be the same as those who bear the costs.
- The potential for negative and positive effects on infrastructure on floodplains was noted, recommending approaches are developed for management and that planning seeks to make space for water with a view to minimising conflicts.
- The report highlights uncertainty around what role habitat modification as a result of beaver activity may have in the dynamics of water vole and non-native American mink.
- Disease risk analyses have been advanced and are recommended be involved in any reintroduction programme.
The review concludes that ‘If managed appropriately, the quantifiable benefits of beaver reintroduction in relation to natural capital and societal benefits could be much greater than the financial costs incurred’. Societal challenges stem from conflicts over land use and the perceived risks to salmonid and other migratory fish populations. In terms of benefits it is noted ‘Beaver activity is not a substitute for tackling impacts on catchments (such as pollution, over-abstraction, and artificially exacerbated flood risk) at source, but can enhance water-related ecosystem services, especially where suitable measures have already been taken to restore natural ecosystem function to the headwater areas of catchments’. It is apparent that scale is important when looking at the evidence of impacts on different species groups and at a local level there will be winners and losers, but when impacts are considered at a landscape scale with temporal and spatial dynamism, the balance is expected to be beneficial.
In addition to the reports identified above, a number of relevant scientific papers have also been published since 2017, including studies carried out in Scotland and elsewhere in Britain. These have added to our knowledge of beavers and their interactions with the environment, and include studies on beaver-trout interactions at a Scottish site (Needham et al. 2021), and beaver interactions with wetland species and their role in habitat restoration (Law et al. 2017; Wilson et al. 2020).
Monitoring of designated interest since 2017
We have reviewed which Natura sites within the two 2017 HRA detailed zones of appraisal have since had a Site Condition Monitoring Assessment carried out. Only six features have formally reported. None of the reports make reference to beavers in the assessment. Beavers are not listed as a pressure on any Site Condition Monitoring assessment to date. There is mention of beaver in a Management Note for Dochart Meadows SSSI which refers to beavers as potentially having a positive effect on the grassland and fen interests. The only other mention of beavers is a Site Management Note for Dunkeld - Blairgowrie Lochs SAC - Slender naiad (Najas flexilis) which notes that beaver presence at Lochs Craiglush, Lowes and Butterstone, which could alter the hydrology of the lochs in the future.
During the Scottish Beavers reinforcement project at Knapdale, Forestry and Land Scotland (FLS) commissioned an assessment of lichen interests associated with the ‘Western Acidic Oak Woodland’ qualifying features of the SAC, specifically in the area around Loch Barnluasgan which the beavers colonised during this period. This survey was used to inform the protection of certain trees (primarily hazel) where lichen species of particular conservation interest were identified. FLS have reported that the only trees to have been protected since this assessment as a precautionary measure have been some medium to large sized goat willows, which had a particularly rare lichen on them.
Cycle 3 of Site Condition monitoring (2014 – 2020) used a statistical method of randomised site selection. Cycle 4 (2020 – 2030), however, is operating using a risk-based method, where those sites in unfavourable condition or where negative pressures are suspected/highly likely are prioritised for assessment. This has meant that possibly fewer interests have been re-assessed than may have been anticipated in 2017. Moving to our new three tier method has also reduced the proportion of assessments which are full SCM (tier 2) with more sites being subject to a site check (tier 1). However, any new pressures identified by the more light touch and opportunistic site check methods, will trigger a full follow up Site Condition Monitoring assessment. Covid lockdowns and staff absences were also a significant limitation to site visits and carrying out assessments over this period. The current Site Condition Monitoring programme is a 10 year cycle, so the features not covered in 2022 will be incorporated in to the programme for the coming years.
From a beaver casework perspective the Beaver Team at NatureScot are aware of discussions in relation to five designated sites.
- Loch of Kinnordy SSSI/SPA - with regard to a dam at the outflow potentially affecting water and nutrient levels. A flow device has been installed and RSPB Scotland have a management plan in place.
- Bog wood and meadow SSSI – damming had elevated water levels which required the installation of a flow device and culvert protection on the adjacent railway line. Water level monitoring is to be installed on the SSSI to monitor impacts on the fen meadow feature.
- River Dochart Meadows – as referred to above beaver tree felling and canal building could lead to water egress onto the site and change the habitats, but specialist advice considers this likely to promote species richness of the lowland neutral grassland/fen meadow.
- Beaver presence has recently been noted at Loch Mahaick SSSI during Site Condition Monitoring with impacts on several trees noted.
- Knapdale lichen interests as detailed above.
SEA Methodology
Strategic Environmental Assessment
Strategic Environmental Assessment (SEA) is required where it is considered that there will be likely significant environmental effects arising from the plan or policy and additionally where there are likely significant effects on the interests of European designated sites. In this case we are regarding the programme of beaver restoration in new catchments in Scotland as a policy or programme that requires to be assessed. The approach to producing this environmental report as an addendum to the 2017 ER has been discussed with the other consultation authorities who have indicated this approach is appropriate because the receptors and types of impacts are likely to very similar to those assessed in 2017.
We plan to allow a six week consultation period on this Environmental Report from 10th October to 18th November 2022. The documents are available to view as printed versions at NatureScot, Great Glen House, Leachkin Road, Inverness, IV3 8NW. Responses to the consultation should be sent using the online form, or in hard copy to Jenny Bryce, Wildlife Management Team, NatureScot, Great Glen House, Leachkin Road, Inverness, IV3 8NW. There is also an email address for correspondence [email protected]
This Addendum aims to provide a national overview of potential beaver impacts of beaver restoration across Scotland; identifying which catchments are likely to present the best opportunities for beaver restoration in terms of net benefits and lowest conflicts. We propose to carry out an assessment of the environmental effect of beaver releases in individual catchments as a stand-alone summary for each catchment that is to be assessed. In this first tranche we include assessments for the River Leven (Loch Lomond) and adjacent Forth catchment noting that parts of the Forth were included in the 2017 Tayside Detailed Zone of Appraisal.
We plan to produce stand-alone assessments for further catchments (as they are prioritised from our spatial analysis and from interest in beaver translocations) in the coming years and will also publish a summary and consult on these assessments. We anticipate that as more catchments are considered some of the effects will be similar and hence the approach to assessing effects may be streamlined to where it will add most value i.e. focusing on effects that are likely to be catchment specific.
In the addendum we are building on the Strategic Environmental Assessment that was carried out in 2017. The assessment that was carried out made a systematic assessment of the significance of likely beaver effects on biodiversity, water, population and human health, cultural heritage and material assets. Impacts on landscape, climatic factors and air were considered to be outwith scope and soils were considered in terms of the effects on water resources and biodiversity. The assessment of biodiversity takes a broader view of impacts on species than the Habitats Regulation Assessment that accompanies it, which focuses on Natura interests.
In scoping the potential impacts on new catchments we have only included mainland Scotland. It is possible that beavers were historically present on inshore islands, but it is unlikely that they reached many of the outlying islands. Hence although beaver restoration could be considered on the islands, for now it is assumed that the focus and greatest restoration potential lies in mainland catchments.
The SEA objectives are largely unchanged with the scope being mainland Scotland rather than specific to the two catchments considered in the 2017 report, but we might add more explicitly:
- To utilise the potential of beaver restoration as a nature-based solution delivering a range of ecosystem services.
Proposed approach to the SEA Addendum and what we are resting on from the previous ER
The 2017 ER was underpinned by the Beavers in Scotland report (2015), which was a distillation of a considerable body of research on the interactions beavers may have on the natural and human environments. The 2017 ER provided a detailed assessment of the range of receptors, identifying the types of impacts that would be caused by beavers and systematically looking at whether these could be positive or negative, where there was evidence to support this. Rather than seek to reproduce this information here, in Table 4 we have summarised the main conclusions, with a view to focusing on the impacts that are most likely to be significant (in bold) or for which there is currently not established mitigation.
Table 4 - High level summary of impacts and significance of effects from 2017 ER
4a - Biodiversity
Receptor |
Range and balance of effects |
2017 conclusion |
HRA national assessment of Likely Significant Effects (LSE) |
Woodlands |
Likely positive effect on structure and diversity of species and deadwood. Risk of interaction with grazing from other herbivores; would affect regeneration and structure. |
Need for proactive herbivore management and monitoring. |
LSE (all 5 Natura woodland types). |
Bryophytes, fungi and lichens |
Diverse range of effects relating to species specific requirements. Greater concern for endemic species and those with a restricted distribution. Creation of wet woodland, deadwood, conversely opening of canopy, felling of old stems and changes in tree species composition. |
Species specific monitoring and mitigation of Atlantic hazelwoods in particular. Site Condition Monitoring. |
No LSE but notes potential for both notified moss species to move into potential core beaver habitat in the future. |
Terrestrial vascular plants |
Potential positive effects from habitat creation and negative from herbivory or reduced shade. Only a limited number of notified terrestrial herbaceous plants in the 2017 ER two Detailed Zone of Appraisals had the potential to be negatively affected. Will need to be reviewed as new catchments are considered. |
Species specific monitoring and mitigation. Site Condition Monitoring. |
Invertebrates |
Mostly positive effects predicted through the creation of wetland micro-habitats. Increased diversity of flow and still water conditions may benefit predatory species. Possible negative effect on freshwater pearl mussel if migration of salmonid hosts affected by the presence of dams. Dams may benefit juvenile mussels by filtering out finer sediments. |
Mitigation measures will concentrate on damming activity and fish passage. |
LSE freshwater pearl mussel. No LSE on notified snails or butterflies. |
Amphibians and reptiles |
Wetland creation likely to benefit most Scottish amphibians. Potential for increased predation in impounded ponds or those made more accessible via canals. Effects on great crested newt largely positive; potential negative through compositional changes to preferred plant species for egg laying; risk of water logging of hibernacula. |
None proposed. |
No LSE on great crested newt.
Birds |
Likely beneficial through wetland creation. Potential negative effect of dams affecting water levels of lochs used by breeding black throated divers. |
Establish mitigation to ensure water levels not affected. |
LSE black throated diver and 7 goose species (greenland and svalbard barnacle, white fronted, greylag, pinkfoot, bean and brent), whooper swan and crossbill, no LSE on other bird species. |
Mammals |
Many native species likely to benefit from wetland creation and woodland diversity. Potential effect of dams impeding passage of migratory fish as prey for otters. May benefit invasive non-native mink. |
Need to monitor changes in mink populations on for example, water vole.
LSE otter. |
4b - Water
Receptor |
Range and balance of effects |
2017 conclusion |
HRA national assessment of Likely Significant Effects (LSE) |
Freshwater – running water |
Dams slow the flow increasing in channel storage, trap sediments, increase habitat and spatial complexity and resilience to disturbance. |
Unlikely to impact negatively, may require some mitigation. SCM. |
LSE slender naiad. |
Freshwater – standing water and wetlands |
Positive effects include attenuation of flows, water filtration, buffer against drought, create habitats for aquatic plants. Negative impacts could include terrestrial flooding, changes in water levels for plants, herbivory. |
Monitoring of dams, water levels and flow. May require dam regulators or removal. Use of management plans. |
LSE on all but very upland lakes and ponds, bogs, mires and springs. |
Fish |
Species have co-evolved but beavers will change the structure of riparian woodland and riverine habitat through damming activity, which will impact positively and negatively on a variety of fish species. |
Ensuring fish passage (with consideration of species specific requirements for passage) as a precautionary approach. Use of Management plans. SCM. |
LSE on Atlantic salmon and all three species of lamprey. |
4c - Population and human health
Receptor |
Range and balance of effects |
2017 conclusion |
Well being |
Positively in terms of recreation, education. Negatively in terms of impacts on domestic drainage and associated infrastructure. |
Mitigation relates to assets affected. |
Health |
Risks to human health are low. Continued health screening of beavers. Further reintroduction proposals should be discussed with local authority environmental health teams and Scottish Water to allow levels of risk to be evaluated |
Risks mitigated by health screening before release and disease surveillance. |
4d - Cultural heritage
Receptor |
Range and balance of effects |
2017 conclusion
Cultural Heritage |
Beavers themselves have a cultural value as a former native species. Potential for beaver activity to affect historic or culturally important sites, largely through burrowing and damming causing flooding. Potential adverse effects on Gardens and Designed Landscapes. |
Risk assessment and monitoring of beaver activity in at risk areas. Established mitigation for GDL. |
4e - Material assets
Receptor |
Range and balance of effects |
2017 conclusion
Forestry |
Potential of flooding to affect timber crops and infrastructure, with impacts on access, forest/deer management. Potential felling impacts on commercial broadleaves. Biodiversity benefits to riparian areas and water quality. |
Established mitigation. |
Fisheries |
Atlantic salmon and trout identified as most likely to be influenced by beaver activity with predicted positive and negative impacts; particular concerns around dams impeding access to spawning grounds. |
Development of monitoring and management strategy to ensure free passage of migratory fish. |
Infrastructure |
Impacts may arise from damming, burrowing and tree felling. Scale of impact will be site specific. |
Established mitigation and proactive protection of sensitive assets advised.
