Peatland ACTION - What we have achieved
Peatland ACTION is a national programme to restore peatlands across Scotland.
It is led and funded by Scottish Government and delivered in partnership with NatureScot, Loch Lomond & the Trossachs National Park Authority, Cairngorms National Park Authority, Scottish Water, and Forestry and Land Scotland.
In April 2019 The Scottish Government lead the nation in declaring a global climate emergency. In recognition that peatland restoration offers a clear nature-based solution to both the climate crisis and biodiversity loss the Scottish Government announced, early the following year, a multi-annual investment in peatland restoration of more than £250 million up to 2030.
What have we achieved?
Read the Peatland ACTION Annual Review 2023-24, published on behalf of the Scottish Government, to find out about our achievements and how the Partnership is working with landowners, contractors and decision makers to achieve our aims.
Since 2012 The Peatland ACTION Programme has set over 51,000 ha of degraded peatland on the road to recovery.
Awards - Peatland ACTION Programme
- RSPB's Nature of Scotland Awards (2023) - Landscape Restoration Award category - Highly Commended
- Holyrood Climate Award (2023) - Winners trophy for the Nature and Climate category.
- RSPB's Nature of Scotland Awards (2020) - Nature and Climate Action category - Finalist
- Chartered Institute of Ecology and Environmental Management (2016) - Best Practice - Large Scale Nature Conservation Award category - Winner
- Scottish Land and Estates' Helping it Happen Awards (2018) - Enhancing our Environment category - Winner (for NatureScot Peatland ACTION funded restoration project at Dryhope Farm led by Tweed Forum)
- Shetland Environmental Awards (2017) - Winner (for Scottish Water - Sustainable Land Management Team Peatland ACTION funded restoration work at Sandy Loch.
- RSPB’s Nature of Scotland Awards (2015) - Innovation Award Category - Winner (for NatureScot Peatland ACTION funded restoration project led by CNPA)