Peatland ACTION - What we have achieved
Peatland ACTION is a national programme to restore peatlands across Scotland.
It is led and funded by Scottish Government and delivered in partnership with NatureScot, Loch Lomond & the Trossachs National Park Authority, Cairngorms National Park Authority, Scottish Water, and Forestry and Land Scotland.
In April 2019 The Scottish Government lead the nation in declaring a global climate emergency. In recognition that peatland restoration offers a clear nature-based solution to both the climate crisis and biodiversity loss the Scottish Government announced, early the following year, a multi-annual investment in peatland restoration of more than £250 million up to 2030.
What have we achieved?
Since 2012 The Peatland ACTION Programme has set over 51,000 ha of degraded peatland on the road to recovery.
Awards - Peatland ACTION Programme
- RSPB's Nature of Scotland Awards (2023) - Landscape Restoration Award category - Highly Commended
- Holyrood Climate Award (2023) - Winners trophy for the Nature and Climate category.
- RSPB's Nature of Scotland Awards (2020) - Nature and Climate Action category - Finalist
- Chartered Institute of Ecology and Environmental Management (2016) - Best Practice - Large Scale Nature Conservation Award category - Winner
- Scottish Land and Estates' Helping it Happen Awards (2018) - Enhancing our Environment category - Winner (for NatureScot Peatland ACTION funded restoration project at Dryhope Farm led by Tweed Forum)
- Shetland Environmental Awards (2017) - Winner (for Scottish Water - Sustainable Land Management Team Peatland ACTION funded restoration work at Sandy Loch.
- RSPB’s Nature of Scotland Awards (2015) - Innovation Award Category - Winner (for NatureScot Peatland ACTION funded restoration project led by CNPA)