Agriculture |
Impacts likely to be limited by topography, however potential for economic damage through flooding, bank erosion, burrow collapse, crop damage, felling of trees. Positive impacts from water quality and water retention. |
Established mitigation measures and use of the Beaver Management Framework. |
In 2017 it was concluded that there is sufficient evidence that the majority of the adverse effects identified can be satisfactorily and straight forwardly mitigated to avoid significant effects. This was explored in some detail in Chapter 5 for each of the main types of activity (dam building, burrowing and foraging) recognising a hierarchy of avoidance, mitigation and management.
At the time much of this experience was drawn from a review of techniques applied elsewhere in Europe or North America drawn from Campbell-Palmer, et al. 2015. Managing wild Eurasian beavers: a review of European management practices with consideration for Scottish application. Scottish Natural Heritage Commissioned Report No. 812. And summarised in “The Eurasian Beaver Handbook, ecology and management of Castor fiber” (Campbell-Palmer et al. 2016). By that time there had also been a limited amount of trialling of mitigation in Scotland. In preparation for their EPS status NatureScot published guidance for land managers in 2019 which included a summary of management techniques. This guidance highlighted the principle of minimising welfare impacts and outlined what activities require a protected species licence. This guidance is due to be updated to reflect the current policy position on translocations.
A key role for this addendum is to identify if there are any impacts not recognised in our 2017 assessment where we cannot be assured that mitigation can satisfactorily address any impacts, or if we have reason to change our assessment from 2017 based on experience.
Changes to the scope of the assessment
There are no additional topic areas that need to be considered to assess beaver restoration at a national scale, as compared with Tayside and Knapdale. However, there will be a different balance of interests to take into account in different parts of Scotland.
We noted the potential for beavers to have both positive (herbivory) and negative effects on the abundance of invasive plant species in the 2017 ER from North American experience. There remains to be only limited anecdotal evidence of beavers potentially acting as vectors for invasive non-native species; either by their introduction or by their actions leading to the spread of already present species e.g., Japanese knotweed. There is also the potential for an interaction between burrowing activity and invasive plants contributing to bank erosion.
Impacts on aspen and aspen hoverfly were screened out in previous ER due to lack of overlap with beaver policy areas, and may need to be considered in some new catchments.
The SEA process focuses on environmental rather than socio-economic effects. Hence socio-economic impacts are not considered in this report. We recognise there are likely to be significant socio-economic impacts arising from beaver restoration, but have not carried out a business impact assessment/ natural capital assessment of a programme of beaver restoration at this time. Scotland’s Beaver Strategy includes actions to develop a framework for assessing costs-benefits and to undertake socio-economic monitoring and research. The new policy position sets out the expectation that on balance beaver benefits will outweigh the negative, whilst recognising the need to consider mitigation and management to minimise any negative impacts and costs. Previous studies on impacts in Scotland are summarised in the Beavers in Scotland Report 2015 pp112-114.
Limitations of the assessment process
The assessment carried out in 2017 noted a number of limitations including the difficulty of predicting the environmental impact of reintroducing a wild animal, particularly in the longer term as the effects can be complex and may interact with other changes that are also ongoing.
- We now have experience of beavers being in two very different catchments for between 13 – 18 years (presence in Knapdale since 2009 and Tayside assumed 2006). The difference in environmental characteristics between these catchments is perhaps fortuitous as they provide information on impacts on different types of interests. Evidence of beaver effects on many interests, and species in particular, is often unknown or unclear, but it has been possible to make expert judgements based on our ecological understanding of the species and habitats concerned, and the experience of beaver presence elsewhere (e.g. Stringer and Gaywood 2016).
- In scoping impacts on new catchments we have relied on pre-existing spatial datasets, hence these analyses are not exhaustive of potential impacts. However, we consider that the most important potential impacts are included.
- Much of the analyses are based on the overlap of the ‘Potential Core Beaver Woodland’ dataset with various other interests. This dataset predicts where there is suitable riparian habitat in Scotland of sufficient size and connectivity for beavers to establish territories. As with any model, there will be limitations that have to be taken into account when using it. For example, very thin strips of riparian woodland are not picked up by some of the woodland data on which it is based, (National Forest Inventory (NFI) and Native Woodland Survey of Scotland (NWSS)). So care needs to be taken when using such data at very fine scales, but it is useful in providing broad overviews and patterns of potential beaver use. Also, the expectation is that the distribution of riparian woodland habitat in particular will expand in line with national objectives relating to biodiversity, forestry, fisheries and flood risk. Hence over time the predictions about the scope of beaver impacts may change and may join up areas of habitat not currently predicted to be under the influence of beaver activity.
- We would note that monitoring the range of potential beaver effects will become more challenging as beavers become more widespread and the list of interactions of interest grows.
Habitats Regulations Assessment - the 2017 exercise
The Habitats Regulations Appraisal (HRA) under Regulation 48 of the Conservation (Natural Habitats, &c.) Regulations 1994, (as amended) (The ‘Habitats Regulations’) requires that the potential negative effects on Natura sites of a plan or project not directly connected with or necessary to the management of a Natura sites, must be carried out to ensure there are no adverse effects on the integrity of Natura interests. The need for NatureScot to issue licences to allow the release of under the Wildlife and Countryside Act (1981) as amended, triggers the need for an HRA.
The HRA that was carried out in 2017 used a national scale assessment of all Natura sites to judge the Likely Significant Effect (LSE) tests. An analysis was carried out overlaying ‘Potential Core Beaver Woodland’ with all the Natura sites in mainland Scotland and for a number of Scottish islands where beavers might be able to reach at some point in the future based on recorded beaver dispersal abilities through coastal waters. The resultant list of 142 sites was used to produce a list of all qualifying interests potentially impacted. Using specialist advice a judgement was made as to whether there was LSE on the Natura qualifying interests. Hence some qualifying interests were ruled out on their being no ecological connectivity with beavers, and some because there was little overlap with Potential Core Beaver Woodland and sites where they are qualifying interests. On a precautionary basis no qualifying interests were ruled out of LSE on the basis of their being certainty around mitigating negating the likelihood of effects.
Hence the assessment of LSE on qualifying interests which was previously carried out nationally still applies (see Table 5 which is a replication of Table 14 of the original HRA).
Qualifying habitats |
Caledonian forest |
Bog woodland |
Alder woodland on floodplains |
Western Acidic oak woodland |
Mixed woodland on base-risk soils associated with rocky slopes |
Clear-water lakes or lochs with aquatic vegetation and poor to moderate nutrient levels |
Calcium-rich nutrient-poor lakes, lochs and pools |
Naturally nutrient-rich lakes or lochs which are often dominated by pondweed |
Rivers with floating vegetation often dominated by water-crowfoot |
Very wet mires often identified by an unstable 'quaking' surface (‘quaking bogs’) |
Alkaline (base-rich) fens |
Qualifying species |
Slender naiad (Najas flexilis) |
Freshwater pearl mussel (Margaritifera margaritifera) |
Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar) |
River lamprey (Lampetra fluviatilis) |
Sea lamprey (Petromyzon marinus) |
Brook lamprey (Lampetra planeri) |
Otter (Lutra lutra) |
Black-throated diver (Gavia arctica), breeding |
Scottish crossbill (Loxia scotica), breeding |
Greenland Barnacle goose (Branta leucopsis), non-breeding |
Greenland white-fronted goose (Anser albifrons flavirostris), non-breeding |
Greylag goose (Anser anser), non-breeding |
Light-bellied Brent goose (Branta bernicla hrota), passage |
Pink-footed goose (Anser brachyrhynchus), non-breeding |
Svalbard Barnacle goose (Branta leucopsis), non-breeding |
Taiga bean goose (Anser fabalis fabalis), non-breeding |
Whooper swan (Cygnus cygnus), nonbreeding |
Whooper swan (Cygnus cygnus), passage |
The assessment of LSE was then followed by an ‘Appropriate Assessment’ for a subset of all sites that were within the ‘zone of detailed appraisal’ in Tayside and Knapdale where these qualifying interests listed in Table 5 are found.In 2017 the Appropriate Assessments were carried out by feature type and by site. In all cases the conclusions was either that there was no adverse effect on site integrity or that certain monitoring, mitigation and management planning actions would be necessary to ensure this was the case (Annex G). We can summarise these management actions by feature type (Table 6).
Feature type |
Nature of mitigation |
Caledonian forest Alder woodland on floodplains Western Acidic oak woodland Western Acidic oak woodland Mixed woodland on base-risk soils associated with rocky slopes |
Monitoring of herbivore impacts proposed as mitigation to ensure no negative impacts – Woodland Grazing Toolbox. Monitoring of impacts on particular conservation interests e.g. Atlantic hazel and where necessary specific mitigation. Additional planting to build resilience of riparian woodlands/ specific interests. |
Clear-water lochs |
Mitigation and management plans advised to ensure water levels and impacts on aquatic macrophytes are managed (flow devices/ removal of dams). |
Transition mires and quaking bogs Alkaline fens |
Monitoring of dams to ensure/ manage water levels and flow. |
Freshwater pearl mussel Atlantic salmon Sea lamprey River lamprey Brook lamprey |
Mitigation to allow passage of Atlantic salmon and lamprey (dam removal or flow devices). Beaver Management Plan for individual SACs advised. |
Otter |
Mitigation measures to allow fish passage |
Black-throated diver (Gavia arctica), breeding |
Mitigation in the form of checking and dam removal April to July inclusive. |
An appropriate assessment will be produced by NatureScot for new catchments under consideration.
Other regulatory requirements
As per the 2017 ER - in addition to the requirements of the Habitats Directive and Habitats Regulations detailed in section 2.2 above, the Wildlife and Countryside Act 1981,(as amended) requires any release of beavers into the wild to require a non-native species licence as beavers are classed as a former native species. The Nature Conservation (Scotland) Act 2004 may trigger the need for consent from NatureScot if beavers are released onto a SSSI which then subsequently have the potential to affect other notified features. The Salmon and Freshwater Fisheries (Consolidation) (Scotland) Act 2003 may require consultation with relevant District Salmon Fisheries Boards, fishery owners and SEPA where riverine habitat is likely to be modified by beaver activity.
National Overview 2022
Quantification of potential environmental interactions
We have identified datasets that represent important interests that may impacted by beavers as informed by the 2017 Environmental Report. We have used these data to carry out a quantitative analysis of potential interactions with beavers across all 138 catchments in mainland Scotland. A key driver for carrying out the analysis in this way has been the desire to identify catchments where beavers are likely to provide the greatest benefits in terms of the ecosystem services they provide and at the same time minimise the level of conflicts. However, because there are a large number of issues to consider, that their importance varies, and that many issues cannot be readily categorised as simply beneficial or adverse, it is difficult to produce a defensible overall prioritisation of catchments. However, the analyses we have done can be used to inform the relative likelihood of different environmental effects arising in particular catchments and hence the extent to which mitigation may be required to address any adverse impacts.
The presence of beavers and their specific activities may be judged in some contexts to be beneficial, and in others problematic. For example dam building could be viewed as contributing positively to flood amelioration, water retention and water purification, whereas localised flooding may lead to land use or infrastructure conflicts. Hence simply categorising impacts as positive or negative, or an opportunity or constraint, tends to oversimplify the complexity of effects. Therefore we have simply tried to quantify the potential for overlap of beaver presence and various interests and to provide some possible interpretation with regard to likely effects.
As in the 2017 ER we have focused on the spatial prediction of where beavers are likely to colonise based our data layer for ‘Potential Core Beaver Woodland’. This GIS layer has been developed based on the following characteristics: areas of suitable broadleaved woodland and shrubs (to provide a food and building source); located within 50m of freshwater; comprised of streams with less than a 15% gradient; and not within tidal areas. At least 1.9km3 of woodland has to occur within 4km river bank sections. Analyses have examined overlap and adjacency of receptors with Potential Core Beaver Woodland as a predictor of the scope for beaver effects.
Some of the analyses examine the overlap of predicted damming activity with specific interests. NatureScot commissioned the University of Exeter to produce a ‘Beaver Dam Capacity’ (BDC) layer for the whole of Scotland in 2020 based on the methods of Graham et al. 2020. The model infers the density of dams that can be supported by stream reaches (111.1m ± 52.5) across a catchment.4 Each reach is classified for dam capacity using five categories (Table 7) ranging from ‘none’ (defined as no capacity for damming) to ‘pervasive’ (defined as having a maximum capacity of 16-40 dams in 1 km of channel) assuming the beaver population is at carrying capacity, i.e. a maximum value.
3 Informed by the scientific literature - Elmeros M, Madsen AB & Berthelsen JP (2003) Monitoring of reintroduced beavers (Castor fiber) in Denmark. Lutra 46(2 ):153–162.
4 Using low-cost and open-source datasets, the following attributes are calculated for each reach: (i) stream gradient, (ii) low (Q80) and high flow (Q2) stream power, (iii) bankfull width, (iv) stream order, and (v) the suitability of vegetation, within 10m and 40m of the bank, for beaver dam construction. These controlling variables are combined using a sequence of inference and fuzzy inference systems which follow an expert-defined rules system.
BDC Classification |
Definition |
None |
No capacity for damming |
Rare |
Max capacity for 0-1 dams/km |
Occasional |
Max capacity for 1-4 dams/km |
Frequent |
Max capacity for 5-15 dams/km |
Pervasive |
Max capacity for 16-40 dams/km |
Table 8 lists the datasets we have analysed in relation to the potential overlap with ‘Potential Core Beaver Woodland (PCBW)’ or ‘Beaver Dam Capacity (BDC)’ across the 138 mainland river catchments (SEPA layer) that occur in mainland Scotland. The table structure follows the receptors (or topics on which the effects are assessed) in the previous ER. We have included some additional analyses where beaver presence may potentially provide benefits or opportunities. See Annex 2 for detailed methodology of spatial analyses. The spreadsheet of data derived from this analyses is included as an electronic appendix. (see attached spreadsheet downloadable below).
For some datasets it is possible to assign a ranking based on the data or possibly a couple of alterative rankings depending on the interpretation. We have included some of the top ranked catchments for specific datasets in Annex 3 principally to allow comparison between catchments as illustration, but the rankings are not in themselves meaningful.
Table 8: Details of data layers included in national spatial analysis of potential beaver interactions
8a - Biodiversity
Receptor |
Data layers |
Representative of |
Proposed ranking |
Limitations |
Woodlands |
A measure of relative habitat availability in different catchments. Measures derived are of the total area (which to some extent will often reflect the size of a catchment) and PCBW density. |
The catchments with more habitat are ranked higher (1). Annex 3 Table 1. |
Riparian habitats may change over time. |
Woodlands |
Potential impacts on western native woodlands (in particular Atlantic oak and hazel woodlands) and their typical species (in particular the oceanic bryophyte and lichen assemblages) around which there are particular concerns in relation to beaver impacts; where the habitat resource is already threatened and vulnerable to additional pressures. |
The catchments with less rainforest habitat are ranked higher (1). Another key consideration is the proportion of rainforest in a catchment that overlaps with PCBW as highlighted in Annex 3 Table 2 |
NWSS may exclude some ravine habitats, but unlikely to be impacted by beavers. Does not reflect known locations for notable species. |
Woodlands |
Area of aspen woodland (by canopy classes) in a catchment that may be affected by beaver activity. |
- |
Derived from Native Woodland Survey of Scotland data that is now over 10 years old. |
Woodlands |
The key concern in the previous ER for beaver impacts on woodland relates to the interaction between beavers and other herbivore impacts, with the potential for deterioration in woodland condition. |
The catchments with a lower proportion of the woodland affected by Moderate or High herbivore impacts are ranked higher (1), i.e. relatively less conflict Annex 3 Table 3. |
Derived from Native Woodland Survey of Scotland data (2006-2013) that is now over 10 years old. |
Bryophytes, fungi and lichens |
Covered here by our analysis of rainforests.
- |
- |
- |
Terrestrial vascular plants |
Potential overlap with the most vulnerable vascular plants – the list is wider than designated interests. |
The catchments with fewer records of red or amber listed vascular plants overlapping with potential beaver habitat are ranked higher (1). There are only six catchments where there is overlap with red listed species and 18 that overlap with amber listed species. Annex 3 Table 4 |
- |
Invertebrates |
Both FWPM river sections and downstream effects assessed with regard to the potential for beaver dams to affect river depth and flow, sediments and migration of salmon as hosts. Analysis is based on the BDC Layer. |
The catchments with shorter sections of FWPM habitat with capacity for damming (occasional to pervasive) are ranked higher (1). Separately it is possible to look at potential downstream effects, although noting there are few catchments where the BDC model predicts damming capacity downstream of FWPM sections. There are 20 catchments Annex 3 table 5 where BDC (occasional to pervasive) overlaps with rivers sections with FWPM records. They are not geographically clustered. |
- |
Amphibians and reptiles |
Likely to be beneficial for amphibians but no specific analysis carried out other than BDC analysis. |
- |
- |
- |
Birds |
The potential for beavers to dam the outflow of lochs and affect water levels and breeding black throated divers/ the need for monitoring and potential mitigation. |
Any catchments (N=13) with overlap are included in Annex 3 Table 6. Noting there are other catchments with lochs designated for breeding black throated divers, but no overlap with PCBW. |
Woodland extent may expand over time and introduce potential overlap in new areas. |
Mammals |
Main effects captured by assessment of dam capacity and migratory fish passage. Not otherwise included in new analysis. |
- |
- |
- |
8b. Details of data layers included in national spatial analysis of potential beaver interactions - Water
Receptor |
Data layers |
Representative of |
Proposed ranking |
Limitations |
Freshwater – standing water and wetlands |
Our spatial analysis has focused on water from a utility rather than ecological perspective, where the effects are considered to be largely positive. |
- |
- |
- |
Freshwater – standing water and wetlands |
As an indication of groundwater quality; could be interpreted in terms of suitability for beavers (good condition) or where beavers could help to address water quality issues (poor condition) through damming activity.
Overlap with dam capacity and poor ground water condition (focus on superficial waters rather than bedrock) highlights potential for beavers to bring benefits in 15 catchments including the Spey, North Esk, Lossie, Moray coastal Dundee coastal. |
- |
Freshwater – standing water and wetlands |
As an indication of where beavers have greatest potential to contribute to flood attenuation. Also indicates where there are opportunities for wetland creation/ natural flood management. |
Catchments with the longest length of river sections where there is a Medium or High flood risk and with BDC (occasional to pervasive) Annex 3 Table 9. Fifteen of the twenty are also the highest ranked catchments for beaver habitat (PCBW) extent. |
- |
Freshwater – standing water and wetlands |
Highlights where beavers may contribute to water retention in ground waters; alleviating drought risk. |
Catchments with the longest lengths of rivers classed as Medium or High drought risk and BDC (occasional to pervasive) are ranked highest. |
- |
Fish |
Analysis of overlap of river sections where salmon are present and of downstream effects based on Beaver Dam Capacity classes. |
Catchments where salmon are absent or have shortest lengths where salmon are present and damming capacity (BDC occasional to pervasive are ranked highest (i.e. least potential for conflict). Table 10 in Annex 3 illustrates the lowest ranking catchments, i.e. those where there are extensive stretches of salmon river that have the capacity to be dammed. Notably this includes some of the biggest catchments/ longest rivers. |
- |
8c. Details of data layers included in national spatial analysis of potential beaver interactions - Population and human health
Receptor |
Data layers |
Representative of |
Proposed ranking |
Well being |
Potential for conflicts to arise from beaver felling, damming or burrowing, equally opportunities for people to benefit from living near to beavers. |
The catchments with the least overlap between built up areas and PCBW are ranked highest (1). Unsurprisingly some of the lower ranking catchments are those with the larger cities; Glasgow, Edinburgh, Aberdeen, Dundee, Perth and inverness. |
- |
Health |
Not included in this analysis. |
- |
- |
- |
8d. Details of data layers included in national spatial analysis of potential beaver interactions - Cultural heritage
Receptor |
Data layers |
Representative of |
Proposed ranking |
Cultural Heritage |
Measure of how frequent these receptors are likely to overlap with PCBW. |
The catchments with the least overlap with cultural assets (area or number) are ranked highest. |
A simple ranking does not take account of sensitivity of the various interests to potential impacts, which would need to be site specific. |
8e. Details of data layers included in national spatial analysis of potential beaver interactions - Material assets
Receptor |
Data layers |
Representative of |
Proposed ranking |
Forestry |
Not included in analysis. |
- |
- |
- |
Fisheries |
Salmon rivers (as above). |
- |
- |
- |
Infrastructure |
Metrics of overlap and the potential for conflicts to arise from beaver felling, damming or burrowing. |
The catchments with the least overlap with PCBW are ranked the highest. Embankments are regarded in terms of length of overlap with PCBW. |
Embankment measures are straight line distances between points rather than following the watercourse. |
Agriculture |
We assessed where PCBW is adjacent to LCA classes 1 - 3.1 (Prime Agricultural Land) and separately LCA 3.2 as the classes most likely to be affected by beaver activity. |
There are 42 catchments with no land classed as LCA 1-3.2. A few of these catchments with low conflicts feature highly in terms of the extent of PCBW: River Lochy, Loch Fyne Coastal, River Awe, Knapdale Coast, Etive Coastal, Appin coastal. However, many of the highest ranking catchments in terms of beaver habitat suitability also have some land LCA 1-3.2. The 20 catchments with the greatest overlap with LCA 1-3.2 are highlighted in Annex 3 Table 11. Table 12 lists the 20 catchments with the greatest extent of PCBW and then ranks them by the smallest area of PAL land (LCA 1-3.1) where there is the greatest likelihood of conflict. Of these, the catchments with less than 60 ha of PAL land are highlighted. Some of these catchments have large areas of LCA 3.2 which still have the potential to be impacted, but the drainage may not be impacted as on PAL land. |
- |
8f. Details of data layers included in national spatial analysis of potential beaver interactions - Additional layers included in analysis
Receptor |
Data layers |
Representative of |
Proposed ranking |
Public land ownership
The area of PCBW that is on public land could be viewed as an opportunity to restore beavers and benefit from their ecological services with little impact on private assets. |
The catchments with the most overlap between PCBW and public land are ranked highest. |
Nature Conservation designations |
The area of land that is designated could be viewed as an opportunity for nature restoration or a potential constraint with regard to particular conservation interests. |
Rankings could be assigned either way. The top 20 catchments in terms of PCBW extent tend to also have a larger area of designation. However, the proportion of the total designated land within the catchment that overlaps with PCBW tends to be <5%.There are a handful of catchments where a larger proportion of the designated area overlaps with PCBW (>10%) and these tend to be where there are smaller extents of woodland in a catchment and consequently a higher proportion is designated. This includes Beauly coastal, Ythan, Allan water, River Kelvin, Alness. |
Nature restoration Areas |
Areas that have or are planned to undergo river restoration/ or habitat restoration. Compared between catchments as an indication of the interest and opportunity for improving riparian habitat for beavers/ increasing resilience to beaver activity. |
Catchments with a larger area or number of projects are ranked highest (1). The Dee, Tweed, Spey, Almond, Avon, Forth, Cree and Spey feature highly in the data in terms of the number/area of restoration projects. |
May not capture other nature restoration areas that would present opportunities/ benefit from beaver presence. |
Prioritisation of catchments based on risks and benefits
Using the data derived from the spatial analyses it should be possible to interrogate what are likely to be the key considerations in terms of beaver risks and opportunities for each catchment. As outlined above, it would not be meaningful to try and combine these rankings, but there are some observations highlighted by the analyses:
- Some of the catchments where there is less overlap with receptors (or interests on which beavers may have an impact) where beaver activity could present a conflict are currently less suitable for beavers in terms of being smaller catchments with less Potential Core Beaver Woodland. We could consider there are catchments where the area of Potential Core Beaver Woodland is currently below a critical level for beaver translocation, although there may be the potential for riparian habitat restoration as part of a catchment management/land use plan.
- Some of the largest catchments feature highly in terms of having larger areas of Potential Core Beaver Woodland and a greater length of watercourse. Thereby these catchments also tend to be those with the largest beaver dam capacity which could present benefits in terms of ecosystem services, but equally these catchments may need extra consideration with regard to monitoring the effects of beaver dams on migratory fish and associated interests (fresh water pearl mussels and otters). More detailed interpretation of beaver dam capacity within catchments may highlight where particular concerns are likely to arise if beaver dams did present a barrier to movement or alter the river morphology to the detriment of such interests.
- Some receptors have a marked geographical distribution such as the classification of woodlands as ‘rainforest’ in the west and aspen woodland (with by far the largest area of aspen woodland occurs in the rivers Spey and Dee catchments). This distribution of rainforest reflects the oceanic influence and the diversity of typical species particularly bryophytes and lichens. To exclude all catchments with rainforest areas from consideration for translocation (‘assumed’ and ‘potential’ categories) would exclude 39 of Scotland’s 138 catchments including some catchments with considerable potential in terms of beaver habitat availability and hydrological benefits. However, there may be particularly sensitive areas where the woodland resource is already fragmented and vulnerable, where beavers could present an additional pressure or require more mitigation. We have highlighted in Annex 3 Table 2 where there is assumed rainforest and the proportion of the rainforest area in the catchment that overlaps with Potential Core Beaver Woodland.
- Additional datasets highlight some of the potential benefits: resilience to drought, amelioration of flood risk, habitat restoration areas.
- Tayside has the largest area of high value agricultural land (LCA 1-3.2) that is predicted to overlap with PCBW in Scotland. From our experience in Tayside, beaver impacts on agriculture have been some of the most challenging impacts to mitigate. Hence in considering the relative risks and benefits of translocations to new catchments, the likelihood of beaver activity leading to agricultural conflicts is suggested to be a key consideration. We have included LCA classes 1-3.2 in the analysis as those most likely to be affected by beaver impacts due to the topography and also the types of crops/value of grazing commonly found on these classes. There is potential for beaver activity to have an economic impact on all classes of agriculture or crofting depending on the local topography and the use/value of the land impacted to the individual business. However at a catchment scale the LCA 1-3.2 analysis is helpful in indicating the likelihood of agricultural land use conflicts. There are 43 catchments where there is no overlap predicted with Potential Core Beaver Woodland as in most cases there is no land with a LCA class 1-3.2 in the catchment. However, many of these catchments also have a smaller extent of Potential Core Beaver Woodland. Hence considering the 20 catchments with the most potential beaver habitat and then considering the relative extent of Prime Agricultural Land (LCA 1-3.) may be a useful starting point for considering priorities for beaver translocation. In table 12 we highlight the 20 catchments with the largest area of Potential Core Beaver Woodland and order them by the (smallest) area of PAL land. There are 14 catchments with less than 60ha of PAL.
- River Lochy
- River Dee (Solway)
- Loch Fyne Coastal
- River Awe
- River Ness
- River Dee (Grampian)
- River Forth
- Dornoch Coastal
- River Beauly
- River Leven (Loch Lomond)
- Galloway Coastal
- River Nith
- River Spey
- River Deveron
We suggest this list presents a useful starting point for further consideration. It does not take account of all the factors included in the spatial analysis, but may allow some focus for further consideration of potential risks and benefits in each catchment.
Assessing the distribution of Potential Core Beaver Woodland in these catchments it is apparent that a number are made up of more fragmented networks or comprised of different river systems running into the sea. This applies to 79- River Dee (Galloway), 10- Loch Fyne Coastal, 80 Galloway coastal, 30 River Deveron, 35 River Don, 14 Cromarty coastal. It is also apparent that some catchments would more sensibly be considered together. Including: 9/10/11/12/13 – Dornoch Coastal, Rivers Shin, Cassley, Oykel and Carron; 18/19 – Beauly and Beauly Coastal.
This leaves ten catchments where there is an extensive network of suitable beaver habitat and potentially fewer agricultural land use conflicts.
- River Lochy
- River Awe
- River Ness
- River Dee (Grampian)
- River Forth
- Dornoch Coastal + Oykle, Shin, Cassley, Carron (10+11+12+13)
- River Beauly + coastal (18+19)
- River Leven (Loch Lomond)
- River Nith
- River Spey
We can assess these catchments in terms of the potential opportunities/ conflicts identified in the spatial analysis, but propose that for this year, we prioritise the assessment of environmental effects at the catchment scale taking account of other factors. We have given consideration of linkage to existing beaver populations and thereby reinforcement of these populations. In addition we recognise there is known interest in translocations in certain catchments. Hence this year we propose to carry out an assessment of environmental effects on i) the River Leven (Loch Lomond) and parts of the adjacent River Forth catchment (where beavers are not already present),ii) the River Beauly and Beauly coastal catchments, and iii) the River Spey. Other catchments listed here may be high priorities for subsequent assessments.
National assessment of the environmental effects on key receptors arising from beaver translocations
In 2017 the ER provided a detailed analysis of how the continued presence of beaver could effect a wide range of environmental receptors (interests), the basis of which was set against a number of SEA objectives.
The tables in Section 4 of the 2017 report on interactions between beavers and the various receptors and list the potential positive and negative effects, cumulative impacts and links to appropriate mitigation and monitoring requirements. Our review of changes since 2017 has not highlighted any changes in the types or likelihood of effects, but has highlighted a change in policy context, to the extent we have added an additional objective. Hence we refer to the 2017 ER for the detailed assessment of interactions between beavers and to identify key receptors (interests).
We have not identified any additional risks to the delivery of the SEA objectives that were not discussed in the 2017 report from spatial analysis carried out at a national level, (Table 8). Some of the additional datasets we have included provide an indication of where there are the likely to be the greatest opportunities for beavers to contribute ecosystem services that are likely to bring wider environmental benefits in terms of biodiversity gain, attenuation of flooding, increasing resilience to drought risk, water purification etc.
We will assess the likely importance of particular interactions at the catchment level in the stand-alone reports to be produced for catchments prioritised for assessment.
Table 9: Conclusion regarding the likely effect of a national beaver restoration programme on SEA objectives.
SEA objective |
Change since 2017 assessment |
Likely effect nationally |
Biodiversity, flora and fauna – to conserve and enhance the integrity of biodiversity interests
No change |
On a large-scale the effects are likely to be on balance positive for biodiversity. The importance of effects will vary geographically, with greater focus given to endemic and nationally and locally vulnerable species. Impacts on riparian and designated woodlands and some typical species will require to be monitored. Some effects will require management where there is currently no requirement bringing, additional time requirements and costs. |
Population and human health – to protect human health and enhance well-being
More experience of limited impacts on settlements and properties and more disease screening of wild animals carried out. No change to 2017 assessment of objectives. |
Effects on the built environment will likely vary with the setting and flood risk. Some effects will require management where there is currently no requirement bringing, additional time requirements and costs. Public health effects will require ongoing screening and adherence to disease risk protocols. |
Soils and geomorphology - to maintain and improve soil quality and geomorphological features
Evidence of effects on physical processes of rivers and streams reviewed. On balance beaver effects expected to be positive, but uncertainty around some effects at different spatial scales. No changes to 2017 assessment. |
Considered under biodiversity and water. |
Water quality, resource and ecological status – to maintain and enhance key ecological processes e.g. hydrology, water quality
Evidence of hydrological effects reviewed. On balance beaver effects expected to be positive, but uncertainty around some effects at different spatial scales. No changes to 2017 assessment. |
On a large-scale the effects are likely to be on balance positive for water resources. |
Climatic factors – to reduce vulnerability to the effects of climate change – e.g. flooding
- |
Beavers are expected to modify their environment in a way that will enhance resilience to climate induced changes; intensity of flooding, drought, frequency of extreme temperatures. |
Material assets - to protect material assets and promote the sustainable use of natural resources
Forestry – no material change to 2017 assessment. Fisheries – no material change to 2017 assessment. Infrastructure – some experience of impacts on road and rail infrastructure, can expect other assets will be affected in new areas where there is overlap. Mitigation could be costly in some instances, but there are established methods for most situations. Agriculture – considerable experience in Tayside since 2017 which has required management in the form of licenced interventions and mitigation. No substantially new issues, but greater recognition of the distribution of societal costs and benefits. |
Effects on infrastructure will likely vary with setting and flood risk. Some effects will require management where there is currently no requirement bringing, additional time requirements and costs.
Agriculture - Locally there may be negative effects which require management (including licenced interventions) bringing additional time requirements and costs. In some catchments or sub-catchments the balance of negative and positive effects will require careful consideration before proceeding with proposals under the SCCT. Effects on agriculture are anticipated to be less prevalent in new catchments than they have been in Tayside. The potential for negative impacts on agriculture is likely to remain an important consideration in assessing proposals to release beavers in new catchments. |
Cultural heritage including archaeology – to conserve and enhance the historic environment
No material change to 2017 assessment.
- |
To utilise the potential of beaver restoration as a nature-based solution delivering a range of ecosystem services.
Not assessed in 2017. |
Translocation to new catchments presents an opportunity to use beavers as a catalyst for modifying their physical environment in a way that is likely to bring positive effects for biodiversity and climate change objectives. Some catchments have greater potential in terms of beaver suitability, size of catchment and beaver dam capacity. Not permitting the release of beavers in these catchments could present a lost opportunity. |
Assessment of alternatives
The alternative scenarios considered in 2017 that were ultimately adopted were a mixture of scenarios 2 and 3, i.e. a preference for natural expansion with restricted further release outwith the existing range. Reflecting on this we could make the following observations:
- The population has expanded more rapidly than anticipated, but in some areas has been limited by man-made barriers and potentially management interventions, thought the status of the population is regarded as improving.
- The approach over the last five years will have limited opportunities for genetic mixing and wider strengthening of the population status.
- That this approach will have geographically limited the ecological benefits of beavers and possibly the potential for beavers to act as a catalyst for habitat restoration.
- The approach may have had a limiting effect on ecotourism and socio-economic opportunities in some areas.
- Equally it will have avoided negative socio-economic impacts or mitigation of impacts on some conservation interests.
- One benefit of the restricted approach was seen to be to allow time to develop research into some of the uncertainties for example; around the potential issues of Atlantic salmon passage or impacts on vulnerable species. To some extent it has not been possible to fully explore these issues because of the limited geographical overlap and types of watercourse found in the beaver policy areas where beavers have been present. Hence some of these uncertainties or questions remain not to be fully answered.
- The restricted range may also have limited the interaction of other herbivore impacts and beavers, which may manifest more in other catchments.
- Another benefit of the restricted approach was seen to be the implementation of legislation and the development of the suite of policies and guidance in the Beaver Management Framework to allow negative impacts to be minimised at the same time as allowing the population to expand naturally. There has been a lot of progress with establishing and operating the BMF which NatureScot considers to be working effectively, whilst recognising that the impacts and benefits are experienced by different stakeholders. Work is ongoing to trial further mitigation approaches and to secure future rural payment support for adopting practices that will bring a range of environmental benefits including reducing beaver land use conflicts, particularly with agriculture.
- It was considered that as the beaver range expands there would be an increased need for management to reduce human-beaver conflicts. This expectation continues and is reflected in Scotland’s Beaver Strategy.
The Scottish Government announcement in November 2021 effectively signalled a move to scenario 4 previously described ‘Accelerated widespread recolonisation’ and is supported by Scotland’s Beaver Strategy. There is considered to be no reasonable alternative in this case as there has been a Ministerial Direction on the policy, but within this there is scope to consider the appropriateness of releases in particular catchments and how these are prioritised.
The move to scenario 4 has been brought about by the climate and nature crises, the growing evidence of beaver benefits and the accumulated experience of operating the Beaver Management Framework.
It is anticipated that the benefits of beaver restoration will out-weight risks in many new catchments and it remains likely that negative effects can be managed (through species licensing) or mitigated. However there may be catchments or sub-catchments that are viewed as not currently suitable for translocations.
Monitoring Proposals
In 2017 is was outlined that monitoring and research would be driven by an adaptive management approach; with the outcome of monitoring and mitigation allowing changes to be made to the Beaver Management Framework and associated guidance.
The number of designated sites that have been subject to Site Condition Monitoring (SCM) in the last five years has been fewer than expected. Whilst the different levels of SCM now proposed will offer a valuable check on beaver related impacts, this frequency of visits cannot reliably be used as early detection of negative beaver effects and SCM monitoring methods have not been specifically adapted to look for beaver impacts.
We previously stated that species and habitats of conservation importance outwith designated sites would be monitored through other existing surveillance and monitoring activities.
The 2017 ER also alluded that a survey and monitoring programme would be developed through the Scottish Beaver Forum for other interest and a strategy for ‘Monitoring, survey and research (2019-2024) was subsequently developed setting out the seven elements;
Work undertaken |
Comment on future operation |
Beaver population monitoring
Repeat survey of Tayside in 2020/21 brought forward to assess management implications. Final survey of Knapdale Reinforcement Project in 2017. Use of eDNA for beaver surveys in development. |
Will be an ongoing requirement to assess beaver population status under Article 17, but the frequency of surveys and sampling approaches will need to be revised as the beaver range expands e.g. with greater reliance on sampling/ focus on range expansion or remote methods. Citizen science and volunteer effort can be utilised to record beaver distributions through field signs using promoted Apps (Mammal Mapper). |
Recording, monitoring and analysis of potential beaver damage and specialist advice
Evidence of impacts on agriculture, fisheries, forestry, residential, recreational and cultural heritage is generated through the provision and logging of casework advice. Surveillance of public and animal health is undertaken by opportunistic sampling as part of post mortems and health screening for translocation.
Casework recording to continue. Post mortems and health screening to continue. Further collaboration with SEPA, Transport Scotland, Local Authorities, Scottish water, Network rail would be helpful to understand the checks they undertake of their assets and how beaver impacts can be integrated into these programmes to provide a risk based approach to mitigation. |
Statutory monitoring of impacts on designated natural heritage features and Article 17 reporting
The article 17 requirements remain but the number of sites assessed has been less than expected. |
The previous approach prioritised features in the two Detailed Zones of Assessment. A risk based approach to SCM could be further refined in areas where beavers are colonising with a focus on features most likely to be adversely affected. These are principally riparian woodlands and associated species of particular conservation interest; e.g. Atlantic hazel and lichen interests. Other interest are most likely to be affected by damming activity for which further surveillance is likely to be required. |
Survey and monitoring of wider nature interests
Unclear the extent to which beaver effects have been incorporated with wider surveillance programmes. This remains an aim. |
Research and monitoring of mitigation measures in land management and trialling innovative techniques
Ongoing under the Scottish Beaver Mitigation Scheme. Some techniques are well established and further trials being developed. |
Ongoing. |
a) Research – collaborate with research institutes to further understanding of beavers, and their ecosystem roles, in Scotland.
b) Monitoring of public perceptions and socio-economic considerations to re-establishment of beavers in Scotland.
Beaver population modelling carried out in collaboration with the University of Newcastle. Geospatial modelling of beaver populations and dam capacity published (University of Exeter). Review of hydrological effects carried out (CREW) and research ongoing (UHI).
Work to monitor public perceptions established and linked to translocation proposals (UHI) |
Research and innovation theme of Scotland’s Beaver Strategy now provides a comprehensive list of areas for further research.
Research and innovation theme of Scotland’s Beaver Strategy now provides a comprehensive list of areas for further research. |
The requirements for monitoring of specific interests will be examined in the catchment assessments of the environmental effects of beaver releases and the Habitats Regulations appropriate assessments accompanying these reports again at a catchment level. Whilst some monitoring may be a condition where licences are approved for the release of beavers it is likely that a wider programme of monitoring will continue to be required to continue to learn more about beaver interactions in the Scottish environment and provide assurances where there is the potential for negative effects.
BDC – Beaver Dam Capacity (derived from modelling Graham et al. 2020)
BMF – Beaver Management Framework
EPS – European Protected Species
ER – Environmental Report (as part of Strategic Environmental Assessment process)
HRA – Habitats Regulations Assessment
LSE – Likely Significant Effect (assessment made as part of HRA)
Receptor – used to refer to the interest on which the environmental effects are assessed in a Strategic Environmental Assessment. We have also used the term ‘interest’ in the narrative interchangeably with the use of receptor in tables.
PCBW – Potential Core Beaver Woodland – the modelled likely extent of beaver occupancy
SEA – Strategic Environmental Assessment
Campbell-Palmer, R., Rosell, F., Naylor, A., Cole, G., Mota, S., Brown, D., Fraser, M., Pizzi, R., Elliott, M., Wilson, K., Gaywood, M., and Girling, S. (2021). Eurasian beaver (Castor fiber) health surveillance in Britain: Assessing a disjunctive reintroduced population. Veterinary Record 2021: e84.
Campbell-Palmer, R., Schwab, G., Girling, S., Lisle, S. and Gow, D. (2015). Managing wild Eurasian beavers: a review of European management practices with consideration for Scottish application. Scottish Natural Heritage Commissioned Report No. 812.
Campbell-Palmer, R., Gow, D., Campbell, R., Dickenson, H., Girling, S., Gurnell, J., Halley, D., Jones, S., Lisle, S., Parker, H., Schwab, G. and Rosell, F. (2016) The Eurasian Beaver Handbook, ecology and management of Castor fiber. Pelagic Publishing. ISBN: 9781784271138
Elmeros M, Madsen A.B. and Berthelsen, J.P. (2003) Monitoring of reintroduced beavers (Castor fiber) in Denmark. Lutra 46(2): 153–162.
Graham, H.A., Puttock, A., Macfarlane, W.W., Wheaton, J.M., Gilbert, J.T., Campbell-Palmer, R., Elliott, M., Gaywood, M.J., Anderson, K., and Brazier, R.E., (2020). Modelling Eurasian beaver foraging habitat and dam suitability, for predicting the location and number of dams throughout catchments in Great Britain. Eur. J. Wildl. Res. 66, 42.
Graham, H. A., Puttock, A., Campbell-Palmer, R. and Brazier, R.E. (2021). Beaver Forage Suitability and Dam Capacity across Scotland. Unpublished report to NatureScot.
Law, A., Gaywood, M.J., Jones, K.C., Ramsay, P., and Willby, N.J. (2017). Using ecosystem engineers as tools in habitat restoration and rewilding: beaver and wetlands. Science of the Total Environment 605–606,1021–1030.
Needham, R.J., Gaywood, M.J., Tree, A., Sotherton, N., Roberts, D., Bean, C.W., and Kemp, P.S. (2021). The response of a brown trout (Salmo trutta) population to reintroduced Eurasian beaver (Castor fiber) habitat modification. Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 78.
Wilson, K.A., Law, A., Gaywood, M., Ramsay, P.R., and Willby, N. (2020). Beavers: the original engineers of Britain's fresh waters. British Wildlife 31, 403-411.
ANNEX 1: A review of the evidence on the interactions of beavers with the natural and human environment in relation to England. Natural England evidence review NEER017. Peterborough: Natural England. Howe, C.V. (Ed) (2020)
Key conclusions
The key findings from each topic reviewed are summarised below. As stated in the scope, this review is restricted to recent evidence available since the 2015 review by Scottish Natural Heritage. Although our knowledge of beavers in a British context has improved since 2015, there remain uncertainties in relation to some potential positive and negative impacts.
Before considering the evidence, it is important to recognise that how the reintroduction of a lost keystone species like the beaver is perceived or judged is highly dependent on the reference point used from which to measure the effects. The existing ecological baseline in many areas of England, reflects highly altered or degraded ecosystems and this is critical context when considering the potential influences of beavers on habitats and species. As beaver populations expand, the extent to which their impacts are considered positive or negative is dependent on management and habitat restoration objectives. For example, is impact judged by referring to the local habitats present at the time the beavers are reintroduced, or by reference to other objectives, such as relating to ecosystem restoration?
The role of beavers in the restoration of more naturally functioning ecosystems cannot be considered without reference to natural controls on beaver populations, which are critical in providing dynamic balance to ecosystems. Restoring natural population controls (or mimicking of those controls) on native species should be seen as an integral part of restoring natural ecosystems.
Ecological requirements for restoring a beaver population
Restoring the beaver as a widespread native wild mammal in England is ecologically feasible. Evidence collected from the trial reintroductions in Great Britain, carried out since the 2009 feasibility study, confirm there is sufficient suitable habitat in England to support this species at many locations, the climate is appropriate and there is an appropriate source of beavers to use to found the initial population.
Interactions with habitats
Running water
Recent evidence published since the Scottish Review complements previous evidence demonstrating that beaver activity can enhance the natural functions of river systems, although the extent of influence is dependent on the natural characteristics of the watercourse and the nature and scale of existing habitat degradation. Key factors affecting the response of watercourses to beaver activity include stream power, gradient and the size of naturally vegetated riparian zones. There is potential for significant habitat restoration opportunities associated with the delivery of large woody material to the channel and beaver activity in riparian zones, helping to restore lost habitat dynamism and diversity.
The scale of ecological change will be highly site-specific and dynamic, but where beaver activity is high there will be an overall shift in the balance of lentic and lotic character and associated biological assemblages, in line with natural functioning of river ecosystems, as long as beaver population levels are subject to population controls that also mimic natural systems.
Standing water habitats and associated wetlands
Recent evidence published since the Scottish Review is consistent with previous evidence demonstrating that beavers can help restore wetlands and promote biodiversity.
Beaver-induced ponded and wetland habitats have the potential to enhance and restore natural processes in English catchments with a significant benefit to overall wetland function. There have been many changes to the water environment since beavers were widely present and while many of the effects of beaver will be beneficial, there will also be situations where landowner objectives will differ, and conflict may occur.
Evidence from research published since the Scottish Review is in accord with previous evidence demonstrating that beavers can affect tree species composition and age structure of wet woodlands and woodlands along riparian corridors with subsequent positive impacts for biodiversity.
Beaver activity within riparian woodlands is likely to lead to greater structural complexity and, consequently, greater diversity of conditions within woodlands, particularly in terms of wetness. As a result, there would also be greater diversity in hydro-chemistry, light availability and openness. Overall, beavers can create more heterogeneous and diverse riparian woodlands both across the landscape and through time.
Interactions with species
Freshwater fish assemblages
Evidence from research published since the production of the Scottish Review continues to present a complex and often contradictory picture on the impacts of beavers on fish populations. This reflects the high number of variables involved in assessing the potential impact of changes resulting from beaver activity such as the reference point against which change is evaluated (existing or natural reference conditions), spatial and temporal population variation, species diversity and the long timescales necessary to observe ecological responses, particularly at the population level.
Where the impacts of beaver on aquatic habitats are considered at a suitably broad temporal and spatial (catchment) scale, the increase in habitat diversity and dynamism brought about by beavers is likely to result in more diverse fish populations with greater ability to sustain themselves, particularly in the face of climate change. Ensuring there is adequate space for restoring more natural river and lake ecosystem function will help to ensure that benefits to fish assemblages are maximised.
Evidence from research published since the Scottish Review is limited.
Increases in habitat heterogeneity and deadwood brought about by beavers are likely to benefit English bryophyte species, but case by case analyses may be required for bryophytes which are very rare or have restricted distribution.
Fungi and lichens
Since the Scottish Review there has been limited further relevant research related to fungi and lichens. The impacts on lichen species across England are likely to vary and will not be known for many years. While there is no direct evidence in England, published literature from other countries, and expert opinion, suggest that generalists, ephemeral and deadwood species will benefit, whilst specialist epiphytic lichens, especially those associated with old trees, will gradually decline in beaver occupied areas. However, the significance of such changes at a landscape scale are uncertain.
Fungi are dominated by rare species at local levels and are considered highly sensitive to woodland structural change. Both mycorrhizal and deadwood fungal species richness have been shown to increase with tree and woodland age and tree species diversity. In addition, ectomycorrhizal fungal diversity is positively related to canopy cover, whilst saprotrophic fungi of fine woody debris benefit from canopy gaps. Beavers have the potential to influence all of these at local scales. Whether species extirpations at such scales are compensated by increased habitat heterogeneity at a landscape scale is uncertain.
Further research is required to understand the influence of beavers on relevant species and assemblages of fungus and lichen in England.
Vascular plants
Research published since the Scottish Review is limited, but complements existing studies demonstrating that increased habitat heterogeneity and dynamism is likely to benefit vascular plants at the landscape scale.
Further work is required to investigate the impacts on locally occurring rare or threatened species, particularly those whose habitats are likely to be directly impacted or whose morphologies are known to be favoured for food, making them particularly vulnerable to exploitation by beavers.
Evidence from research published since the Scottish Review presents a sometimes contradictory picture on the effects of beavers on invertebrates. Whilst the high variation in microhabitat diversity caused by beavers is expected to benefit riparian invertebrate species overall, the development and presence of beaver dams, which alter physical and chemical characteristics of streams, will create change in the balance of functional characteristics and hence species composition of macroinvertebrate assemblages.
Impacts from beaver activities on remaining populations of freshwater pearl mussels and white-clawed crayfish in England are expected to be complex, with both positive and negative impacts at differing times. Due to the very restricted distribution and vulnerable nature of populations in England, appropriate management and action would be required if beavers colonise rivers where freshwater pearl mussels occur.
Overall, the activities of beavers are likely to have differing effects on different invertebrate groups at different times and locations. Such changes are expected in the process of restoring natural function to freshwater and associated ecosystems, restoring lost diversity, dynamism and ecological resilience in the face of climate change. Local assessments should be undertaken to identify potential risks to those species of conservation concern and/or restricted distribution.
Amphibians and reptiles
Evidence since the Scottish Review on the effects of beavers on amphibians demonstrates a positive effect. Research on reptiles is more limited, but where studies have been undertaken, they support the existing body of evidence that beavers can improve reptile biodiversity.
The effects of beavers on amphibian species in England is generally positive due to the creation of new ponds and wetland areas which provide habitat for breeding, foraging and dispersal. The grass snake is also expected to benefit from the habitat created. Adders prefer drier soils so local distribution of this species may be negatively affected.
Since the Scottish Review there has been limited further relevant research related to birds. Where studies have been undertaken, they support the existing body of evidence that demonstrates the generally positive benefits of beavers for birds through the creation of wetland areas and increased habitat heterogeneity resulting in additional ecological niches for birds to exploit.
There is no evidence that bird biodiversity is likely to be negatively affected by the activities of beavers.
Since the Scottish Review there has been limited further relevant research related to mammals. Where studies have been undertaken they support the existing body of evidence. This demonstrates the positive benefits of beavers for native mammal species through increased habitat complexity and food sources. Beavers may, however, also provide opportunities for increased distribution and abundance of the non-native American mink through improved habitat and prey provision. The significance of this for the native water vole is uncertain and requires further investigation. The impact of American mink generally on water voles may be exacerbated by habitat loss and fragmentation. As mature beaver habitat has been shown to be highly suitable for water voles they should benefit from increased habitat. Whether this improves their resilience to mink predation is uncertain.
Interactions with people
Public attitude and perceptions
Evidence since the Scottish review on social science related to beaver reintroduction is limited, but growing, and suggests that stakeholders and the public are generally supportive of beaver reintroductions. There are some notable exceptions to the generally favourable view, typically amongst those negatively affected. Evidence suggests that this is linked to the fact that the impact of beaver reintroduction is not distributed evenly and the costs are disproportionately borne by a small number of individuals while the benefits accrue to society.
There is potential for conflict related to beaver reintroduction in certain contexts and amongst certain groups, including landowners and farmers in specific geographies, anglers and commercial fisheries and specific communities living close to reintroductions.
Conflicts can be heightened when linked to perceived legitimacy of releases, mis-trust between parties and in management processes, power imbalances (including feelings of not being listened to), differences in value sets and identities, and where scientific information is partial, uncertain, or perceived differently. There is evidence that dialogue improves trust and can help reduce conflict, and that engagement can support attitudinal change (though further research is needed to understand how this is sustained).
There is a widely held view that getting the management of beaver impacts right is important and concerns about the lack of agreed measures to address any emergent problems quickly (hence support for culling by some stakeholders).
Better integration between the social and natural sciences is needed to understand the social context of beaver reintroduction and to inform effective management. Social research methods should be incorporated into longer term monitoring and evaluation to understand ‘what works’ in reducing conflict and supporting co-habitation of people and beavers, both relating to reintroduction and longer term management as beavers start to expand their range.
Economic benefits and costs
Reintroducing beavers can generate a range of both positive and negative aspects for society, the environment and the economy. Limited evidence exists on the monetary benefits and costs of wild and reintroduced beavers across a wide range of contexts and this evidence is insufficient to assess the benefits and costs of a full reintroduction of beavers into England. There are three reasons for this; i) evidence on costs and benefits is location-specific and reintroducing beavers to different locations may not result in the same type and/or magnitude of benefits and costs, ii) how benefits and costs evolve with time and beaver population densities needs to be understood better and iii) appropriate management and mitigation strategies need to be identified as part of a reintroduction to maximise the benefits and minimise the costs of beaver activity.
Recommendations for future cost benefit work to allow this analysis are provided and should be considered as a priority for future research.
Water management
Strong evidence from England and Europe since the Scottish Review strengthens our understanding that beavers can have a wide range of positive effects on water-related ecosystem services associated with restoring natural hydrological, sedimentological and geomorphological processes. This includes helping to restore: i) catchment water storage, improving the resilience of water supplies; ii) generating natural attenuation of flood flows in rivers, reducing downstream flood risk; and iii) natural processing of nutrients and fine sediments, benefiting downstream water quality. The scope for benefits varies with the scale of influence of beaver activity in different environmental conditions.
Whilst beavers can play a positive role in restoring the natural processes upon which water management depends, it is important not to over-estimate this role in ways that might undermine strategies for addressing impacts on natural processes at source. Impacts on natural processes (abstraction and water diversion, diffuse and point source pollution, drainage, physical modifications to rivers, streams and lakes) are many and varied and need to be tackled through concerted and strategic restoration plans, providing beavers with a foundation upon which to add their beneficial contribution.
Improved understanding of the influence of beavers on water objectives at the catchment scale is needed, together with continued development of tools that help to increase benefits and identify when management is needed to address conflict.
Freshwater fisheries
The limited understanding of impacts of beaver activity on some commercially significant fish populations and lack of published data considering the potential implications for fisheries make it difficult to fully determine the effects, positive and negative, of beavers on fisheries. Angling and the attitudes of anglers to beavers adds another dimension to an already complex mix of factors relevant to beaver-fishery interactions.
Improved understanding of the balance of benefits and risks to migratory fish populations is needed to evaluate the implications for fisheries for these species. Interactions between beavers and migratory salmonids are of concern given the status of sea trout and salmon stocks in England. Shads, smelt, river and sea lamprey should also be considered as there is potential for loss of connectivity between feeding and spawning grounds resulting from the construction of beaver dams.
The potential effects of beavers on the types of small stillwater fisheries common across England are not widely considered in the available literature, though are likely to be dependent on their proximity to watercourses.
Since the Scottish Review there has been limited further relevant research related to forestry. For the most part, the forestry sector will see minimal impacts from beavers and is well placed to accommodate their impacts provided woodland managers follow the UK Forestry Standard. This requires buffer zones along watercourses, as well as dedicated areas for the protection and enhancement of biodiversity.
Agricultural land
Beaver activity can have a range of impacts on agriculture, both positive and negative. Research has shown that the costs from negative impacts will be higher on intensively farmed, high value, arable land. The likelihood of any impact, however, will depend on factors such the local topography, soil structure and texture, hydrology, the type of agriculture and proximity to watercourses. Therefore, the regions of England dominated by lowland arable agricultural land on floodplains are likely to be where the potential for conflict is greatest.
At the catchment scale, the potential for positive impacts to agricultural land by beaver activity is most likely through flood attenuation, slowing the flow, and baseflow maintenance. However, those benefitting from beaver activity may not be the same as those who bear the cost, and such an imbalance has the potential to cause further conflict. A range of variables must therefore be considered collectively for any reintroduction project. Analysis using mapping software could pinpoint key areas where conflict is most likely to occur.
Infrastructure and general land use
Various infrastructure types and networks have a high likelihood of being affected by beaver activity where they lie on floodplains. Whether this is positive or negative and the scale and significance of these resulting effects will vary according to local circumstances and over space and time.
The presence of beavers may benefit some infrastructure network and assets, such as wetland designations, drinking water storage assets and flood mitigation. A clear plan is recommended, based on appropriate criteria, to zone vulnerable infrastructure and identify responsibilities for managing beaver activity.
Any assessment of beaver activity, or interventions considered necessary should be carried out in the context of wider existing legal and policy frameworks. This includes policy and legislation that seeks to enhance natural processes and make space for water. These considerations are likely to reduce the risk and likelihood of beaver activity having a negative effect on infrastructure networks and assets.
Public and animal health
Detailed research has been undertaken since the Scottish Review to understand the risks posed to human and animal health from beaver translocations and reintroductions. Disease risk analyses for beavers have identified potential hazards that need to be considered for any reintroduction programme. The most important for people is the tapeworm Echinococcus multilocularis. This and other risks can be effectively managed, so overall, if beaver reintroductions take appropriate measures, beavers are not considered to pose any increased risk to public health beyond that posed by existing native wildlife populations.
The risk of introducing significant parasites or infectious agents of humans, domestic animals or other wildlife is low if beavers used in reintroduction projects are taken from wild-living populations in Great Britain. If reintroduction projects plan to (i) source beavers from zoological or private collections, (ii) house them temporarily in zoological-type or private collections (unless housed in bio-secure facilities designed for beaver translocations), (iii) if it is proposed to release beavers held in enclosures into the wild, or (iv) release beavers from wild populations sourced outside of Great Britain, then further disease risk analysis is required. Pending this additional analysis it is recommended that beavers sourced from enclosures are only moved to other enclosures within Great Britain.
Any beavers of unknown origin in Great Britain could carry non-native diseases and parasites, though it should be noted that no cases of significant disease/parasite transmission have been recorded in Great Britain. Detailed post-mortem examinations are therefore recommended of any beavers found dead in enclosures or free-living in the wild. Efforts should also be made to use retrospective sample archives to build our understanding of potential hazards.
Overall conclusions
The beaver is a suitable candidate for further reintroductions within England based on the evidence presented in this report. Restoring beavers to England can generate a range of costs and benefits for the environment, people and the economy, which will vary between locations. If managed appropriately, the quantifiable benefits of beaver reintroduction in relation to natural capital and societal benefits could be much greater than the financial costs incurred. Societal challenges stem from conflicts over land use and the perceived risks to salmonid and other migratory fish populations. Localised adverse effects of beavers on contemporary land use need to be recognised and practical solutions to their management identified and implemented to mitigate, as far as possible, any negative effects.
Ensuring river and lake systems have space to react to the dynamic habitat changes brought about by beaver will be crucial in maximising ecological benefits and will reduce risks to existing biodiversity and socioeconomic objectives. Beaver activity is not a substitute for tackling impacts on catchments (such as pollution, over-abstraction, and artificially exacerbated flood risk) at source, but can enhance water-related ecosystem services, especially where suitable measures have already been taken to restore natural ecosystem function to the headwater areas of catchments.
Continued research and monitoring are needed on a prioritised and long-term basis on the interactions between beavers and species, habitats and socio-economic factors. Due to the individuality of the English landscape, to obtain the most relevant results, research will need to be undertaken in conjunction with future beaver reintroductions. It is therefore recommended that, in the short-medium term, any further reintroductions should include carefully managed studies of beavers in differing landscapes. The influences of beavers need to be considered in the longer term, but interim results can be used in conjunction with research elsewhere, particularly in relation to natural controls on beaver populations, to inform sustainable management decisions where applicable
ANNEX 2: GIS Methodology for national spatial analysis of potential beaver interactions
The analyses were run on 138 catchments extending across mainland Scotland. The catchments data was provided by SEPA and clipped to the Mean Low Water Spring line at the coast. This provided catchment number, catchment name and catchment area values for the results spreadsheet.
Calculating overlap figures with potential core beaver woodland
- The potential core beaver woodland dataset was created for the analyses undertaken for the report to Scottish ministers on beaver reintroduction in 2015.
- The potential core beaver woodland data were intersected with the catchments dataset. Area values could then be extracted for the potential core beaver woodland area column in the results spreadsheet.
- For the analyses figures were required for both the area of various datasets (e.g. Land Capability for Agriculture) within each catchment and the amount and percentage of overlap with potential core beaver woodland in each catchment.
Polygon datasets
- For polygon data a raster flow line was developed. Firstly an ArcGIS model creates a base raster layer by:
- Converting the catchment polygons from polygon to a 10 metre resolution raster and assigning it values 1-138.
- Converting the potential core beaver woodland dataset produced at 1.1 to raster with values 1001-1138.
- Creating a third layer from these two rasters by giving preference to the latter where it existed and filling in the gaps with the former. This raster layer could then be used in all subsequent overlaps.
- A second ArcGIS model carried out the overlaps by:
- Converting each input layer (e.g. LCA) to a 10m raster with a value of 1.
- Multiplying this raster by the base raster from the previous model.
- Calculating the area of each value (1-138 and 1001-1138) by dividing the number of pixels by 100 to gain the area in hectares (as 100 10x10m pixels is 1 hectare).
- The result of this processing is a) the area of overlap of potential core beaver woodland and each input layer per catchment and b) the area of each input layer per catchment which does not overlap potential core beaver woodland.
Layer |
Data source |
Year |
Additional processing steps and/or comments |
Land Capability for Agriculture |
James Hutton Institute |
Two layers created: Classes 1 - 3.1 extracted |
Protected areas combined |
NatureScot datasets of SAC (Special Area of Conservation), SPA (Special Protection Areas), SSSI (Sites of Special Scientific Interest) and Ramsar. |
2022 |
Datasets merged and then dissolved to eliminate overlaps. |
FLS (Forestry Land Scotland) land |
National Forest Estate Ownership Scotland |
2019 |
NatureScot land |
NatureScot 'SNH owned rural land' |
2022 |
Scottish Water land |
Scottish Water land ownership |
2022 |
Data contains the extent of SW agricultural ownership/tenancies. |
Assumed rainforest |
Native Woodland Survey of Scotland + Rainforest area (Alliance for Scotland’s Rainforest) + Atlantic woodland Important Plant Area (IPA) core area |
2006-2013 |
NWSS polygons within ASR rainforest area and within the Atlantic woodlands IPA |
Potential rainforest |
Native Woodland Survey of Scotland + rainforest area + Atlantic woodland Important Plant Area (IPA) core area |
2006-2013 |
NWSS polygons within ASR rainforest area but not within the Atlantic woodlands IPA |
Aspen |
Native Woodland Survey of Scotland |
2006-2013 |
Aspen separated into three layers depending on whether it composed greater than 25, 50 or 80% of the polygon |
Built up areas |
National Records of Scotland settlements and localities |
2020 |
Whole dataset (population >500) |
Scheduled monuments |
Scheduled and ancient monuments - HES website |
2020 |
- |
Gardens and designed landscapes |
Gardens and designed landscapes - HES website |
2020 |
- |
Herbivore impacts |
Native Woodland Survey of Scotland (Forest Research) |
2006-2013 |
High (including very high), Medium, Low selected and processed separately. |
Reservoirs |
Registered reservoirs data from SEPA |
2022 |
These are reservoirs with a volume >= 25,000 m³. |
Riverwoods restoration projects |
Scottish Wildlife Trust |
2022 |
Downloaded from ArcGIS Online |
Black-throated diver lochs |
NatureScot SSSIs designated for black-throated divers. |
2022 |
OSMM polygons labelled as 'static water' extracted where they intersect with SSSI designated for black-throated diver. |
Line datasets
Some of the line datasets used do not directly run through potential core beaver woodland (PCBW), for example large roads will split woodland polygons into two and be mapped separately. Therefore to look at potential beaver impact the PCBW data were buffered before intersecting with the line features to give a more accurate representation of possible interactions.
Layer |
Data source |
Year |
Additional processing steps and/or comments |
Railways |
OS MasterMap Vector Map Local |
2020 |
Intersect with 10m buffer of PCBW |
Roads |
OS MasterMap Vector Map Local |
2020 |
Intersect with 10m buffer of PCBW |
Canals |
OS MasterMap Water Networks Layer |
2020 |
Intersect with 25m buffer of PCBW owing to the width of canals (10m often not sufficient) |
Embankments |
SEPA - Embankments |
2017 |
Reinforced and non-reinforced embankments. |
Calculating Beaver Dam Capacity watercourse lengths
The Beaver Dam Capacity data is comprised of line work from the Ordnance Survey MasterMap water network layer. Each river segment is given a category as to its suitability to be dammed by beaver – either none, rare, occasional, frequent or pervasive. This was produced by the University of Exeter in previous work. It was intersected with the catchments data to give values for the column total watercourse length. Watercourse lengths could also be summarised on the beaver dam capacity categories to give the following columns: Beaver Dam Capacity length (km) None; Beaver Dam Capacity length (km) Rare; Beaver Dam Capacity length (km) Occasional; Beaver Dam Capacity length (km) Frequent; Beaver Dam Capacity length (km) Pervasive.
It was felt the following datasets were best analysed in relation to beaver dam capacity rather than potential core beaver woodland as they are of a freshwater nature rather than terrestrial.
Layer |
Data source |
Year |
Additional processing steps and/or comments |
Beaver dam capacity |
University of Exeter contract |
2021 |
9 separate shapefiles processed individually by intersecting with catchment layer |
Salmon rivers |
Marine Scotland |
2008 |
Salmon 'Ross codes' (1 present, 2 probably present, 3 probably absent, 7 absent) transferred to BDC linework by Marine Scotland using a Near GIS operation*. Transfers greater than 200m were ignored owing to likelihood of inaccuracy. |
Fresh water pearl mussel |
NatureScot and SEPA surveys |
1997-2017 |
BDC line work extracted between most downstream and upstream freshwater pearl mussel records. Then extended river sections down to the edge of the catchment were extracted. |
Groundwater data |
SEPA - Groundwater |
2018 |
Split into Horizon 1 (superficial) and Horizon 2 (bedrock) and then intersected with BDC data. Overall good or poor groundwater quality reported on. |
Flood risk |
SEPA - River extent flood map |
2018 |
Intersect with BDC categories |
Drought risk |
Internal NatureScot project
2020 |
Values split into 3 categories of L, M and H |
Point datasets
Point datasets were summarised by how many points fell within potential core beaver woodland or not for each catchment. Sometimes a buffer was applied to the points to account for possible spatial inaccuracies in the data – see each individual data source.
Layer |
Data source |
Year |
Additional processing steps and/or comments |
Ancient trees |
Woodland Trust - Ancient Tree Inventory |
2008-2020 |
Intersect with 10m buffer of Potential Core Beaver Woodland. |
Vascular Plants |
BSBI (botanical Society of Britain and Ireland) export |
1992-2022 |
Records with 100m resolution precision or better and within 30 years. All records buffered by 50m to be consistent. Amber and red species reported separately. |
River restoration projects |
River Restoration Centre projects spreadsheet |
2022 |
Locations converted to points and intersected with catchments. |
* The original salmon dataset from Marine Scotland could not be shared owing to licensing restrictions as it is based on the CEH river centreline dataset.
ANNEX 3: Tables of rankings of river catchments for key beaver interactions from national spatial analysis
In most cases the tables include the 20 river catchments that were found to have the most/or least overlap with beavers. Only a selection of the potential interactions are included here, but the full data can be found in the electronic appendix.
Catchment number |
Catchment name |
Catchment area (ha) |
Potential core beaver woodland (PCBW) area (ha) |
Rank core beaver woodland area (of 138) |
28 |
River Spey |
288,190 |
7,085 |
1 |
46 |
River Tay |
491,710 |
6,995 |
2 |
37 |
River Dee (Grampian) |
203,887 |
4,418 |
3 |
69 |
River Tweed |
374,844 |
3,874 |
4 |
21 |
River Ness |
182,209 |
3,672 |
5 |
97 |
River Clyde |
190,562 |
3,361 |
6 |
56 |
River Forth |
100,213 |
2,651 |
7 |
100 |
River Leven (Loch Lomond) |
76,917 |
2,649 |
8 |
113 |
River Lochy |
130,305 |
2,184 |
9 |
19 |
River Beauly |
96,508 |
2,181 |
10 |
80 |
Galloway Coastal |
112,521 |
1,889 |
11 |
76 |
River Nith |
109,709 |
1,794 |
12 |
48 |
River Earn |
85,423 |
1,764 |
13 |
14 |
Cromarty Coastal |
66,281 |
1,738 |
14 |
35 |
River Don |
130,128 |
1,664 |
15 |
30 |
River Deveron |
121,191 |
1,542 |
16 |
9 |
Dornoch Coastal |
44,420 |
1,531 |
17 |
79 |
River Dee (Solway) |
88,444 |
1,520 |
18 |
103 |
Loch Fyne Coastal |
70,249 |
1,504 |
19 |
108 |
River Awe |
81,419 |
1,437 |
20 |
Catchment name |
Catchment name |
Potential core beaver woodland (PCBW) area (ha) |
Assumed rainforest |
Assumed rainforest |
Assumed rainforest |
109 |
River Etive |
55 |
0.6 |
7.6 |
7.7 |
118 |
Sounds Coastal |
909 |
135.7 |
1,346.0 |
10.1 |
115 |
Ardnamurchan Coastal |
986 |
367.3 |
3,610.8 |
10.2 |
103 |
Loch Fyne Coastal |
1,504 |
180.1 |
1,607.7 |
11.2 |
114 |
Ardgour Coastal |
755 |
43.4 |
377.5 |
11.5 |
110 |
Appin Coastal |
1,117 |
287.4 |
2,471.7 |
11.6 |
102 |
River Eachaig |
273 |
34.1 |
287.3 |
11.9 |
105 |
Knapdale Coastal |
1,343 |
322.3 |
2,661.9 |
12.1 |
101 |
Cowal / Clyde Sealochs Coastal |
1,221 |
129.1 |
1,028.0 |
12.6 |
122 |
Torridon Coastal |
390 |
37.7 |
299.5 |
12.6 |
117 |
River Shiel |
412 |
128.4 |
1,005.3 |
12.8 |
119 |
River Morar |
127 |
9.8 |
76.2 |
12.9 |
129 |
River Laxford |
12 |
2.0 |
12.6 |
15.5 |
113 |
River Lochy |
2,184 |
15.2 |
93.4 |
16.3 |
107 |
Etive Coastal |
1,135 |
428.3 |
2,506.4 |
17.1 |
104 |
Kintyre Coastal |
1,102 |
47.1 |
193.9 |
24.3 |
108 |
River Awe |
1,437 |
263.5 |
977.5 |
27.0 |
124 |
Minch Coastal |
659 |
97.5 |
358.6 |
27.2 |
128 |
River Inver |
89 |
3.8 |
13.9 |
27.5 |
106 |
River Add |
197 |
5.2 |
19.0 |
27.6 |
100 |
River Leven (Loch Lomond) |
2,649 |
427.4 |
1,457.7 |
29.3 |
111 |
River Leven (Lochaber) |
127 |
46.0 |
149.9 |
30.7 |
116 |
River Aline |
108 |
47.3 |
147.3 |
32.1 |
123 |
River Ewe |
555 |
240.6 |
689.7 |
34.9 |
127 |
River Kirkaig |
42 |
21.1 |
58.8 |
35.8 |
46 |
River Tay |
6,995 |
20.4 |
50.6 |
40.2 |
Catchment number |
Catchment name |
Catchment area (ha) |
Potential core beaver woodland (PCBW) area (ha) |
Proportion of PCBW with M or H impacts |
Ranked proportion of PCBW with M or H herbivore impacts. |
34 |
Aberdeen North Coastal |
726 |
1 |
0 |
1 |
59 |
River Avon |
18,422 |
418 |
0 |
1 |
137 |
Forss Water |
13,933 |
14 |
0 |
1 |
88 |
North Ayrshire Coastal |
22,442 |
297 |
8 |
4 |
115 |
Ardnamurchan Coastal |
78,787 |
986 |
9 |
5 |
87 |
River Doon |
31,756 |
456 |
11 |
6 |
16 |
River Glass |
11,971 |
180 |
20 |
7 |
72 |
Annan Coastal |
1,586 |
20 |
23 |
8 |
3 |
Dunbeath Water |
11,280 |
25 |
24 |
9 |
83 |
Water of Luce |
19,991 |
109 |
27 |
10 |
108 |
River Awe |
81,419 |
1,437 |
28 |
11 |
14 |
Cromarty Coastal |
66,281 |
1,738 |
28 |
12 |
4 |
Berriedale Water |
16,904 |
49 |
29 |
13 |
68 |
Whiteadder Water |
52,667 |
561 |
30 |
14 |
133 |
River Naver |
51,148 |
149 |
33 |
15 |
58 |
River Carron (Falkirk) |
18,646 |
517 |
38 |
16 |
20 |
Inverness Coastal |
13,418 |
147 |
40 |
17 |
114 |
Ardgour Coastal |
47,608 |
755 |
42 |
18 |
138 |
River Thurso |
48,685 |
7 |
49 |
19 |
93 |
Glasgow Coastal |
21,930 |
417 |
51 |
20 |
Catchment number |
Catchment name |
Potential core beaver woodland (PCBW) area (ha) |
Vascular plants (red) |
Vascular plants (red) |
Vascular plants (amber) |
Vascular plants (amber) |
28 |
River Spey |
7,085 |
0 |
0 |
33 |
730 |
123 |
River Ewe |
555 |
0 |
0 |
19 |
63 |
52 |
River Leven (Fife) |
884 |
0 |
0 |
18 |
25 |
46 |
River Tay |
6,995 |
1 |
1 |
17 |
109 |
14 |
Cromarty Coastal |
1,738 |
0 |
0 |
13 |
41 |
77 |
Stewartry Coastal |
965 |
0 |
0 |
12 |
25 |
74 |
Dumfries Coastal |
545 |
0 |
0 |
7 |
17 |
42 |
Lunan Water |
286 |
0 |
0 |
6 |
6 |
117 |
River Shiel |
412 |
1 |
20 |
4 |
11 |
98 |
River Kelvin |
1,383 |
0 |
0 |
3 |
10 |
100 |
River Leven (Loch Lomond) |
2,649 |
50 |
103 |
2 |
4 |
37 |
River Dee (Grampian) |
4,418 |
0 |
0 |
2 |
6 |
97 |
River Clyde |
3,361 |
0 |
0 |
1 |
2 |
56 |
River Forth |
2,651 |
0 |
1 |
1 |
1 |
58 |
River Carron (Falkirk) |
517 |
0 |
0 |
1 |
1 |
49 |
North Fife Coastal |
372 |
0 |
0 |
1 |
1 |
50 |
River Eden |
336 |
0 |
0 |
1 |
1 |
113 |
River Lochy |
2,184 |
0 |
0 |
1 |
2 |
105 |
Knapdale Coastal |
1,343 |
2 |
3 |
0 |
0 |
25 |
River Findhorn |
1,296 |
1 |
1 |
0 |
0 |
125 |
Gruinard River |
7 |
1 |
1 |
0 |
0 |
Catchment number |
Catchment name |
Total watercourse length (km) |
Fresh water pearl mussel rivers |
Fresh water pearl mussel rivers |
Sum of length of FWPM section BDC occasional to pervasive |
Sum of length of extended FWPM section BDC occasional to pervasive |
9 |
Dornoch Coastal |
1,233 |
11.6 |
3.2 |
11.0 |
2.0 |
132 |
River Borgie |
337 |
13.6 |
4.9 |
6.0 |
0.0 |
124 |
Minch Coastal |
3,405 |
20.7 |
32.1 |
4.8 |
6.2 |
115 |
Ardnamurchan Coastal |
2,761 |
6.3 |
1.7 |
3.6 |
0.6 |
10 |
River Shin |
1,577 |
10.5 |
38.5 |
3.1 |
0.5 |
118 |
Sounds Coastal |
3,891 |
7.7 |
3.6 |
2.2 |
0.0 |
104 |
Kintyre Coastal |
2,348 |
2.1 |
1.2 |
2.1 |
1.2 |
119 |
River Morar |
489 |
2.0 |
15.2 |
1.2 |
0.1 |
17 |
River Conon |
3,052 |
20.3 |
14.0 |
1.0 |
0.0 |
28 |
River Spey |
6,888 |
140.2 |
6.4 |
0.4 |
0.0 |
105 |
Knapdale Coastal |
2,261 |
0.5 |
3.8 |
0.2 |
0.0 |
7 |
River Brora |
831 |
0.2 |
27.0 |
0.2 |
0.3 |
108 |
River Awe |
3,380 |
3.8 |
60.1 |
0.2 |
5.0 |
46 |
River Tay |
12,427 |
132.9 |
114.3 |
0.2 |
0.0 |
26 |
River Lossie |
672 |
0.2 |
26.4 |
0.2 |
4.5 |
122 |
Torridon Coastal |
1,655 |
2.1 |
3.4 |
0.2 |
1.4 |
123 |
River Ewe |
1,263 |
5.0 |
5.7 |
0.1 |
1.4 |
128 |
River Inver |
427 |
1.8 |
11.0 |
0.1 |
0.0 |
37 |
River Dee (Grampian) |
4,256 |
96.1 |
0.4 |
0.1 |
0.0 |
19 |
River Beauly |
2,328 |
30.2 |
0.0 |
0.1 |
0.0 |
12 |
River Oykel |
1,001 |
28.9 |
12.1 |
0.0 |
1.6 |
121 |
River Carron (Wester Ross) |
621 |
1.1 |
20.8 |
0.0 |
0.5 |
Catchment number |
Catchment name |
Catchment area (ha) |
Potential core beaver woodland (PCBW) area (ha) |
Black-throated diver lochs buffer |
Black-throated diver lochs buffer |
Black-throated diver lochs buffer |
123 |
River Ewe |
43,593 |
555 |
191.1 |
518.6 |
36.9 |
117 |
River Shiel |
25,178 |
412 |
117.2 |
409.5 |
28.6 |
124 |
Minch Coastal |
147,047 |
659 |
37.6 |
2,086.2 |
1.8 |
19 |
River Beauly |
96,508 |
2,181 |
32.2 |
82.9 |
38.8 |
128 |
River Inver |
16,404 |
89 |
29.7 |
217.7 |
13.6 |
21 |
River Ness |
182,209 |
3,672 |
25.4 |
153.5 |
16.5 |
113 |
River Lochy |
130,305 |
2,184 |
17.5 |
237.5 |
7.4 |
127 |
River Kirkaig |
14,069 |
42 |
7.9 |
374.2 |
2.1 |
10 |
River Shin |
57,794 |
506 |
6.8 |
540.2 |
1.3 |
122 |
Torridon Coastal |
62,137 |
390 |
6.2 |
61.6 |
10.0 |
46 |
River Tay |
491,710 |
6,995 |
4.9 |
1,478.3 |
0.3 |
129 |
River Laxford |
11,818 |
12 |
3.8 |
201.6 |
1.9 |
132 |
River Borgie |
14,860 |
36 |
0.1 |
457.3 |
0.0 |
Catchment number |
Catchment name |
Potential core beaver woodland (PCBW) area (ha) |
Rank core beaver woodland area (of 138) |
Total watercourse length (km) |
Sum of BDC length (occasional to pervasive) |
125 |
Gruinard River |
7 |
134 |
329 |
2.6 |
34 |
Aberdeen North Coastal |
1 |
137 |
27 |
7.4 |
120 |
River Ling |
27 |
126 |
387 |
9.5 |
4 |
Berriedale Water |
49 |
122 |
351 |
13.3 |
128 |
River Inver |
89 |
116 |
427 |
13.4 |
72 |
Annan Coastal |
20 |
130 |
24 |
14.2 |
112 |
Fort William Coastal |
22 |
128 |
20 |
14.8 |
111 |
River Leven (Lochaber) |
127 |
109 |
625 |
15.6 |
3 |
Dunbeath Water |
25 |
127 |
273 |
18.5 |
119 |
River Morar |
127 |
108 |
489 |
24.5 |
131 |
River Hope |
85 |
117 |
559 |
26.0 |
126 |
River Broom |
106 |
113 |
357 |
27.4 |
36 |
Aberdeen South Coastal |
22 |
129 |
71 |
29.5 |
129 |
River Laxford |
12 |
132 |
311 |
34.8 |
137 |
Forss Water |
14 |
131 |
360 |
35.0 |
127 |
River Kirkaig |
42 |
123 |
335 |
39.3 |
109 |
River Etive |
55 |
120 |
651 |
46.2 |
27 |
Spey Bay Coastal |
62 |
119 |
71 |
54.6 |
134 |
River Strathy |
0 |
138 |
247 |
59.4 |
11 |
River Cassley |
183 |
100 |
553 |
61.6 |
Catchment number |
Catchment name |
Potential core beaver woodland (PCBW) area (ha) |
Rank core beaver woodland |
Total watercourse length (km) |
Sum of BDC length (occasional to pervasive) |
69 |
River Tweed |
3,874 |
4 |
8,475 |
3952.2 |
46 |
River Tay |
6,995 |
2 |
12,427 |
3777.3 |
28 |
River Spey |
7,085 |
1 |
6,888 |
2333.9 |
97 |
River Clyde |
3,361 |
6 |
4,803 |
2117.4 |
30 |
River Deveron |
1,542 |
16 |
3,061 |
1690.6 |
76 |
River Nith |
1,794 |
12 |
3,479 |
1608.8 |
79 |
River Dee (Solway) |
1,520 |
18 |
2,792 |
1604.9 |
73 |
River Annan |
1,334 |
24 |
2,744 |
1577.4 |
103 |
Loch Fyne Coastal |
1,504 |
19 |
2,827 |
1562.6 |
37 |
River Dee (Grampian) |
4,418 |
3 |
4,256 |
1515.5 |
56 |
River Forth |
2,651 |
7 |
3,475 |
1497.5 |
80 |
Galloway Coastal |
1,889 |
11 |
2,797 |
1486.5 |
104 |
Kintyre Coastal |
1,102 |
29 |
2,348 |
1436.6 |
35 |
River Don |
1,664 |
15 |
2,832 |
1416.6 |
21 |
River Ness |
3,672 |
5 |
5,319 |
1312.1 |
71 |
River Esk (Solway) |
922 |
38 |
2,371 |
1301.0 |
105 |
Knapdale Coastal |
1,343 |
23 |
2,261 |
1197.9 |
48 |
River Earn |
1,764 |
13 |
2,494 |
1132.8 |
101 |
Cowal / Clyde Sealochs Coastal |
1,221 |
26 |
2,525 |
1128.1 |
108 |
River Awe |
1,437 |
20 |
3,380 |
1120.3 |
Catchment number
Catchment name
Catchment area (ha)
Potential core beaver woodland (PCBW)
Rank core beaver woodland area (of 138)
Sum length predicted drought risk M or H and BDC occasional to pervasive
69 | River Tweed | 374,844 | 3,874 | 4 | 3,876.2 | 1 |
46 |
River Tay |
491,710 |
6,995 |
2 |
3,515.8 |
2 |
28 |
River Spey |
288,190 |
7,085 |
1 |
2,235.5 |
3 |
97 |
River Clyde |
190,562 |
3,361 |
6 |
2,040.6 |
4 |
30 |
River Deveron |
121,191 |
1,542 |
16 |
1,690.6 |
5 |
37 |
River Dee (Grampian) |
203,887 |
4,418 |
3 |
1,515.5 |
6 |
76 |
River Nith |
109,709 |
1,794 |
12 |
1,475.5 |
7 |
35 |
River Don |
130,128 |
1,664 |
15 |
1,416.6 |
8 |
73 |
River Annan |
93,614 |
1,334 |
24 |
1,304.5 |
9 |
71 |
River Esk (Solway) |
80,546 |
922 |
38 |
1,211.9 |
10 |
56 |
River Forth |
100,213 |
2,651 |
7 |
1,202.0 |
11 |
79 |
River Dee (Solway) |
88,444 |
1,520 |
18 |
1,127.9 |
12 |
21 |
River Ness |
182,209 |
3,672 |
5 |
1,117.2 |
13 |
48 |
River Earn |
85,423 |
1,764 |
13 |
1,103.7 |
14 |
100 |
River Leven (Loch Lomond) |
76,917 |
2,649 |
8 |
796.3 |
15 |
14 |
Cromarty Coastal |
66,281 |
1,738 |
14 |
749.1 |
16 |
61 |
River Almond |
38,451 |
1,026 |
32 |
728.5 |
17 |
113 |
River Lochy |
130,305 |
2,184 |
9 |
708.1 |
18 |
41 |
River South Esk (Tayside) |
55,361 |
990 |
35 |
675.1 |
19 |
40 |
River North Esk (Tayside) |
75,563 |
996 |
34 |
667.0 |
20 |
n.b. 15 of these catchments are also in the top 20 in terms of PCBW extent and all rank highly in terms of potential beaver habitat.
Catchment number |
Catchment name |
Catchment area (ha) |
Potential core beaver woodland (PCBW) area (ha) |
Rank core beaver woodland area (of 138) |
Total watercourse length (km) |
Lengths where salmon present/ BDC occasional to Pervasive |
Rank of lengths where salmon present and BDC occasional to pervasive |
69 |
River Tweed |
374,844 |
3,874 |
4 |
8,475 |
576.8 |
138 |
46 |
River Tay |
491,710 |
6,995 |
2 |
12,427 |
512.2 |
137 |
28 |
River Spey |
288,190 |
7,085 |
1 |
6,888 |
387.2 |
136 |
76 |
River Nith |
109,709 |
1,794 |
12 |
3,479 |
319.0 |
135 |
73 |
River Annan |
93,614 |
1,334 |
24 |
2,744 |
277.3 |
134 |
37 |
River Dee (Grampian) |
203,887 |
4,418 |
3 |
4,256 |
268.7 |
133 |
30 |
River Deveron |
121,191 |
1,542 |
16 |
3,061 |
266.7 |
132 |
35 |
River Don |
130,128 |
1,664 |
15 |
2,832 |
255.3 |
131 |
56 |
River Forth |
100,213 |
2,651 |
7 |
3,475 |
203.0 |
130 |
104 |
Kintyre Coastal |
75,243 |
1,102 |
29 |
2,348 |
158.3 |
129 |
41 |
River South Esk (Tayside) |
55,361 |
990 |
35 |
1,461 |
150.7 |
128 |
40 |
River North Esk (Tayside) |
75,563 |
996 |
34 |
1,800 |
141.1 |
127 |
100 |
River Leven (Loch Lomond) |
76,917 |
2,649 |
8 |
2,931 |
131.5 |
126 |
48 |
River Earn |
85,423 |
1,764 |
13 |
2,494 |
130.1 |
125 |
108 |
River Awe |
81,419 |
1,437 |
20 |
3,380 |
114.8 |
124 |
33 |
River Ythan |
53,486 |
405 |
68 |
1,057 |
114.0 |
123 |
85 |
River Stinchar |
33,603 |
684 |
46 |
1,110 |
102.8 |
122 |
82 |
River Bladnoch |
33,231 |
299 |
83 |
932 |
97.9 |
121 |
32 |
River Ugie |
33,107 |
211 |
94 |
990 |
86.9 |
120 |
89 |
River Ayr |
57,350 |
1,077 |
30 |
1,534 |
83.5 |
119 |
Catchment number |
Catchment name |
Catchment area (ha) |
Potential core beaver woodland (PCBW) area (ha) |
Ranked areas of potential core beaver woodland (of 138) |
Land Capability for Agriculture |
Land Capability for Agriculture |
Sum of area LCA for Agriculture Class 1-3.2 overlap with PCBW |
46 |
River Tay |
491,710 |
6,995 |
2 |
587.0 |
861.1 |
1,448.1 |
69 |
River Tweed |
374,844 |
3,874 |
4 |
589.6 |
785.7 |
1,375.2 |
37 |
River Dee (Grampian) |
203,887 |
4,418 |
3 |
5.4 |
920.3 |
925.7 |
35 |
River Don |
130,128 |
1,664 |
15 |
94.0 |
766.1 |
860.2 |
30 |
River Deveron |
121,191 |
1,542 |
16 |
48.1 |
671.6 |
719.7 |
97 |
River Clyde |
190,562 |
3,361 |
6 |
135.1 |
568.9 |
704.0 |
48 |
River Earn |
85,423 |
1,764 |
13 |
249.9 |
440.7 |
690.6 |
14 |
Cromarty Coastal |
66,281 |
1,738 |
14 |
211.6 |
452.1 |
663.7 |
41 |
River South Esk (Tayside) |
55,361 |
990 |
35 |
422.7 |
184.9 |
607.6 |
51 |
South Fife Coastal |
45,301 |
1,001 |
33 |
290.0 |
270.9 |
560.9 |
40 |
River North Esk (Tayside) |
75,563 |
996 |
34 |
295.1 |
256.3 |
551.4 |
52 |
River Leven (Fife) |
41,350 |
884 |
41 |
248.4 |
187.2 |
435.6 |
28 |
River Spey |
288,190 |
7,085 |
1 |
41.0 |
355.1 |
396.1 |
65 |
River Tyne |
30,529 |
776 |
43 |
253.8 |
131.2 |
385.0 |
9 |
Dornoch Coastal |
44,420 |
1,531 |
17 |
12.5 |
368.4 |
380.8 |
80 |
Galloway Coastal |
112,521 |
1,889 |
11 |
23.1 |
329.0 |
352.0 |
61 |
River Almond |
38,451 |
1,026 |
32 |
245.8 |
88.1 |
333.9 |
100 |
River Leven (Loch Lomond) |
76,917 |
2,649 |
8 |
16.6 |
310.8 |
327.3 |
56 |
River Forth |
100,213 |
2,651 |
7 |
10.8 |
313.6 |
324.4 |
38 |
Kincardine and Angus Coastal |
41,860 |
594 |
50 |
128.2 |
172.8 |
301.0 |
Catchment number |
Catchment name |
Catchment area (ha) |
Potential core beaver woodland (PCBW) area (ha) |
Rank areas of core beaver woodland (of 138) |
Land Capability for Agriculture |
Land Capability for Agriculture |
113 |
River Lochy |
130,305 |
2,184 |
9 |
0.0 |
0.0 |
79 |
River Dee (Solway) |
88,444 |
1,520 |
18 |
0.0 |
26.3 |
103 |
Loch Fyne Coastal |
70,249 |
1,504 |
19 |
0.0 |
0.0 |
108 |
River Awe |
81,419 |
1,437 |
20 |
0.0 |
0.0 |
21 |
River Ness |
182,209 |
3,672 |
5 |
0.7 |
109.7 |
37 |
River Dee (Grampian) |
203,887 |
4,418 |
3 |
5.4 |
920.3 |
56 |
River Forth |
100,213 |
2,651 |
7 |
10.8 |
313.6 |
9 |
Dornoch Coastal |
44,420 |
1,531 |
17 |
12.5 |
368.4 |
19 |
River Beauly |
96,508 |
2,181 |
10 |
16.0 |
78.3 |
100 |
River Leven (Loch Lomond) |
76,917 |
2,649 |
8 |
16.6 |
310.8 |
80 |
Galloway Coastal |
112,521 |
1,889 |
11 |
23.1 |
329.0 |
76 |
River Nith |
109,709 |
1,794 |
12 |
23.5 |
172.7 |
28 |
River Spey |
288,190 |
7,085 |
1 |
41.0 |
355.1 |
30 |
River Deveron |
121,191 |
1,542 |
16 |
48.1 |
671.6 |
35 |
River Don |
130,128 |
1,664 |
15 |
94.0 |
766.1 |
97 |
River Clyde |
190,562 |
3,361 |
6 |
135.1 |
568.9 |
14 |
Cromarty Coastal |
66,281 |
1,738 |
14 |
211.6 |
452.1 |
48 |
River Earn |
85,423 |
1,764 |
13 |
249.9 |
440.7 |
46 |
River Tay |
491,710 |
6,995 |
2 |
587.0 |
861.1 |
69 |
River Tweed |
374,844 |
3,874 |
4 |
589.6 |
785.7 |